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1357 lines (1058 loc) · 39.2 KB

File metadata and controls

1357 lines (1058 loc) · 39.2 KB
copyright lastupdated

{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre}

Code examples

{: #code_examples}


{: #cordova }

Initialize and open connections, get an Accessor, and add data

{: #initialize-and-open-connections-get-an-accessor-and-add-data }

var collectionName = 'people';

// Object that defines all the collections.
var collections = {

  // Object that defines the 'people' collection.
  people : {

    // Object that defines the Search Fields for the 'people' collection.
    searchFields : {name: 'string', age: 'integer'}

// Optional options object.
var options = {

  // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.
  username : 'carlos',

  // Optional password, default no password.
  password : '123',

  // Optional local key generation flag, default false.
  localKeyGen : false

WL.JSONStore.init(collections, options)

.then(function () {

  // Data to add, you probably want to get
  // this data from a network call (e.g. Adapter).
  var data = [{name: 'carlos', age: 10}];

  // Optional options for add.
  var addOptions = {

    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
    markDirty: true

  // Get an accessor to the people collection and add data.
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data, addOptions);

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsAdded) {
  // Add was successful.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
   // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).

{: codeblock}

Find - locate documents inside the Store

{: #find-locate-documents-inside-the-store }

var collectionName = 'people';

// Find all documents that match the queries.
var queryPart1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart()
                   .equal('name', 'carlos')
                   .lessOrEqualThan('age', 10)

var options = {
  // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
  limit: 10,

  // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.
  offset: 0,

  // Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].
  filter: ['_id', 'json'],

  // How to sort the returned values, default no sort.
  sort: [{name: WL.constant.ASCENDING}, {age: WL.constant.DESCENDING}]


// Alternatives:
// - findById(1, options) which locates documents by their _id field
// - findAll(options) which returns all documents
// - find({'name': 'carlos', age: 10}, options) which finds all documents
// that match the query.
.advancedFind([queryPart1], options)

.then(function (arrayResults) {
  // arrayResults = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlos', age: 99}}]

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Replace - change the documents that are already stored inside a Collection

var collectionName = 'people';

// Documents will be located with their '_id' field
// and replaced with the data in the 'json' field.
var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}}];

var options = {

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  markDirty: true


.replace(docs, options)

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsReplaced) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Remove - delete all documents that match the query

{: #remove-delete-all-documents-that-match-the-query }

var collectionName = 'people';

// Remove all documents that match the queries.
var queries = [{_id: 1}];

var options = {

  // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
  exact: true,

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  markDirty: true


.remove(queries, options)

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsRemoved) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Count - gets the total number of documents that match a query

{: #count-gets-the-total-number-of-documents-that-match-a-query }

var collectionName = 'people';

// Count all documents that match the query.
// The default query is '{}' which will
// count every document in the collection.
var query = {name: 'carlos'};
var options = {

  // Exact match (true) or fuzzy search (false), default fuzzy search.
  exact: true


.count(query, options)

.then(function (numberOfDocumentsThatMatchedTheQuery) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Destroy - wipes data for all users, destroys the internal storage, and clears security artifacts

{: #destroy-wipes-data-for-all-users-destroys-the-internal-storage-and-clears-security-artifacts }


.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Security - close access to all opened Collections for the current user

{: #security-close-access-to-all-opened-collections-for-the-current-user }


.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Security - change the password that is used to access a Store

{: #security-change-the-password-that-is-used-to-access-a-store }

// The password should be user input.
// It is hard-coded in the example for brevity.
var oldPassword = '123';
var newPassword = '456';

var clearPasswords = function () {
  oldPassword = null;
  newPassword = null;

// Default username if none is passed is: 'jsonstore'.
var username = 'carlos';

WL.JSONStore.changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, username)

.then(function () {

  // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.

  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {

  // Make sure you do not leave the password(s) in memory.

  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Push - get all documents that are marked as dirty, send them to an adapter, and mark them clean

{: #push-get-all-documents-that-are-marked-as-dirty-send-them-to-an-adapter-and-mark-them-clean }

var collectionName = 'people';
var dirtyDocs;



.then(function (arrayOfDirtyDocuments) {
  // Handle getAllDirty success.

  dirtyDocs = arrayOfDirtyDocuments;

  var procedure = 'procedure-name-1';
  var adapter = 'adapter-name';

  var resource = new WLResourceRequest("adapters/" + adapter + "/" + procedure, WLResourceRequest.GET);
  resource.setQueryParameter('params', [dirtyDocs]);
  return resource.send();

.then(function (responseFromAdapter) {
  // Handle invokeProcedure success.

