I ❤️ contributions! This project is built on, and for, open source. If you would like to contribute, please read this document.
Report issues and bugs to the GitHub issue tracker for this project. I don't have requirements for what must go in an issue, I trust use your judgement. At a minimum, please include as much information as is required for me to reproduce the issue, and copy and paste the output of:
$ bazel run //tools:whoami
If you can't use bazel, run the script directly and report its output:
$ ./tools/whoami.sh
If you find a bug, by far the best way to report it is to write a test which exposes the issue and submit it as a PR. If you can do this, continue reading.
This project is academic research code. Generally in academia, this means code written to a poor standard and provided without tests or documentation. I don't like this attitude. I am far from a perfect software engineer, but I strive to write clean and maintainable code, and I am always learning. When writing new code, use the existing sources as a lower bound on the quality you should be aiming for. Specifically:
Please, please, test new code.
To paraphrase Kanye West, "one good test is worth a thousand patches". Use bazel's excellent testing infrastructure to run the existing tests, and the new ones that you write (see INSTALL.md for instructions). Although bazel caches test results and will perform only the minimum amount of testing on incremental builds, this is a large project with a lot of tests, you may not want to run all of them as many will not be relevant to what you are working on. Use the CI script provided by bazel to run the tests on only those targets which have been modified on your current branch:
$ ./third_party/bazel/ci.sh
I have strong opinions about code formatting. Not in the specifics of how to ident a certain block or where to put the parenthesis around a statement, but rather that code formatting should be automated to cognitively offload the developer to focus on more important things.
I wrote a tool, format, which provides
automatic code formatters for most of the programming languages used in this
project. All checked code must pass through the formatters without modification.
Build and install the format
binary into ~/.local/bin
$ ./tools/format/install.sh
To run the formatter on a specific file, use:
$ format <path...>
However, remembering to run a formatter every time you make an edit is a fool's game. Instead, install the provided pre-commit hook to ensure that you never miss a run:
$ format --install_pre_commit_hook
After installing the pre-commit hook, your commit messages will get a nice shiny "Signed off by" footer. Please make sure you have this before submitting a Pull Request.