The Payum extension to purchase through Laybuy
To install, it's easiest to use composer:
composer require cognito/payum_laybuy
use Payum\Core\PayumBuilder;
use Payum\Core\GatewayFactoryInterface;
$defaultConfig = [];
$payum = (new PayumBuilder)
->addGatewayFactory('laybuy', function(array $config, GatewayFactoryInterface $coreGatewayFactory) {
return new \Cognito\PayumLaybuy\LaybuyGatewayFactory($config, $coreGatewayFactory);
->addGateway('laybuy', [
'factory' => 'laybuy',
'merchantId' => 'Your merchant Id',
'authenticationKey' => 'Your Authentication Key',
'sandbox' => true,
use Payum\Core\Request\Capture;
$storage = $payum->getStorage(\Payum\Core\Model\Payment::class);
$request = [
'invoice_id' => 100,
$payment = $storage->create();
$payment->setTotalAmount(100); // Total cents
$payment->setDescription(substr($description, 0, 45));
'local' => [
'merchant_reference' => 'MYREF',
'shopper' => [
'first_name' => '',
'last_name'] => '',
'email' => '',
'phone' => '',
'billing_address' => [
'line1' => '',
'line2' => '',
'city' => '',
'postal_code' => '',
'country' => '',
'order' => [
'shipping' => [
'address' => [
'line1' => '',
'line2' => '',
'city' => '',
'postal_code' => '',
'country' => '',
'items' => [
'name' => 'Product 1',
'amount' => 49.95,
'quantity' => 2,
'name' => 'Shipping',
'amount' => 9.95,
'quantity' => 1,
$storage->setInternalDetails($payment, $request);
$captureToken = $payum->getTokenFactory()->createCaptureToken('laybuy', $payment, 'done.php');
$url = $captureToken->getTargetUrl();
header("Location: " . $url);
/** @var \Payum\Core\Model\Token $token */
$token = $payum->getHttpRequestVerifier()->verify($request);
$gateway = $payum->getGateway($token->getGatewayName());
/** @var \Payum\Core\Storage\IdentityInterface $identity **/
$identity = $token->getDetails();
$model = $payum->getStorage($identity->getClass())->find($identity);
$gateway->execute($status = new GetHumanStatus($model));
/** @var \Payum\Core\Request\GetHumanStatus $status */
// using shortcut
if ($status->isNew() || $status->isCaptured() || $status->isAuthorized()) {
// success
} elseif ($status->isPending()) {
// most likely success, but you have to wait for a push notification.
} elseif ($status->isFailed() || $status->isCanceled()) {
// the payment has failed or user canceled it.
Payum Laybuy is released under the MIT License.