  // You may want to check the response from the adapter
  // and decide whether or not to mark documents as clean.
  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).markClean(dirtyDocs);

.then(function () {
  // Handle markClean success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Pull - get new data from an adapter

{: #pull-get-new-data-from-an-adapter }

var collectionName = 'people';

var adapter = 'adapter-name';
var procedure = 'procedure-name-2';

var resource = new WLResourceRequest("adapters/" + adapter + "/" + procedure, WLResourceRequest.GET);


.then(function (responseFromAdapter) {
  // Handle invokeProcedure success.

  // The following example assumes that the adapter returns an arrayOfData,
  // (which is not returned by default),
  // as part of the invocationResult object,
  // with the data that you want to add to the collection.
  var data = responseFromAdapter.responseJSON

  // Example:
  // data = [{id: 1, ssn: '111-22-3333', name: 'carlos'}];

  var changeOptions = {

    // The following example assumes that 'id' and 'ssn' are search fields,
    // default will use all search fields
    // and are part of the data that is received.
    replaceCriteria : ['id', 'ssn'],

    // Data that does not exist in the Collection will be added, default false.
    addNew : true,

    // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default false.
    markDirty : false

  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).change(data, changeOptions);

.then(function () {
  // Handle change success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Check whether a document is dirty

{: #check-whether-a-document-is-dirty }

var collectionName = 'people';
var doc = {_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}};



.then(function (isDocumentDirty) {
  // Handle success.

  // isDocumentDirty - true if dirty, false otherwise.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Check the number of dirty documents

{: #check-the-number-of-dirty-documents }

var collectionName = 'people';



.then(function (numberOfDirtyDocuments) {
  // Handle success.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

Remove a Collection

{: #remove-a-collection }

var collectionName = 'people';



.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

  // Note: You must call the 'init' API to re-use the empty collection.
  // See the 'clear' API if you just want to remove all data that is inside.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Clear all data that is inside a Collection

{: #clear-all-data-that-is-inside-a-collection }

var collectionName = 'people';



.then(function () {
  // Handle success.

  // Note: You might want to use the 'removeCollection' API
  // instead if you want to change the search fields.

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Start a transaction, add some data, remove a document, commit the transaction and roll back the transaction if there's a failure

{: transaction }


.then(function () {
  // Handle startTransaction success.
  // You can call every JSONStore API method except:
  // init, destroy, removeCollection, and closeAll.

  var data = [{name: 'carlos'}];

  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).add(data);

.then(function () {

  var docs = [{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlos'}}];

  return WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).remove(docs);

.then(function () {

  return WL.JSONStore.commitTransaction();

.fail(function (errorObject) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operation.
  //(startTransaction, add, remove).


  .then(function () {
    // Handle rollback success.

  .fail(function () {
    // Handle rollback failure.


{: codeblock}

Get file information

{: #get-file-information }

.then(function (res) {
  //res => [{isEncrypted : true, name : carlos, size : 3072}]

  .fail(function () {
  // Handle failure.

{: codeblock}

Search with like, rightLike, and leftLike

{: #search-with-like-rightlike-and-leftlike }

// Match all records that contain the search string on both sides.
// %searchString%
var arr1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().like('name', 'ca');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}
var arr2 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().like('name', 'los');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}

// Match all records that contain the search string on the left side and anything on the right side.
// searchString%
var arr1 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().rightLike('name', 'ca');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}
var arr2 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().rightLike('name', 'los');  // returns nothing

// Match all records that contain the search string on the right side and anything on the left side.
// %searchString
var arr = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().leftLike('name', 'ca');  // returns nothing
var arr2 = WL.JSONStore.QueryPart().leftLike('name', 'los');  // returns {name: 'carlos', age: 10}

{: codeblock}


{: #ios }

Initialize and open connections, get an Accessor, and add data

{: #ios-initialize-and-open-connections-get-an-accessor-and-add-data }

// Create the collections object that will be initialized.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStoreCollection alloc] initWithName:@"people"];
[people setSearchField:@"name" withType:JSONStore_String];
[people setSearchField:@"age" withType:JSONStore_Integer];

