- this is a summary of this page
- this is for evaluation only, and will not persist any results outside of the docker container it is executing in
- 5 minutes, unless you have to play around with the command lines they provide
- provided command lines are for linux systems, with
bash substitutions - add another 5 minutes to clean those up
- provided command lines are for linux systems, with
- pull image from docker repo
docker pull sonarqube docker run -d --name sonarqube -e SONAR_ES_BOOTSTRAP_CHECKS_DISABLE=true -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:latest
- go to browser local and wait for the server to start
- user/password = admin, can change to something simple, like "bob"
- follow the "try out" path under
Analyzing a project
and try the manual route- to keep things simple, I chose the project name
and thenfred
as the container is going to have a short life span - simplified setup
- select options and will give you steps on how to manually scan
- will ask type of project, OS, and then give you a command to execute
- select docker and follow, see note below
- to keep things simple, I chose the project name
- once the scan has completed, go back to the browser and examine results
- in the provided steps on how to manually scan, replace
as both the server and the client are executing within Docker - if you change the scan profile, you need to execute the scan workflow again
- i.e. if you have one triggered rule that is dominating the output, note it down, copy a profile from
, switch to that new profile, and remove the dominating rule
- i.e. if you have one triggered rule that is dominating the output, note it down, copy a profile from
for non-dotnet solutions, was given these instructions (modified for windows) for project
docker pull sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli set SONARQUBE_URL=host.docker.internal:9000 set YOUR_REPO=C:\Users\JackDeWinter\Downloads\pymarkdown-main\pymarkdown-main set YOUR_PROJECT_KEY=bob set SONAR_LOGIN=sqp_ae77eeda796a2ef449e597543372d2cec5e31922 docker run --rm -e SONAR_HOST_URL="http://%SONARQUBE_URL%" -e SONAR_SCANNER_OPTS="-Dsonar.projectKey=%YOUR_PROJECT_KEY%" -e SONAR_LOGIN=%SONAR_LOGIN% -v "%YOUR_REPO%:/usr/src" sonarsource/sonar-scanner-cli
without bringing down the container, these were the dotnet project instructions (modified for windows) for project
set YOUR_PROJECT_KEY=fred set SONARQUBE_URL=host.docker.internal:9000 set SONAR_LOGIN=sqp_cebf267dc926d1a9b230dfb483c1600e757c5674 dotnet sonarscanner begin /k:"%YOUR_PROJECT_KEY%" /d:sonar.host.url="http://%SONARQUBE_URL%" /d:sonar.login="%SONAR_LOGIN%" dotnet build dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="%SONAR_LOGIN%"