- Introduction to web-interface
- Running a single variant analysis
- Workflows and monitoring jobs
- Running aggregate tests (SKAT)
- Run batch jobs from the command line
- Writing your own Apps
Note that the job will finish instantaneously if you don’t change the output file name. It knows that you are running the exact same job and will just reuse results from previous analyses.
Log into http://dnanexus.com using the user name and password listed on the handout.
Should be in the form of Username:topmed_# and Password:Topmed_#.
Ignore warning about default billing account.
Navigate to and select (dcc:tools/genesis_v0.7)
File inputs:
- phenofile -> phenotype/1KG_pheno.csv
- genotypefile -> genotypes/1KG_phase3_subset_chr1.gds
- kinship -> kinship/1KG_kins.Rda
- Note: orange aggregation, annotation and genefile can be left empty
Parameter inputs:
- output folder: output/YOURFOLDERNAME
- outcome (Column name of the outcome variable): outcome
- covariates (case sepecific): Population,sex
- prefix for output filename: single_chr1
- test_type: Single
- pheno_id: sample.id
- Note: Other options can be left as their defaults, some are only used for aggreagate tests
Exercise 2) Run SKAT test grouping variants into gene transcript regions and limit the variants to those with a CADD phred score > 2 and MAF <= 5%.
Italic inputs below are the same as single variant; update the parameters & files to change to a SKAT test. Go to the monitor tab. Click on the Name of a job ( or someone’s ) that successfully completed the single variant analysis, then click “Launch as new Job” and modify the inputs.
File inputs:
- phenofile -> phenotype/1KG_pheno.csv
- genotypefile -> genotypes/1KG_phase3_subset_chr1.gds
- kinship -> kinship/1KG_kins.Rda
- annotation -> annotation/1KG_annotation_CHR1.txt
- genefile -> aggregation/AggUnit_CHR1_ucscgene.csv
Parameter inputs:
- outcome: outcome
- covariates: Population,sex
- pheno_id: sample.id
- output folder: output/YOURFOLDERNAME
- outputfilename: skat_chr1_geneBased_CADDgt2
- test_type: SKAT
- snp_filter: CADD_phred>2
- min_mac:0
- top_maf: 0.05
- weights: c(1,25)
- Command Line Interface Quickstart
- Index of dx commands
Replace topmed_## with the user ID from your handout
$ ssh topmed_##@ --timeout 2h
You will be prompted for your password, e.g. Topmed_## (Note capitolization)
_Please ignore login warnings
$ source /usr/local/dx-toolkit/environment
$ dx login
Enter the following at the prompts
username: topmed_##
password: Topmed_##
project:dcc ( type 0 to select dcc )
You can select or change project once you are logged in
$ dx select dcc
- File paths: <project>:/path/to/file.txt
- Example: dcc:/phenotypes/1KG_pheno.csv
List directory contents:
$ dx select dcc
$ dx ls
$ dx ls /tools
$ dx ls dcc:/tools
Get results from project
$ dx download dcc:/phenotype/1KG_pheno.csv
$ ls
$ head 1KG_pheno.csv
Open the single_multichrom.sh bash script and edit to replace the output directory “YOURNAME” to your folder
$ dx describe tools/genesis_v0.7
Either edit using nano
$ nano single_multichrom.sh
Run the App. Will loop over 2 chromosomes running the single variant analyses
$ ./single_multichrom.sh
Use app wizard to create template
$ dx-app-wizard
App Name: make_residuals
Title []: Create inverse normal transformed residuals
1st input name (<ENTER> to finish): phenofile
Label (optional human-readable name) []: CSV phenotype file
Choose a class (<TAB> twice for choices): file
This is an optional parameter [y/n]: n
2nd input name (<ENTER> to finish): model
Label (optional human-readable name) []: model for creating residuals (e.g. outcome~age+Population )
Choose a class (<TAB> twice for choices): string
This is an optional parameter [y/n]: n
3rd input name (<ENTER> to finish): prefix
Label (optional human-readable name) []: Output filename prefix
Choose a class (<TAB> twice for choices): string
This is an optional parameter [y/n]: n
4th input name (<ENTER> to finish): <ENTER>
1st output name (<ENTER> to finish): output
Label (optional human-readable name) []:
Choose a class (<TAB> twice for choices): file
Timeout policy [48h]: 1h
Programming language: bash
*Use defaults for other options*
Look at the files created by the wizard
cd make_residuals/
more dxapp.json
Edit App executable to run an R script
$ vi src/make_residuals.sh
main() {
echo "Value of phenofile: '$phenofile'"
echo "Value of model: '$model'"
echo "Value of prefix: '$prefix'"
dx download "$phenofile" -o phenofile
Rscript /make_resid.R $model
output=$(dx upload output --brief)
dx-jobutil-add-output output "$output" --class=file
dx mv ${output} ${prefix}.csv
Create an R script that does the 'work'
$ vi resources/make_resid.R
model <- as.formula(args[1])
pheno = read.csv("phenofile",as.is=T)
pheno$resid = residuals(lm(model,data=pheno))
pheno$invnt_resid = with(pheno,qnorm((rank(resid,na.last="keep")-0.5)/sum(!is.na(resid))))
Build the App
$ dx build -f make_residuals --destination=output/YOURNAME/make_residuals
Run the App
$ dx run output/YOURNAME/make_residuals -iphenofile=phenotype/1KG_pheno.csv \
-imodel=outcome~sex+Population -iprefix=1kg_pheno_invnt \
--destination=output/YOURNAME --yes
Monitor Progress
$ dx watch jobid
Make QQ plot of your single variant results.
Select results from the multiple chromosome run (chr21 and chr22).
You will need to identify the p-value column name. Use dx head to view column names, or dx download to download the results for viewing. Alternately, view through web interface using Visualize ( next to Monitor near top of the page ) and select Gzipped File Previewer
Run first through web interface then try running interactivly from the web interface then from the command line.
$ dx run tools/qqplot
note t