- Writer: DongYeon Woo
- Title: (cs231n) Lecture 5: convolutional Neural Networks
- Link: http://cs231n.stanford.edu/slides/2017/cs231n_2017_lecture5.pdf
- Keywords: ConvNets, Fully Connected Layer, Convolution Layer, Pooling Layer
ConvNets are used everywhere such as
- Classification
- Image Retrieval
- Detection
- Segmentation
- Pose recognition
- etc
ConvNet is a sequence of Convolution Layers and each filter produces an activation map.
Each layer features an image in hierarchal way.
- First layer extracts low-level features such as color and intensity.
- Second layer extracts mid-level features such as shape of objects.
- Third layer extracts high-level features such as parts of objects.
- Object classes generated after go through all layers.
Input: Stretch a 32 x 32 x 3 image to 3072 x 1 vector.
Weight: Size of number of classes which will be 10 x 3072 matrix.
Output: Output will be dot product of input and weight matrix which is 1 x 10.
10 neuron outputs will be generated.
- W: width, H: height, D: depth
- K: Number of filter
- F: Size of filter
- S: Stride
- P: Amount of padding
The size of the input preserved as original spatial structure W x H x D.
The filter slides over the original size of W x H x D image by computing dot products.
- Output size: (N - F)/S + 1 where N is size of input image.
※ The depth of the filter must be same as input depth.
i.e. 2D convolution) 5 x 5 input with 3 x 3 filter with stride = 1 -> 3 x 3 output
Padding makes the output to be same as input size by padding dummy on the border such as zeros.
- Output size: [(W - F + 2P)/S + 1] x [(H - F + 2P)/S + 1] x D
- Number of parameters: (F x F x D + 1) x K where 1 is bias
Purposes of padding
- To preserve spatial structure.
- To use data at corners.
i.e. Padding) 5 x 5 input with 3 x 3 filter with stride = 1 and Pad = 1 -> 5 x 5 output
- Spatial structure
- FC Layer ignores spatial structure by flattening all pixels in 1 dimension while Convolution Layer preserve the spatial structure with depth, stride, and padding.
- So, it has advantage of training objects like image data accurately.
- Parameter sharing
- Thus, the number of parameters in a conv layer reduced through parameter sharing from 105,415,600 to 34,944 in this example.
- The number of weight updates during backpropagation reduced by parameter sharing and therefore, the training time reduced.
Pooling layer downsamples the activation map.
Filter convolve the feature map and pooling representative value.
Therefore, spatial structure preserved and computational complexity reduced.