A sub-theme from Bartik:
- Adds sample CSS in all pages
- Random image functionality: field template, JS and preprocess_hook
A module with a helper service to handle language hierarchy.
Uses a sample API to display blog posts.
- Defines pages to view all posts(with pager), post detail page and configuration form.
- Defines a service to handle communicate to the API using Guzzle.
Creates a field formatter that displays a random image from a multi-value image field.
Synchronizes a text field's value to its children languages.
This module replaces the output of some entity bundles with the output from an external source.
- Select lender.
- Required fields for lender are added automatically. Required fields are hardcoded in the code.
- JS to submit data.
- Create permission "Allow required fields delete." and required functionality.
- Allow required fields configuration on a Lender entity or admin page.
- Creates a field type that allows an editor to reference a Webform ID and saves the referred Webform serialized config when saving field's entity.
- Autocomplete for form ID.
- Checkbox to specify if form should be "pushed" or not or some bulk way to "push" Webform config to all entities referencing it.