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Input sentinel 2 imagery and detect change

Change Detect Solo Project Workflow Justin Fowler last update 05/31/2024

1.access_sentinel_data dir: and input s2 gran, and exports to .csv all the s2 files that were in parameters parameters: start_date, end_date,gran,productType,data_collection,cloudcover (set to 10)

manually select scenes:
    look through csv's and select ID,Name of scenes wanted
    Select as many scenes as needed
    can check Copernicus browser to see thumbnail of scenes

    save csv as {gran}_select.csv

    Improvements: csv's probably only need to include ID and Name when created in
    given {gran}_select.csv, download all scenes to tile directory
    currently can only download 3 at a time, have to rerun.

    Improvements: add a wait function after 3 have been downloaded, so don't have to rerun to get all
  1. Unzip .SAFE directories Create date directories for where data will be stored For L2A data creates MSIL2A directory, L1C data creates MSIL1C directory Copies .jp2 bands 2,3,4,8,11,12 and SCL to MSIL2A Copies .jp2 bands 2,3,4,8,11,12,8a,10 to MSIL1C Deletes unzip'd .SAFE directories

    Improvements: Lot's of looping, could search for specific files more efficiently

  2. Given tile name, uses sentinel_2_index_shapefile.shp to download GLO 30 dem from aws Downloads 1x1's and mosaic's them (with buffer) to sentinel 2 grid

    outputs: a. [gran]_glo30_buf.tif

    Improvements: Currently not using DEM, add terrain shadow calculation further downstream Came across a tile that covers 6 1x1's... so annoying

  3. Takes MSIL2A directory and stacks bands 2,3,4,8,11,12 to 1,2,3,4,5,6 Also uses SCL to mask out cloud mask and cloud shadow, set's nodata to -9999

    Outputs: a. [tile]_[date]6band.vrt b. [tile][date]_6band_masked.tif Set's up files to be in {tile}{month}{date} dir's To be immediately ready for

4B. mosaic_images: Unmasked clouds are a real pain Plan: Download 1 scene per week (could do more but so much downloading...) after all the scenes are masked, mosaic all scenes in a month take the lowest value, missed clouds would be super high values theoretically potentially will miss change, but it should be caught the next month so no biggie

Move all date dirs into yyyymm dirs, then go through and mosaic them based of yyyymm dirs and Creates functions norm_dif: create normalized differences, like ndvi. Clamps over |100| assumes -9999 as nodata msavi_calc: creates msavi Clamps over |100| assumes -9999

        set up class correctly, with self as first input parameter
        make nodata an input parameter

    Uses function in
    Loops through date directories, find's '_6band_masked.tif' and creates:


5B. Need to take ndwi's and mask out the masked.tif's again... maybe this should be done before... can be part of masked process, do it with if part of mask, won't get water change... maybe, just use ndwi time series to mask out for stats in

  1. and takes date indicies(5.a->e) and stacks them in a time seires vrt Output: a.time_series/[tile]_ndvi_stack.vrt b.time_series/[tile]_ndwi_stack.vrt c.time_series/[tile]_ndbi_stack.vrt d.time_series/[tile]_ndsi_stack.vrt e.time_series/[tile]_msavi_stack.vrt takes date 6band_masked.tif's (4.b) and stacks them in a time seires vrt Output: a.time_series/[tile]_b1_stack.tif b.time_series/[tile]_b2_stack.tif c.time_series/[tile]_b3_stack.tif d.time_series/[tile]_b4_stack.tif e.time_series/[tile]_b5_stack.tif f.time_series/[tile]_b6_stack.tif

    Improvements: Unsure if need 2 seperate scripts, or if need indicies time series at all

  2. Takes stats for time_series stacks uses chips so doesnt destroy RAM

    Outputs: a. time_stats/[tile]_[timeseries]mean.tif b. time_stats/[tile][timeseries]median.tif c. time_stats/[tile][timeseries]range.tif d. time_stats/[tile][timeseries]_std.tif

  3. take time_series and run linear regression on them, in order to determine temporal slope Uses 512x512 chips to process so doesn't destroy RAM numpy math to get linear regression slope

    v3 now includes filter for outliers in stack. Things like missed clouds will be removed.

  4. create script to threshold based on standard deviation of temporal slope file add water/ocean mask to get rid of std being skewed? for water mask, use focal filters (check Geoprocessing with Python book)

  5. get date of change

  6. For now, just taking Blue band, will have to come up with better, change algorthim/rules later added does a 3x3 uniform filter to smooth out the tempslope_std and date_num Helps with edges of buildings type things, also just makes everything look cleaner.

    a. vector_attrib/ combine's standard deviation of temp slope and step filter date Where std > |5|, keep the step filter date inputs: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_stacktempslope_std.tif' #standard deviation layer f'{gran}_b{bnum}_date_num.tif' #step filter detect layer output: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_ch_tmp.tif'#tmp till goes through sieve

    Missing some change in T18SUJ becaues the standard deviation isn't high enough. new script: vector_attrib/ adding in another flat threshold for temporal slope, > |75| will also include "confidence measure in vector layer, using tempslope and tempslope_std inputs: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_stacktempslope_std.tif' #standard deviation layer f'{gran}_b{bnum}_date_num.tif' #step filter detect layer f'{gran}_b{bnum}_stacktempslope.tif' #tempslope layer
    output: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_ch_tmp.tif'#tmp till goes through sieve

    b. vector_attrib/ Remove single pixels (seems to only remove single pixels surrounded by 0s) input: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_ch_tmp.tif output: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_ch.tif'

        play around more with, figure out how to remove all single pixels

    c. vector_attrib/ Use gdal.Polygonize to export raster to vector input: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_ch.tif' output: f'{gran}_b{bnum}_ch_tmp.shp'

    Looks like a bug? seeing a date=10, when the max should be 9...
  7. Add attribution uses rasterstats, zonal stats which takes forever, uses centriod, point is much faster, but centriod might not be value inside poly slope_std, float veg_mean, veg or non veg veg_std, low/high variation water_std, low/high variation slope_std, float veg_mean, veg or non veg veg_std, low/high variation water_std, low/high variation conf, high, med, and low. Using both tempslope and tempslope_std

    Future Attributes, layers not yet scripted
        max ndvi post change (veg regrowth)
        shadow likely hood
        brightness increase/decrease (high albedo buildings)