From bd053ee693a279a255896f5ae224bd7dbb229b2a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Franti=C5=A1ek=20Gal=C4=8D=C3=ADk?=
Each variation has an identification code and a description. The identification code is used by the file to pass
the variation assigned to each student to the script files. The description, formatted in HTML, is shown to the students that have assigned
the corresponding variation.' . get_string( 'executionfiles', VPL ) . "
$fe->print_files( false );
+ // print names of output files defined for this lab
+ $output_files = $vpl->get_output_files();
+ if (count($output_files) > 0) {
+ echo ''.get_string('outputfiles', VPL)."
+ echo '';
+ foreach ($output_files as $filename) {
+ // distinguish between hidden and normal files
+ if (substr(basename($filename), 0, 1) == '.') {
+ echo '
+ }
// Finish the page.
if (vpl_get_webservice_available()) {
diff --git a/views/downloadoutputfile.php b/views/downloadoutputfile.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..86e643b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/views/downloadoutputfile.php
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Download an output file
+ *
+ * @package mod_vpl
+ * @copyright 2016 Frantisek Galcik
+ * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
+ * @author Frantisek Galcik ' . get_string( 'automaticevaluation', VPL ) . $div->generate( true ) . '
+ $ce_html = $this->get_ce_html($ce, true, true);
+ $outputfiles = $this->get_ce_output_files_html();
+ $show_evaluation = false;
+ $show_evaluation |= strlen($ce_html->compilation) > 0;
+ $show_evaluation |= strlen($ce_html->execution) > 0;
+ $show_evaluation |= strlen($ce_html->grade) > 0;
+ $show_evaluation |= strlen($ce_html->checklist) > 0;
+ $show_evaluation |= strlen($outputfiles) > 0;
+ if($show_evaluation){
+ $div = new vpl_hide_show_div(!$this->is_graded() || !$this->vpl->get_visiblegrade());
+ echo ''.get_string('automaticevaluation',VPL).$div->generate(true).'
echo $OUTPUT->box_start();
- if (strlen( $grade ) > 0) {
- echo '' . $grade . '
+ if(strlen($ce_html->grade)>0){
+ echo ''.$ce_html->grade.'
- if (strlen( $compilation ) > 0) {
- echo $compilation;
+ if(strlen($ce_html->compilation)>0){
+ echo $ce_html->compilation;
- if (strlen( $execution ) > 0) {
- echo $execution;
+ if(strlen($ce_html->execution)>0){
+ echo $ce_html->execution;
+ if (strlen($ce_html->checklist)>0) {
+ echo $ce_html->checklist;
+ }
+ if (strlen($outputfiles)>0){
+ echo $outputfiles;
+ }
echo $OUTPUT->box_end();
+ private function get_ce_output_files_html() {
+ $fgm = $this->get_output_files_fgm();
+ $output_files = $fgm->getFileList();
+ $downloadable_files = array();
+ $is_grader = $this->vpl->has_capability(VPL_GRADE_CAPABILITY);
+ foreach ($output_files as $output_file) {
+ $is_hidden = (substr(basename($output_file), 0, 1) == '.');
+ if ($is_grader || !$is_hidden) {
+ $downloadable_files[] = $output_file;
+ }
+ }
+ if (count($downloadable_files) == 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ $id = $this->vpl->get_course_module()->id;
+ $user_id = $this->instance->userid;
+ $submission_id = $this->instance->id;
+ $ret = '';
+ $ret .= ''.get_string('outputfiles', VPL).'
+ $ret .= '';
+ foreach ($downloadable_files as $file) {
+ $url = vpl_mod_href('views/downloadoutputfile.php', 'id', $id, 'userid', $user_id, 'submissionid', $submission_id, 'file', $file);
+ $fs = $fgm->get_file_size($file);
+ if ($fs >= 0) {
+ $ret .= '
+ return $ret;
+ }
* Print sudmission
@@ -674,6 +759,8 @@ public function print_submission() {
const COMMENTTAG = 'Comment :=>>';
const BEGINCOMMENTTAG = '<|--';
const ENDCOMMENTTAG = '--|>';
+ const CHECKLISTTAG = 'Checklist :=>>';
public function proposedgrade($text) {
$ret = '';
$nl = vpl_detect_newline( $text );
@@ -686,6 +773,9 @@ public function proposedgrade($text) {
return $ret;
public function proposedcomment($text) {
+ $parsed_execution = $this->parse_execution($text);
+ return $parsed_execution->comments;
+ /*
$incomment = false;
$ret = '';
$nl = vpl_detect_newline( $text );
@@ -708,6 +798,70 @@ public function proposedcomment($text) {
return $ret;
+ */
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parses raw execution.
