Practicing and Teaching Reproducibility and Replicability in the Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences
- Support
- Introductions:
- Name
- Institution
- Research or teaching project related to R&R
- Defining R&R
- Practicing R&R
- Teaching R&R
- Seminar Objectives
- Research Objectives
- State of the Research
- Findings from Reproductions
- Reproduce studies with Jupyter Notebook on CyberGISX
- Reproduction and Replication studies by Derrick Burt
- Reanalysis by Kufre Udoh
- Reprodution study with the Spring 2021 class and Summer 2021 research assistants
- Sciences
- Science under COVID-19
- How do we trust science?
- Spatial autocorrelation and heterogeneity
- Reproduction for credibility and scientific progress
- Literature highlights
- Highlights of R&R in geography
- Conditions for reproducibility
- Improving R&R
- Infrastructure
- Project-based learning
- Rethinking the learning goals
- Open Source GIScience curriculum
- Vision for R&R in geography
Discussion session I
- What are our individual and collective motivations for trying reproduction studies?
- Any failures, concerns, and misgiving?
- Challenges
- Git & GitHub version control
- GitHub features
- Tips, Tricks & Limitation
- Executable research compendium
- Repository template for HEGS research
- Use .gitignore and code to manage data
Discussion session II
- Are there any specific ways you want to integrate Git version control into your scholarship?
- Are there specific reasons that you wish you had already adopted Git in the past?
- Any concerns or misgivings?
- Reproduction study worked example
- Pre-analysis planning & registration
- OSF pre-analysis plan registration
- R&R pre-analysis plan
- Workflow diagram
- Activity
- SaTScan
- SaTScan input
- SaTScan analysis
- SaTScan advanced options
- Generalized Estimating Equations
Discussion session III
- Have we already learned more from researching its data sources and planning a workflow? What?
- Do you notice any errors or missing information? If you were peer reviewing this study or planning to reproduce it, what more would you want to know?
- Have you developed any concerns about the study?
Discussion session IV
- Does the “spatial is special” phrase apply to pre-analysis plan registration?
- Are there ways in which spatial data and spatial analysis require additional attention to detail and scrutiny if pre-analysis planning is to support enhanced replicability?
- GUI for R
- R Markdown computational notebook
- Reading R
- R Markdown practices
- Comparing GEE results
- Reproduction report
Discussion session V
- Was this reproduction an exact success? Approximate success? Failure?
- Why?
Discussion session VI
- Have we learned anything about Chakraborty’s study that we did not know based on the paper? What?
- Can you imagine ways in which the reproduction study could be replicated, reanalyzed, or extended?
Discussion session VII
- Are there specific ways you can imagine benefitting from R&R practices into your ongoing and future scholarly activity?
- Are there specific barriers to adopting R&R practices into your ongoing and future scholarly activity?
Discussion session VII
- If we can work out R&R in geography, can you envision ways in which geography could contribute to other sciences or to convergent / interdisciplinary research?
- Interest in trying a reproduction or replication project in a course you are teaching?