// Optional options object.
JSONStoreOpenOptions* options = [JSONStoreOpenOptions new];
[options setUsername:@"carlos"]; //Optional username, default 'jsonstore'
[options setPassword:@"123"]; //Optional password, default no password

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Open the collections.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] openCollections:@[people] withOptions:options error:&error];

// Add data to the collection
NSArray* data = @[ @{@"name" : @"carlos", @"age": @10} ];
int newDocsAdded = [[people addData:data andMarkDirty:YES withOptions:nil error:&error] intValue];
Initialize with a secure random token from the server
[WLSecurityUtils getRandomStringFromServerWithBytes:32
                 completionHandler:^(NSURLResponse *response,
                                     NSData *data,
                                     NSError *connectionError) {

  // You might want to see the response and the connection error
  // before moving forward.

  // Get the secure random string by using the data that is
  // returned from the generator on the server.
  NSString* secureRandom = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

  JSONStoreCollection* ppl = [[JSONStoreCollection alloc] initWithName:@"people"];
  [ppl setSearchField:@"name" withType:JSONStore_String];
  [ppl setSearchField:@"age" withType:JSONStore_Integer];

  // Optional options object.
  JSONStoreOptions* options = [JSONStoreOptions new];
  [options setUsername:@"carlos"]; //Optional username, default 'jsonstore'
  [options setPassword:@"123"]; //Optional password, default no password
  [options setSecureRandom:secureRandom]; //Optional, default one will be generated locally

  // This points to an error if one occurs.
  NSError* error = nil;

  [[JSONStore sharedInstance] openCollections:@[ppl] withOptions:options error:&error];

  // Other JSONStore operations (e.g. add, remove, replace, etc.) go here.

{: codeblock}

Find - locate documents inside the Store

{: #ios-find-locate-documents-inside-the-store }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Add additional find options (optional).
JSONStoreQueryOptions* options = [JSONStoreQueryOptions new];
[options setLimit:@10]; // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
[options setOffset:@0]; // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.

// Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].
[options filterSearchField:@"_id"];
[options filterSearchField:@"json"];

// How to sort the returned values , default no sort.
[options sortBySearchFieldAscending:@"name"];
[options sortBySearchFieldDescending:@"age"];

// Find all documents that match the query part.
JSONStoreQueryPart* queryPart1 = [[JSONStoreQueryPart alloc] init];
[queryPart1 searchField:@"name" equal:@"carlos"];
[queryPart1 searchField:@"age" lessOrEqualThan:@10];

NSArray* results = [people findWithQueryParts:@[queryPart1] andOptions:options error:&error];

// results = @[ @{@"_id" : @1, @"json" : @{ @"name": @"carlos", @"age" : @10}} ];

for (NSDictionary* result in results) {

  NSString* name = [result valueForKeyPath:@""]; // carlos.
  int age = [[result valueForKeyPath:@"json.age"] intValue]; // 10
  NSLog(@"Name: %@, Age: %d", name, age);

{: codeblock}

Replace - change the documents that are already stored inside a Collection

{: #ios-replace-change-the-documents-that-are-already-stored-inside-a-collection }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// Find all documents that match the queries.
NSArray* docs = @[ @{@"_id" : @1, @"json" : @{ @"name": @"carlitos", @"age" : @99}} ];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Perform the replacement.
int docsReplaced = [[people replaceDocuments:docs andMarkDirty:NO error:&error] intValue];

{: codeblock}

Remove - delete all documents that match the query

{: #ios-remove-delete-all-documents-that-match-the-query }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Find document with _id equal to 1 and remove it.
int docsRemoved = [[people removeWithIds:@[@1] andMarkDirty:NO error:&error] intValue];

{: codeblock}

Count - gets the total number of documents that match a query

{: #ios-count-gets-the-total-number-of-documents-that-match-a-query }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// Count all documents that match the query.
// The default query is @{} which will
// count every document in the collection.
JSONStoreQueryPart *queryPart = [[JSONStoreQueryPart alloc] init];
[queryPart searchField:@"name" equal:@"carlos"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Perform the count.
int countResult = [[people countWithQueryParts:@[queryPart] error:&error] intValue];