+ * @param $text string the raw execution result
+ * @return string execution result without lines with/in tags.
+ */
+ function parse_execution($text) {
+ $ret = new stdClass();
+ $ret->grade = '';
+ $ret->comments = '';
+ $ret->checklist = array();
+ $ret->execution = '';
+ $nl = vpl_detect_newline($text);
+ $lines = explode($nl,$text);
+ $closing_tag = false;
+ $tagPairs = array(self::GRADETAG => false, self::COMMENTTAG => false, self::CHECKLISTTAG => false, self::BEGINCOMMENTTAG => self::ENDCOMMENTTAG);
+ foreach($lines as $line){
+ $line = rtrim($line);
+ $tline = trim($line);
+ if($closing_tag !== false) {
+ // we are in a block tag
+ if ($tline === $closing_tag) {
+ $closing_tag = false;
+ } else {
+ // handle line in a block tag
+ if ($closing_tag === self::ENDCOMMENTTAG) {
+ $ret->comments .= $line."\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ // detect presence of opening tag
+ $opening_tag = false;
+ foreach ($tagPairs as $opening => $closing) {
+ if (substr($line, 0, strlen($opening)) === $opening) {
+ $opening_tag = $opening;
+ $closing_tag = $closing;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // remove opening tag from line when found
+ if ($opening_tag !== false) {
+ $line = substr($line, strlen($opening_tag));
+ }
+ // handle line according to found tag
+ if ($opening_tag === false) {
+ $ret->execution .= $line."\n";
+ } elseif ($opening_tag === self::COMMENTTAG) {
+ $ret->comments .= $line."\n";
+ } elseif ($opening_tag === self::CHECKLISTTAG) {
+ $ret->checklist[] = $line;
+ } elseif ($opening_tag === self::GRADETAG) {
+ if ($ret->grade == '') {
+ $ret->grade = $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $ret;
@@ -919,6 +1073,17 @@ public function savece($result) {
if ($result ['executed'] > 0) {
file_put_contents( $execfn, $result ['execution'] );
+ if(isset($result['outputfiles'])) {
+ $fgm = $this->get_output_files_fgm();
+ foreach ($result['outputfiles'] as $filename => $content) {
+ if (is_string($content)) {
+ $fgm->addFile($filename, $content);
+ } else if (is_object($content)) {
+ $fgm->addFile($filename, $content->scalar);
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -944,58 +1109,61 @@ public function getce() {
return $ret;
- /**
- * Get compilation, execution and proposed grade from array
- *
- * @param $response array
- * response from server
- * @param
- * $compilation
- * @param
- * $execution
- * @param
- * $grade
- * @return void
- */
- public function get_ce_html($response, &$compilation, &$execution, &$grade, $dropdown, $returnrawexecution = false) {
- $compilation = '';
- $execution = '';
- $grade = '';
- if ($response ['compilation']) {
- $compilation = $this->result_to_html( $response ['compilation'], $dropdown );
- if (strlen( $compilation )) {
- $compilation = '' . get_string( 'compilation', VPL ) . '
' . $compilation;
+ public function get_ce_html($response, $dropdown, $returnrawexecution=false){
+ $ret = new stdClass();
+ $ret->compilation = '';
+ $ret->execution = '';
+ $ret->grade = '';
+ $ret->checklist = '';
+ if($response['compilation']){
+ $ret->compilation = $this->result_to_html($response['compilation'],$dropdown);
+ if(strlen($ret->compilation)>0){
+ $ret->compilation =''.get_string('compilation',VPL).'
- if ($response ['executed'] > 0) {
- $rawexecution = $response ['execution'];
- $proposedcomments = $this->proposedcomment( $rawexecution );
- $proposedgrade = $this->proposedgrade( $rawexecution );
- $execution = $this->result_to_html( $proposedcomments, $dropdown );
- if (strlen( $execution )) {
- $execution = '' . get_string( 'comments', VPL ) . "
\n" . $execution;
+ if($response['executed']>0){
+ $raw_execution = $response['execution'];
+ $parsed_execution = $this->parse_execution($raw_execution);
+ $proposed_comments = $parsed_execution->comments;
+ $proposed_grade = $parsed_execution->grade;
+ $execution=$this->result_to_HTML($proposed_comments,$dropdown);
+ if(strlen($execution)>0){
+ $execution = ''.get_string('comments',VPL)."
