This image is the basis of the image to do barebone Go development. It does not setup any editors for Go.
brew install socat
brew cask install xquartz
- TODO / Someone else contribute
- TODO / Someone else contribute
Open two terminals
In terminal 1:
open -a XQuartz socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
In terminal 2:
ifconfig | grep vbox -A 2 # find the "inet" address export VBOX_IP=<that inet ip address> docker run -e DISPLAY=$VBOX_IP:0 -t -i GDEC_IMAGE /bin/bash
- TODO / Someone else contribute
- TODO / Someone else contribute
lsof -i tcp:6000 # to find the PID using port 6000 kill -9 PID
When trying to run the commnd to open the IDE gui, it fails and in terminal 1, socat is outputting errors (e.g. Invalid arguments)
- Sometimes on your first install of socat, you have restart your Mac. That fixes that usually.
- TODO / Someone else contribute
- TODO / Someone else contribute