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Unit 9

Chapter 12: Users Lock

In this chapter, you will configure the app to lock users after an excessive number of unsuccessful logins. Locked users receive an email message providing a link to unlock their accounts so that they can log in again. The purpose of locking accounts is to prevent denial-of-service attacks that can bring down your Rails site.

New Branch

Enter the command "git checkout -b 09-12-users_lock".


  • Add the following line to the end of the Gemfile:
gem 'timecop', group: :testing # Changes current time, needed for testing the lock duration
  • Enter the command "sh".
  • Enter the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Added timecop gem"

Integration Test

  • Enter the command "rails generate integration_test users_lock".
  • Replace the contents of test/integration/users_lock_test.rb with the following code:
require 'test_helper'
require 'timecop'

class UsersLockTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
  N_WARNING = 5 # Number of incorrect logins for triggering warning

  def login_incorrect
    login_user('sconnery', 'Austin Powers', false)

  def login_correct
    login_user('sconnery', 'Goldfinger', false)

  test 'user can be unlocked by time' do
    N_WARNING.times do
    assert page.has_text?('You have one more attempt before your account is locked.')

    assert page.has_text?('Your account is locked.')

    t_lock =
    t29 = t_lock + 29.minutes
    t31 = t_lock + 31.minutes

    # 29 minutes after the lock begins
    assert page.has_text?('Your account is locked.')

    # 31 minutes after the lock begins
    assert page.has_text?('Signed in successfully.')
    assert page.has_text?('You are logged in as a user (sconnery).')

  test 'unlock request page has expected content' do
    visit root_path
    click_on 'Login'
    click_on "Didn't receive unlock instructions?"
    assert page.has_css?('title', text: full_title('User Unlock'), visible: false)
    assert page.has_css?('h1', text: 'User Unlock')

  test 'user can request another unlock link' do
    N_WARNING.times do
    assert page.has_text?('You have one more attempt before your account is locked.')

    assert page.has_text?('Your account is locked.')

    # Lose email
    clear_emails # Clear the message queue

    # Request unlock instructions
    visit root_path
    click_on 'Login'
    click_on "Didn't receive unlock instructions?"
    fill_in('Email', with: '[email protected]')
    click_on 'Resend unlock instructions'

    # Follow unlock instructions
    open_email('[email protected]')
    current_email.click_link 'Unlock my account'
    assert page.has_text?('Your account has been unlocked successfully.')
    assert page.has_text?('Please sign in to continue.')
    clear_emails # Clear the message queue

    # Login
    assert page.has_text?('Signed in successfully.')
    assert page.has_text?('You are logged in as a user (sconnery).')
    clear_emails # Clear the message queue
  • Enter the command "sh". All 3 of the new integration tests fail.
  • Enter the command "alias test1='(command from test results minus TESTOPTS portion)'".
  • Enter the command "test1". Two tests fail because the lock feature doesn't work, and one test fails because the page where users can request unlock instructions does not have the expected content.

Devise Configuration

  • Edit the file config/initializers/devise.rb. Make the following changes:
    • Uncomment the line "config.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts".
    • Uncomment the line "config.unlock_keys = [:email]".
    • Uncomment the line "config.unlock_strategy = :both".
    • Uncomment the line containing "config.maximum_attempts" and change it to "config.maximum_attempts = 6".
    • Uncomment the line containing "config.unlock_in" and change it to "config.unlock_in = 30.minutes".
    • Uncomment the line "config.last_attempt_warning = true".
  • Enter the command "test1". All but one test should pass. This remaining failing test concerns the content of the page for requesting a link to unlock a user account.


  • In your web browser, go to the home page. Click on "Login", and then click on "Didn't receive unlock instructions?". The debug box shows that the controller in use is "devise/unlocks".
  • In config/routes.rb, replace the user section with the following:
  # BEGIN: user section
  devise_for :users,
             controllers: { registrations: 'users/registrations',
                            sessions: 'users/sessions',
                            passwords: 'users/passwords',
                            confirmations: 'users/confirmations',
                            unlocks: 'users/unlocks' }
  # END: user section
  • Refresh your web browser. The debug box now shows that the controller in use is "users/unlocks".


  • Replace the contents of app/views/users/unlocks/new.html.erb with the following:
<% provide(:title, "User Unlock") %>

<h1>User Unlock</h1>

<%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: unlock_path(resource_name), html: { method: :post }) do |f| %>
  <%= devise_error_messages! %>

  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :email %><br />
    <%= f.email_field :email, autofocus: true %>

  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit "Resend unlock instructions" %>
<% end %>

<%= render "users/shared/links" %>
  • Enter the command "test1". Now all of the tests should pass.
  • Enter the command "sh".
  • Enter the following commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Added user locking capability"

Wrapping Up

  • Enter the command "git push origin 09-12-users_lock".
  • Go to the GitHub repository and click on the "Compare and pull request" button for this branch.
  • Accept this pull request to merge it with the master branch, but do NOT delete this branch.
  • Enter the following commands:
git checkout master
git pull