- if (strlen( $proposedgrade )) {
- $sgrade = $this->print_grade_core( $proposedgrade );
- $grade = get_string( 'proposedgrade', VPL, $sgrade );
+ if(strlen($proposed_grade)>0){
+ $sgrade = $this->print_grade_core($proposed_grade);
+ $ret->grade = get_string('proposedgrade',VPL,$sgrade);
- // Show raw ejecution if no grade or comments.
- if (strlen( $rawexecution ) > 0 && (strlen( $execution ) + strlen( $proposedgrade ) == 0)) {
- $execution .= "
- $execution .= '' . get_string( 'execution', VPL ) . "
- $execution .= '' . s( $rawexecution ) . '
- } else if ($returnrawexecution && strlen( $rawexecution ) > 0
- && ($this->vpl->has_capability( VPL_MANAGE_CAPABILITY ))) {
- // Show raw ejecution if manager and $returnrawexecution.
+ if (count($parsed_execution->checklist)>0) {
+ $ret->checklist = $this->get_checklist_html($parsed_execution->checklist);
+ }
+ // show raw ejecution if no grade or comments
+ if(strlen($raw_execution)>0 &&
+ (strlen($execution)+strlen($proposed_grade)==0) ){
+ $execution .="
+ $execution .=''.get_string('execution',VPL)."
+ $execution .= ''.s($parsed_execution->execution).'
+ } // show raw ejecution if manager and $returnrawexecution
+ elseif($returnrawexecution && strlen($raw_execution)>0 &&
+ ($this->vpl->has_capability(VPL_MANAGE_CAPABILITY))){
$div = new vpl_hide_show_div();
- $execution .= "
- $execution .= '' . get_string( 'execution', VPL ) . $div->generate( true ) . "
- $execution .= $div->begin_div( true );
- $execution .= '' . s( $rawexecution ) . '
- $execution .= $div->end_div( true );
+ $execution .="
+ $execution .=''.get_string('execution',VPL).$div->generate(true)."
+ $execution .=$div->begin_div(true);
+ $execution .= ''.s($raw_execution).'
+ $execution .=$div->end_div(true);
+ $ret->execution = $execution;
+ return $ret;
public function get_ce_for_editor($response = null) {
$ce = new stdClass();
$ce->compilation = '';
@@ -1010,8 +1178,10 @@ public function get_ce_for_editor($response = null) {
if ($response ['executed'] > 0) {
$rawexecution = $response ['execution'];
- $evaluation = $this->proposedcomment( $rawexecution );
- $proposedgrade = $this->proposedgrade( $rawexecution );
+ $parsed_execution = $this->parse_execution($rawexecution);
+ $evaluation = $parsed_execution->comments;
+ $proposedgrade = $parsed_execution->grade;
$ce->evaluation = $evaluation;
// TODO Important what to show to students about grade.
if (strlen( $proposedgrade ) && $this->vpl->get_instance()->grade) {
@@ -1020,7 +1190,11 @@ public function get_ce_for_editor($response = null) {
// Show raw ejecution if no grade or comments.
$manager = $this->vpl->has_capability( VPL_MANAGE_CAPABILITY );
- if ((strlen( $rawexecution ) > 0 && (strlen( $evaluation ) + strlen( $proposedgrade ) == 0)) || $manager) {
+ if ((strlen( $rawexecution ) > 0 && (strlen( $evaluation ) + strlen( $proposedgrade ) == 0)) && !$manager) {
+ $ce->execution = $parsed_execution->execution;
+ }
+ if ($manager) {
$ce->execution = $rawexecution;
@@ -1043,17 +1217,135 @@ public function get_detail() {
public function get_ce_parms() {
$response = $this->getce();
- $this->get_ce_html( $response, $compilation, $execution, $grade, false );
+ $ce_html = $this->get_ce_html($response, false);
$params = '';
- if (strlen( $compilation )) {
- $params .= vpl_param_tag( 'compilation', $compilation );
+ if (strlen( $ce_html->compilation )) {
+ $params .= vpl_param_tag( 'compilation', $ce_html->compilation );
- if (strlen( $execution )) {
- $params .= vpl_param_tag( 'evaluation', $execution );
+ if (strlen( $ce_html->execution )) {
+ $params .= vpl_param_tag( 'evaluation', $ce_html->execution );
- if (strlen( $grade )) {
- $params .= vpl_param_tag( 'grade', $grade );
+ if (strlen( $ce_html->grade )) {
+ $params .= vpl_param_tag( 'grade', $ce_html->grade );
return $params;
+ /**
+ * Returns checklist transformed to html.
