A unofficial python library to support all of Pexels API features.
Supports all of the endpoints, which are available in API v1.0
Return data are python objects.
User friendly library.
Easy to use.
📚 Documentation for this library can be found below. It contains detailed instructions on how to use API.
📚 Documentation for the official API can be found here.
You can install the library via pip
pip install python-pexels
Or using source code, which is not recommended.
git clone https://github.com/jk6521/py-pexels-api.git
cd py-pexels-api
python setup.py install
more installation guide found here
You need API token to access Pexels API, you can get it here
Once library is installed using pip, create a new python file named main.py
from Pexels import Client
client = Client(token="abcd1223")
#search photos
photos = client.search_photo(query="Joker")
#you can access return data like
>>> 230
more examples can be found here