;;; data-gather-into-org.el --- Gather Mindwave Data into an org file
;; Copyright (C) 2012 Jonathan Arkell
;; Author: Jonathan Arkell <[email protected]>
;; Created: 16 June 2012
;; Keywords: comint mindwave
;; Version 0.1
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; Released under the GPL
(provide 'data-gather-into-org)
- v 0.1
- Split from main mindwave-emacs.org file
In this example, you can see how to use the base mindwave hooks to capture data into an org buffer. This actually is far more then a simple example, and is really a full working suite of tools that you can use to examine your neurological state.
However, I am not a neuroscientist, I am a computer programmer. If you happen to be a neuroscientist, psychologist or other scientist who can help out my process, I would LOVE to hear from you.
When you purchase a mindwave, it doesn’t actually come with any long-term data logging tools. There is an open source tool to show your brainwaves on a graph, but again it doesn’t provide logging.
I wanted something simple that would provide that for me.
This chunk of code here illustrates how to use mindwave-emacs. It will collect the eSense, eegPower and signal level into a table, that could theoretically be further processed into R, and then even plotted with various programs. I’ve provided some gnuplot code that will graph things pretty nicely.
data-gather works in 2 different modes. The first mode is continuous recording mode, and can be started wtih dg-mindwave/start-recording-session
. This will start the recording, and won’t stop it untill the command dg-mindwave/stop-recording-session
is issued.
The second mode is a little different. It is used for 45 second “calibration” sessions. The theory is that you start the session, with 15 seconds of throw away data, and then the subject is to spend the next 15 seconds relaxing, and then the final 15 seconds doing a particular task. This can be started with dg-mindwave/start-45-second-session
and stops automatically after the 45 seconds.
In both modes the concept of a “mark” applies. This shows when a particular stimulus is encountered. You can use dg-mindwave/generic-mark
to insert a mark called “mark”, or use dg-mindwave/mark
to prompt for the name of the mark. In their chase, once input, the mark will be inserted immediately.
This is an example of the output of a 45 second recording session. Notice the “relaxed” and “tester” marks.
time | signal | highGamma | lowGamma | highBeta | lowBeta | highAlpha | lowAlpha | theta | delta | meditation | attention | mark |
1340229522 | 0 | 6715 | 8839 | 7397 | 12358 | 9428 | 19939 | 21762 | 45012 | 83 | 40 | |
1340229523 | 0 | 5293 | 7680 | 21524 | 6436 | 7380 | 36453 | 31707 | 61168 | 83 | 61 | |
1340229524 | 0 | 2659 | 11910 | 8315 | 3606 | 4350 | 12728 | 6604 | 20185 | 78 | 69 | |
1340229525 | 0 | 42703 | 39375 | 36054 | 133924 | 211462 | 100667 | 576943 | 644892 | 53 | 74 | |
1340229526 | 0 | 13471 | 7929 | 14365 | 62578 | 20617 | 4383 | 256884 | 906958 | 44 | 51 | |
1340229527 | 0 | 2271 | 6518 | 6288 | 13430 | 28688 | 8927 | 90855 | 1118085 | 29 | 44 | |
1340229528 | 0 | 4299 | 5690 | 6973 | 7985 | 8977 | 15999 | 69443 | 114812 | 14 | 34 | |
1340229529 | 0 | 2968 | 6811 | 6179 | 8471 | 8756 | 4000 | 55889 | 74533 | 21 | 24 | |