{: codeblock}

Destroy - wipes data for all users, destroys the internal storage, and clears security artifacts

{: #ios-destroy-wipes-data-for-all-users-destroys-the-internal-storage-and-clears-security-artifacts }

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Perform the destroy.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] destroyDataAndReturnError:&error];

{: codeblock}

Security - close access to all opened Collections for the current user

{: #ios-security-close-access-to-all-opened-collections-for-the-current-user }

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Close access to all collections in the store.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] closeAllCollectionsAndReturnError:&error];

{: codeblock}

Security - change the password that is used to access a Store

{: #ios-security-change-the-password-that-is-used-to-access-a-store }

// The password should be user input.
// It is hardcoded in the example for brevity.
NSString* oldPassword = @"123";
NSString* newPassword = @"456";
NSString* username = @"carlos";

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Perform the change password operation.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] changeCurrentPassword:oldPassword withNewPassword:newPassword forUsername:username error:&error];

// Remove the passwords from memory.
oldPassword = nil;
newPassword = nil;

{: codeblock}

Push - get all documents that are marked as dirty, send them to an adapter, and mark them clean

{: #ios-push-get-all-documents-that-are-marked-as-dirty-send-them-to-an-adapter-and-mark-them-clean }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs
NSError* error = nil;

// Return all documents marked dirty
NSArray* dirtyDocs = [people allDirtyAndReturnError:&error];

// ACTION REQUIRED: Handle the dirty documents here
// (e.g. send them to an adapter).

// Mark dirty documents as clean
int numCleaned = [[people markDocumentsClean:dirtyDocs error:&error] intValue];

{: codeblock}

Pull - get new data from an adapter

{: #ios-pull-get-new-data-from-an-adapter }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// ACTION REQUIRED: Get data (e.g. Adapter).
// For this example, it is hardcoded.
NSArray* data = @[ @{@"id" : @1, @"ssn": @"111-22-3333", @"name": @"carlos"} ];

int numChanged = [[people changeData:data withReplaceCriteria:@[@"id", @"ssn"] addNew:YES markDirty:NO error:&error] intValue];

{: codeblock}

Check whether a document is dirty

{: #ios-check-whether-a-document-is-dirty }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Check if document with _id '1' is dirty.
BOOL isDirtyResult = [people isDirtyWithDocumentId:1 error:&error];

{: codeblock}

Check the number of dirty documents

{: #ios-check-the-number-of-dirty-documents }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Check if document with _id '1' is dirty.
int dirtyDocsCount = [[people countAllDirtyDocumentsWithError:&error] intValue];

{: codeblock}

Remove a Collection

{: #ios-remove-a-collection }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Remove the collection.
[people removeCollectionWithError:&error];

{: codeblock}

Clear all data that is inside a Collection

{: #ios-clear-all-data-that-is-inside-a-collection }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// This object will point to an error if one occurs.
NSError* error = nil;

// Remove the collection.
[people clearCollectionWithError:&error];

{: codeblock}

Start a transaction, add some data, remove a document, commit the transaction and roll back the transaction if there's a failure

{: #ios-transaction }

// Get the accessor to an already initialized collection.
JSONStoreCollection* people = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] getCollectionWithName:@"people"];

// These objects will point to errors if they occur.
NSError* error = nil;
NSError* addError = nil;
NSError* removeError = nil;

// You can call every JSONStore API method inside a transaction except:
// open, destroy, removeCollection and closeAll.
[[JSONStore sharedInstance] startTransactionAndReturnError:&error];

[people addData:@[ @{@"name" : @"carlos"} ] andMarkDirty:NO withOptions:nil error:&addError];

[people removeWithIds:@[@1] andMarkDirty:NO error:&removeError];

if (addError != nil || removeError != nil) {

  // Return the store to the state before start transaction was called.
  [[JSONStore sharedInstance] rollbackTransactionAndReturnError:&error];
} else {
  // Commit the transaction thus ensuring atomicity.
  [[JSONStore sharedInstance] commitTransactionAndReturnError:&error];

{: codeblock}

Get file information

{: #ios-get-file-information }

// This object will point to an error if one occurs
NSError* error = nil;

// Returns information about files JSONStore uses to persist data.
NSArray* results = [[JSONStore sharedInstance] fileInfoAndReturnError:&error];
// => [{@"isEncrypted" : @(true), @"name" : @"carlos", @"size" : @3072}]