1340229530 | 0 | 1704 | 6543 | 9922 | 2012 | 1750 | 23099 | 14680 | 90702 | 35 | 50 | |
1340229531 | 0 | 2809 | 2879 | 6017 | 15968 | 7552 | 9412 | 5696 | 71379 | 50 | 56 | |
1340229532 | 0 | 7705 | 6187 | 7244 | 16578 | 31379 | 12079 | 148379 | 60969 | 44 | 54 | |
1340229533 | 0 | 5949 | 8210 | 8594 | 6521 | 13802 | 30518 | 39344 | 25372 | 47 | 69 | |
1340229534 | 0 | 7649 | 4027 | 9078 | 5012 | 4273 | 18162 | 22758 | 38168 | 43 | 63 | |
1340229535 | 0 | 1678 | 2017 | 3799 | 6433 | 3366 | 4245 | 29764 | 5899 | 35 | 51 | |
1340229536 | 0 | 1189 | 6646 | 3084 | 3522 | 4005 | 6985 | 14239 | 82198 | 44 | 57 | |
1340229537 | 0 | 2112 | 9706 | 33960 | 14244 | 26535 | 16577 | 23013 | 21533 | 60 | 56 | |
1340229538 | 0 | 1905 | 1391 | 8818 | 6341 | 13640 | 4823 | 22706 | 12155 | 60 | 54 | relaxed |
1340229539 | 0 | 1894 | 8464 | 9669 | 4472 | 5817 | 10351 | 12945 | 2834 | 70 | 66 | |
1340229540 | 0 | 1597 | 3099 | 21082 | 1943 | 8788 | 8036 | 30336 | 6669 | 81 | 61 | |
1340229541 | 0 | 1861 | 5657 | 13161 | 5321 | 12381 | 2265 | 15898 | 11400 | 81 | 57 | |
1340229542 | 0 | 1538 | 1899 | 6201 | 5171 | 3724 | 6658 | 1750 | 6385 | 90 | 63 | |
1340229543 | 0 | 1692 | 3044 | 5080 | 5368 | 5631 | 1747 | 7145 | 3333 | 90 | 60 | |
1340229544 | 0 | 2217 | 3062 | 4332 | 6559 | 3085 | 7375 | 21089 | 19816 | 78 | 60 | |
1340229546 | 0 | 2564 | 2950 | 3733 | 7312 | 5809 | 18199 | 5943 | 10327 | 57 | 61 | |
1340229547 | 0 | 2400 | 5140 | 5839 | 7216 | 8070 | 6510 | 13131 | 2961 | 53 | 64 | |
1340229548 | 0 | 1836 | 1461 | 10593 | 1334 | 21543 | 5324 | 43509 | 71069 | 53 | 69 | |
1340229549 | 0 | 2358 | 3557 | 4657 | 4135 | 1947 | 3002 | 8021 | 1432 | 57 | 67 | |
1340229550 | 0 | 1662 | 1694 | 3111 | 3296 | 2404 | 7591 | 5451 | 6358 | 63 | 63 | |
1340229551 | 0 | 935 | 3135 | 8643 | 5870 | 6242 | 2730 | 6181 | 1459 | 70 | 60 | |
1340229552 | 0 | 1835 | 3510 | 4576 | 7218 | 2036 | 2749 | 4368 | 7480 | 81 | 54 | |
1340229553 | 0 | 1021 | 3251 | 5087 | 5483 | 2280 | 6480 | 11058 | 16476 | 78 | 57 | tester |
1340229554 | 0 | 2565 | 1468 | 10513 | 12150 | 21771 | 16130 | 21917 | 17520 | 78 | 60 | |
1340229555 | 0 | 5049 | 2925 | 14554 | 9252 | 8270 | 2454 | 74591 | 5747 | 66 | 44 | |
1340229556 | 0 | 2296 | 2791 | 2779 | 2551 | 1375 | 2614 | 29351 | 40429 | 50 | 37 | |
1340229557 | 0 | 2762 | 2659 | 6519 | 7152 | 4360 | 10126 | 3559 | 5185 | 53 | 43 | |
1340229558 | 0 | 2613 | 1409 | 4049 | 2419 | 4784 | 3381 | 4948 | 10097 | 57 | 40 | |
1340229559 | 0 | 438 | 1616 | 1297 | 4130 | 2317 | 6057 | 12810 | 184162 | 50 | 56 | |
1340229560 | 0 | 1976 | 2660 | 7300 | 5489 | 5101 | 3020 | 10564 | 13617 | 64 | 67 | |
1340229561 | 0 | 3559 | 4133 | 6696 | 5934 | 2822 | 23207 | 8103 | 15320 | 57 | 70 | |
1340229562 | 0 | 812 | 3373 | 3133 | 7703 | 17726 | 6897 | 54966 | 143420 | 40 | 64 | |
1340229563 | 0 | 6667 | 6829 | 10165 | 25519 | 24609 | 85072 | 240138 | 198194 | 34 | 61 | |
1340229564 | 0 | 2952 | 8474 | 20454 | 8014 | 8553 | 32825 | 154300 | 936155 | 20 | 57 | |
1340229565 | 0 | 3875 | 3082 | 9643 | 5095 | 6947 | 5616 | 24947 | 59565 | 23 | 44 | |
1340229566 | 0 | 6780 | 8592 | 9355 | 1226 | 27212 | 6227 | 18259 | 70961 | 37 | 56 | |
1340229567 | 0 | 5022 | 5286 | 8248 | 11726 | 21470 | 15820 | 25245 | 41331 | 51 | 63 |
set terminal png size 1024,800
set multiplot layout 7,1
unset title
set tmargin 0
set bmargin 0
set lmargin 8