{: codeblock}


{: #android }

Initialize and open connections, get an Accessor, and add data

{: #android-initialize-and-open-connections-get-an-accessor-and-add-data }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  List<JSONStoreCollection> collections = new LinkedList<JSONStoreCollection>();
  // Create the collections object that will be initialized.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection = new JSONStoreCollection("people");
  peopleCollection.setSearchField("name", SearchFieldType.STRING);
  peopleCollection.setSearchField("age", SearchFieldType.INTEGER);

  // Optional options object.
  JSONStoreInitOptions initOptions = new JSONStoreInitOptions();
  // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.
  // Optional password, default no password.

  // Open the collection.

  WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).openCollections(collections, initOptions);

  // Add data to the collection.
  JSONObject newDocument = new JSONObject("{name: 'carlos', age: 10}");
  JSONStoreAddOptions addOptions = new JSONStoreAddOptions();
  peopleCollection.addData(newDocument, addOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).
  throw ex;
} catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.
throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Initialize with a secure random token from the server

{: #android-initialize-with-a-secure-random-token-from-the-server }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

// Do an AsyncTask because networking cannot occur inside the activity.
AsyncTask<Context, Void, Void> aTask = new AsyncTask<Context, Void, Void>() {
  protected Void doInBackground(Context... params) {
    final Context context = params[0];

    // Create the request listener that will have the
    // onSuccess and onFailure callbacks:
    WLRequestListener listener = new WLRequestListener() {
      public void onFailure(WLFailResponse failureResponse) {
        // Handle Failure.

      public void onSuccess(WLResponse response) {
        String secureRandom = response.getResponseText();

        try {
          List<JSONStoreCollection> collections = new LinkedList<JSONStoreCollection>();
          // Create the collections object that will be initialized.
          JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection = new JSONStoreCollection("people");
          peopleCollection.setSearchField("name", SearchFieldType.STRING);
          peopleCollection.setSearchField("age", SearchFieldType.INTEGER);

          // Optional options object.
          JSONStoreInitOptions initOptions = new JSONStoreInitOptions();

          // Optional username, default 'jsonstore'.

          // Optional password, default no password.


          // Open the collection.
          WLJSONStore.getInstance(context).openCollections(collections, initOptions);

          // Other JSONStore operations (e.g. add, remove, replace, etc.) go here.
        catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
          // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations (init, add).
          ex.printStackTrace();        }

    // Get the secure random from the server:
    // The length of the random string, in bytes (maximum is 64 bytes).
    int byteLength = 32;
    SecurityUtils.getRandomStringFromServer(byteLength, context, listener);
    return null;

{: codeblock}

Find - locate documents inside the Store

{: #android-find-locate-documents-inside-the-store }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  JSONStoreQueryParts findQuery = new JSONStoreQueryParts();
  JSONStoreQueryPart part = new JSONStoreQueryPart();
  part.addLike("name", "carlos");
  part.addLessThan("age", 99);

  // Add additional find options (optional).
  JSONStoreFindOptions findOptions = new JSONStoreFindOptions();

  // Returns a maximum of 10 documents, default no limit.
  // Skip 0 documents, default no offset.

  // Search fields to return, default: ['_id', 'json'].

  // How to sort the returned values, default no sort.

  // Find documents that match the query.
  List<JSONObject> results = peopleCollection.findDocuments(findQuery, findOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Replace - change the documents that are already stored inside a Collection

{: #android-replace-change-the-documents-that-are-already-stored-inside-a-collection }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Documents will be located with their '_id' field
  //and replaced with the data in the 'json' field.
  JSONObject replaceDoc = new JSONObject("{_id: 1, json: {name: 'carlitos', age: 99}}");

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.
  JSONStoreReplaceOptions replaceOptions = new JSONStoreReplaceOptions();

  // Replace the document.
  peopleCollection.replaceDocument(replaceDoc, replaceOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Remove - delete all documents that match the query

{: #android-remove-delete-all-documents-that-match-the-query }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Documents will be located with their '_id' field.
  int id = 1;

  JSONStoreRemoveOptions removeOptions = new JSONStoreRemoveOptions();

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default true.

  // Replace the document.
  peopleCollection.removeDocumentById(id, removeOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;
catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Count - gets the total number of documents that match a query

{: android-count-gets-the-total-number-of-documents-that-match-a-query }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Count all documents that match the query.
  JSONStoreQueryParts countQuery = new JSONStoreQueryParts();
  JSONStoreQueryPart part = new JSONStoreQueryPart();

  // Exact match.
  part.addEqual("name", "carlos");

  // Replace the document.
  int resultCount = peopleCollection.countDocuments(countQuery);
  JSONObject doc = peopleCollection.findDocumentById(resultCount);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Destroy - wipes data for all users, destroys the internal storage, and clears security artifacts

{: #android-destory-wipes-data-for-all-users-destroys-the-internal-storage-and-clears-security-artifacts }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Destroy the Store.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Security - close access to all opened Collections for the current user

{: #android-security-close-access-to-all-opened-collections-for-the-current-user }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Close access to all collections.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Security - change the password that is used to access a Store

{: #android-security-change-the-password-that-is-used-to-access-a-store }

// The password should be user input.
// It is hard-coded in the example for brevity.
String username = "carlos";
String oldPassword = "123";
String newPassword = "456";

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).changePassword(oldPassword, newPassword, username);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;
finally {
  // It is good practice to not leave passwords in memory
  oldPassword = null;
  newPassword = null;

{: codeblock}

Push - get all documents that are marked as dirty, send them to an adapter, and mark them clean

{: #android-push-get-all-documents-that-are-marked-as-dirty-send-them-to-an-adapter-and-mark-them-clean }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Check if document with _id 3 is dirty.
  List<JSONObject> allDirtyDocuments = peopleCollection.findAllDirtyDocuments();

  // Handle the dirty documents here (e.g. calling an adapter).

}  catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Pull - get new data from an adapter

{: #android-pull-get-new-data-from-an-adapter }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Pull data here and place in newDocs. For this example, it is hard-coded.
  List<JSONObject> newDocs = new ArrayList<JSONObject>();
  JSONObject doc = new JSONObject("{id: 1, ssn: '111-22-3333', name: 'carlos'}");

  JSONStoreChangeOptions changeOptions = new JSONStoreChangeOptions();

  // Data that does not exist in the collection will be added, default false.

  // Mark data as dirty (true = yes, false = no), default false.

  // The following example assumes that 'id' and 'ssn' are search fields,
  // default will use all search fields
  // and are part of the data that is received.

  int changed = peopleCollection.changeData(newDocs, changeOptions);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;
catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Check whether a document is dirty

{: #android-check-whetther-a-document-is-dirty }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Check if document with id '3' is dirty.
  boolean isDirty = peopleCollection.isDocumentDirty(3);
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Check the number of dirty documents

{: #android-check-the-number-of-dirty-documents }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Get the count of all dirty documents in the people collection.
  int totalDirty = peopleCollection.countAllDirtyDocuments();
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Remove a Collection

{: #android-remove-a-collection }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Remove the collection. The collection object is
  // no longer usable.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Clear all data that is inside a Collection

{: #android-clear-all-data-that-is-inside-a-collection }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");

  // Clear the collection.
catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.
  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Start a transaction, add some data, remove a document, commit the transaction and roll back the transaction if there's a failure

{: #android-transaction }

// Fill in the blank to get the Android application context.
Context ctx = getContext();

try {
  // Get the already initialized collection.
  JSONStoreCollection peopleCollection  = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getCollectionByName("people");


  JSONObject docToAdd = new JSONObject("{name: 'carlos', age: 99}");
  // Find documents that match query.

  //Remove added doc.
  int id = 1;

catch (JSONStoreException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any of the previous JSONStore operations.

  // An exception occured. Take care of it to prevent further damage.

  throw ex;
catch (JSONException ex) {
  // Handle failure for any JSON parsing issues.

  // An exception occured. Take care of it to prevent further damage.

  throw ex;

{: codeblock}

Get file information

{: #android-get-file-information }

Context ctx = getContext();
List<JSONStoreFileInfo> allFileInfo = WLJSONStore.getInstance(ctx).getFileInfo();

for(JSONStoreFileInfo fileInfo : allFileInfo) {
  long fileSize = fileInfo.getFileSizeBytes();
  String username = fileInfo.getUsername();
  boolean isEncrypted = fileInfo.isEncrypted();

{: codeblock}