set rmargin 2
set grid
set xtics format ""
set ylabel "EEG"
set ytics
set yrange [0 to 2000000]
plot data u 1:10 w lines title 'D' axis x1y1 lt rgb '#0000cc'
plot data u 1:9 w lines title 'T' axis x1y1 lt rgb '#0000ff'
set yrange [0 to 100000]
plot data u 1:8 w lines title '+A' lt rgb '#00ffff', data u 1:7 with lines title '-A' lt rgb '#0088ff'
plot data u 1:6 w lines title '+B' lt rgb '#00aa00', data u 1:5 with lines title '-B' lt rgb '#00ff00'
plot data u 1:4 w lines title '+G' lt rgb '#ff0000', data u 1:3 with lines title '-G' lt rgb '#ffaa00'
set xlabel "Time"
set yrange [0 to 100]
plot data u 1:11 lt rgb '#00cccc' w lines title 'eM' axis x1y1, \
data u 1:12 lt rgb '#ffcc00' w lines title 'eA' axis x1y1
unset multiplot
Note, that the code assumes that you want everything put in a buffer called Brain.org
(require 'mindwave-emacs)
(defvar dg-mindwave/org-buffer "Brain.org")
The basic concept of this data gathering scheme is the concept of ‘marks’. During the examination of brainwaves, there may be external or internal stimulus that trigger a sensation which may (or may not) trigger a change in brainwave state. that brainwave state should then be stored on the table for later analysis.
Right now a very simple interface is defined and provided. One can either insert a generic “mark” into the table, and insert a prompted for mark. A little later we will create a buffer that takes alpha characters as marks.
- dg-mindwave/generic-mark
- Inserts a generic mark called “mark”.
- dg-mindwave/mark
- Prompt for a mark name, and mark it with that mark.
Note, that the act of prompting for a mark name already skews the results, right?
(defvar dg-mindwave/mark nil)
(defun dg-mindwave/generic-mark ()
"Used to generically mark a section of the table"
(dg-mindwave/mark "mark"))
(defun dg-mindwave/mark (mark)
"Set a mark on the section of a table"
(interactive "sMark: ")
(setq dg-mindwave/mark mark))
Right now the current mark implementation is clunky at best. In my ideal work I would like to have a way to receive these mark inputs from the mindwave wearer in as unobtrusive a way as possible.
This is where the magic happens. A hook is set up to read the various values from the mindwave output, and then write them into an org-mode table.
(defun dg-mindwave/if-assoc (key lst)
(if (assoc key lst)
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc key lst)))
" "))
(defun dg-mindwave/get-in (lst key keylist)
(let ((innerList (assoc key lst)))
(mapconcat '(lambda (el)
(if (and innerList
(assoc el innerList))
(number-to-string (cdr (assoc el innerList)))
" | ")))
(defun dg-mindwave/collect-and-write (out)
"Hook function to gather and write data to the table."
(when (and (assoc 'eSense out)
(assoc 'eegPower out))
(let ((string-write (concat "| "
(format-time-string "%s")
" | "
(dg-mindwave/if-assoc 'poorSignalLevel out)
" | "
(dg-mindwave/get-in out 'eegPower '(highGamma lowGamma highBeta lowBeta highAlpha lowAlpha theta delta))
" | "
(dg-mindwave/get-in out 'eSense '(attention meditation))
" | "
(when dg-mindwave/mark
(let ((m dg-mindwave/mark))
(setq dg-mindwave/mark)
" | "
(with-current-buffer dg-mindwave/org-buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert string-write)))))
(defun dg-mindwave/start-recording-session (name)
"Sets up an entirely new mindwave session for recording."
(interactive "sMindwave Session Name: ")
(with-current-buffer dg-mindwave/org-buffer
(goto-char (point-max))
(insert "\n\n")
(insert "*** ")
(insert (current-time-string))
(insert " ")
(insert name)
(insert "\n")
(insert "#+TBLNAME: ")
(insert name)
(insert "\n")
(insert "|------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------+---------+------------+-----------+------|\n")
(insert "| time | signal | highGamma | lowGamma | highBeta | lowBeta | highAlpha | lowAlpha | theta | delta | meditation | attention | mark |\n")
(insert "|------------+--------+-----------+----------+----------+---------+-----------+----------+--------+---------+------------+-----------+------|\n"))
(when (not (member 'dg-mindwave/collect-and-write 'mindwave-hook))
(add-hook 'mindwave-hook 'dg-mindwave/collect-and-write)))
(defun dg-mindwave/stop-recording-session ()
"Stops a recording session"
(remove-hook 'mindwave-hook 'dg-mindwave/collect-and-write))
In my simple explorations, I found it handy to have a secondary table generated from the first that shows various simple statistical qualities.
Again, I am not a scientist, but I do find these result tables to be fairly informative. If you have any ideas on how to make them better, let me know.
Note, that for now the code formatting, especially of the org-mode calc table is kinda yucky and could be better.
#+name dg-results-table
(defun dg-mindwave/make-results-table (name)
"Generate a results table for a mindwave session"
(interactive "sMindwave Session Name: ")
(insert "\n")
(insert "#+TBLNAME: ")
(insert name)
(insert "_results")
(insert "\n")
(insert " | | signal | highGamma | lowGamma | highBeta | lowBeta | highAlpha | lowAlpha | theta | delta | meditation | attention |") (insert "\n")
(insert " |---------+-------------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+------------+-----------|") (insert "\n")
(insert " | vmean | | | | | | | | | | | |") (insert "\n")
(insert " | vmedian | | | | | | | | | | | |") (insert "\n")
(insert " | vmax | | | | | | | | | | | |") (insert "\n")
(insert " | vmin | | | | | | | | | | | |") (insert "\n")
(insert " | vsdev | | | | | | | | | | | |") (insert "\n")
(insert (concat " #+TBLFM: @2$2=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$2..@III$2))::@3$2=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$2..@III$2))::@4$2=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$2..@III$2))::@5$2=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$2..@III$2))::@6$2=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$2..@III$2))::@2$3=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$3..@III$3))::@3$3=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$3..@III$3))::@4$3=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$3..@III$3))::@5$3=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$3..@III$3))::@6$3=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$3..@III$3))::@2$4=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$4..@III$4))::@3$4=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$4..@III$4))::@4$4=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$4..@III$4))::@5$4=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$4..@III$4))::@6$4=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$4..@III$4))::@2$5=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$5..@III$5))::@3$5=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$5..@III$5))::@4$5=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$5..@III$5))::@5$5=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$5..@III$5))::@6$5=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$5..@III$5))::@2$6=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$6..@III$6))::@3$6=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$6..@III$6))::@4$6=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$6..@III$6))::@5$6=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$6..@III$6))::@6$6=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$6..@III$6))::@2$7=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$7..@III$7))::@3$7=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$7..@III$7))::@4$7=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$7..@III$7))::@5$7=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$7..@III$7))::@6$7=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$7..@III$7))::@2$8=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$8..@III$8))::@3$8=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$8..@III$8))::@4$8=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$8..@III$8))::@5$8=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$8..@III$8))::@6$8=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$8..@III$8))::@2$9=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$9..@III$9))::@3$9=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$9..@III$9))::@4$9=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$9..@III$9))::@5$9=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$9..@III$9))::@6$9=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$9..@III$9))::@2$10=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$10..@III$10))::@3$10=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$10..@III$10))::@4$10=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$10..@III$10))::@5$10=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$10..@III$10))::@6$10=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$10..@III$10))::@2$11=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$11..@III$11))::@3$11=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$11..@III$11))::@4$11=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$11..@III$11))::@5$11=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$11..@III$11))::@6$11=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$11..@III$11))::@2$12=vmean(remote(" name ",@II$12..@III$12))::@3$12=vmedian(remote(" name ",@II$12..@III$12))::@4$12=vmax(remote(" name ",@II$12..@III$12))::@5$12=vmin(remote(" name ",@II$12..@III$12))::@6$12=vsdev(remote(" name ",@II$12..@III$12))")))
signal | highGamma | lowGamma | highBeta | lowBeta | highAlpha | lowAlpha | theta | delta | meditation | attention | |
vmean | 0.061611374 | 12192.720 | 15232.820 | 19399.642 | 15180.616 | 17033.287 | 22201.699 | 76134.531 | 270353.25 | 53.241706 | 53.424171 |
vmedian | 0 | 8132.5 | 10014 | 14247.5 | 9695.5 | 8411.5 | 9076.5 | 23773.5 | 62936 | 54 | 56 |
vmax | 26 | 86970 | 152111 | 192200 | 260706 | 363667 | 799014 | 820033 | 2920134 | 100 | 100 |
vmin | 0 | 303 | 378 | 638 | 342 | 436 | 311 | 2025 | 300 | 0 | 0 |
vsdev | 1.2656602 | 12190.021 | 15797.156 | 17531.918 | 20699.664 | 29733.997 | 51731.083 | 124792.48 | 449634.67 | 22.641340 | 17.949459 |
The mark window is a very simple mark interface. It will allow you to use the lower case letters a through z to insert that letter as a mark, which can be used as a mnemonic for various situations.
Right now the buffer is just blank, but I will be working on improving it in the future.
#+name dg-mark-window
(defun dg-mindwave/create-input-buffer ()
"Create an input buffer so that marks can be handled"
(pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*mindwave-input*") )
(local-set-key " " 'dg-mindwave/generic-mark)
(local-set-key "a" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "a")))
(local-set-key "b" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "b")))
(local-set-key "c" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "c")))
(local-set-key "d" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "d")))
(local-set-key "e" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "e")))
(local-set-key "f" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "f")))
(local-set-key "g" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "g")))
(local-set-key "h" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "h")))
(local-set-key "i" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "i")))
(local-set-key "j" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "j")))
(local-set-key "k" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "k")))
(local-set-key "l" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "l")))
(local-set-key "m" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "m")))
(local-set-key "n" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "n")))
(local-set-key "o" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "o")))
(local-set-key "p" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "p")))
(local-set-key "q" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "q")))
(local-set-key "r" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "r")))
(local-set-key "s" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "s")))
(local-set-key "t" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "t")))
(local-set-key "u" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "u")))
(local-set-key "v" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "v")))
(local-set-key "w" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "w")))
(local-set-key "x" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "x")))
(local-set-key "y" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "y")))
(local-set-key "z" '(lambda () (interactive) (dg-mindwave/mark "z"))))
Timed recordings are for micro-experimentation of your EEG. The idea is that you record EEG activity in 15 second chunks, which each chunk being a different activity.
- a ‘whatever chunk’, and is basically 15 seconds of “whatever is going on right now”.
- a 15 second chunk of eyes closed and relaxing
- a 15 second chunk of experimentation or calibration, for instance:
- eyes closed and relaxing
- eyes opened and relaxing
- eyes closed and breathing deeply
- eyes open and doing complicated math problems.
This can be used for self experimentation. At the 15 second mark, Emacs will beep at you and tell you to close your eyes. At the 30 second mark, it will beep at you and insert the name of the session as a mark. finally, it will beep at the 45 second mark and stop the recording session.
(defun dg-mindwave/start-45-second-session (name)
"Start a 45 second session with appropriate marks. NAME should be a simple name."
(interactive "s45 Second Session Name:")
(dg-mindwave/start-recording-session name)
(run-at-time 15 nil '(lambda ()
(message "Close your Eyes and Relax")
(beep 1)
(dg-mindwave/mark "relaxed")))
(run-at-time 30 nil `(lambda ()
(message ,name)
(beep 1)
(dg-mindwave/mark ,name)))
(run-at-time 45 nil '(lambda ()
(beep 1)
(message "stop")