+ * @param $checklist array items of generated checklist
+ * @return string checklist formatted as html
+ */
+ private function get_checklist_html($checklist) {
+ // each checklist line has format: type > details
+ // types: group (named group of checklist items - test), test (a test),
+ // error (error message related to the last test)
+ // warning (warning message related to the last test)
+ // note (information message related to the last test)
+ // internal (information message related to the last test which is available only for graders)
+ // OK (indicates that the last test passed)
+ // FAILED (indicates that the last test failed)
+ $is_grader = $this->vpl->has_capability(VPL_GRADE_CAPABILITY);
+ // build checklist tree
+ $message_types = array('error', 'warning', 'note', 'internal');
+ $groups = array();
+ $current_group = null;
+ $current_test = null;
+ foreach ($checklist as $line) {
+ $details = '';
+ $separator = strpos($line, '>');
+ if ($separator === false) {
+ $type = trim($line);
+ } else {
+ $type = trim(substr($line, 0, $separator));
+ $details = trim(substr($line, $separator+1));
+ }
+ // ensure group
+ if (($type === 'group') || is_null($current_group)) {
+ $current_group = new stdClass();
+ $current_group->title = '';
+ $current_group->tests = array();
+ $groups[] = $current_group;
+ $current_test = null;
+ }
+ if ($type === 'group') {
+ $current_group->title = $details;
+ continue;
+ }
+ // ensure test
+ if (($type === 'test') || is_null($current_test)) {
+ $current_test = new stdClass();
+ $current_test->title = '';
+ $current_test->messages = array();
+ $current_test->status = false;
+ $current_group->tests[] = $current_test;
+ }
+ if ($type == 'test') {
+ $current_test->title = $details;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($type === 'OK') {
+ $current_test->status = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ($type === 'FAILED') {
+ $current_test->status = false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (in_array($type, $message_types)) {
+ $message = new stdClass();
+ $message->type = $type;
+ $message->content = $details;
+ $current_test->messages[] = $message;
+ }
+ }
+ // generate html
+ $ret = '';
+ foreach ($groups as $group) {
+ if (count($group->tests) == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $table = new html_table();
+ $table->caption = s($group->title);
+ $table->align = array ('left', 'right');
+ $table->data = array();
+ foreach ($group->tests as $test) {
+ $messages = '';
+ foreach ($test->messages as $message) {
+ if (($message->type !== 'internal') || (($message->type === 'internal') && $is_grader)) {
+ $messages .= ''.$messages.'
+ }
+ if ($test->status) {
+ $status_html = ''.get_string('test_ok', VPL).'';
+ } else {
+ $status_html = ''.get_string('test_failed', VPL).'';
+ }
+ $table->data[] = array(s($test->title).$messages, $status_html);
+ }
+ $ret .= html_writer::table($table);
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }
diff --git a/vpl_submission_CE.class.php b/vpl_submission_CE.class.php
index 3017eb40..c088bb32 100644
--- a/vpl_submission_CE.class.php
+++ b/vpl_submission_CE.class.php
@@ -313,10 +313,16 @@ public function prepare_execution($type, &$already = array(), $vpl = null) {
$data->files [''] = $info;
$data->files [''] = file_get_contents( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/jail/default_scripts/' );
- // TODO change jail server to avoid this patch.
+ // TODO change jail server to avoid this patch (NOTE: can be removed as jail server fixes it)
if (count( $data->filestodelete ) == 0) { // If keeping all files => add dummy.
$data->filestodelete ['__vpl_to_delete__'] = 1;
+ // Add names of output files
+ foreach ($vpl->get_output_files() as $filename) {
+ $data->outputfiles [$filename] = 1;
+ }
// Info to log who/what.
$data->userid = $this->instance->userid;
$data->activityid = $this->vpl->get_instance()->id;
@@ -445,8 +451,9 @@ public function retrieveresult() {
// If automatic grading.
if ($this->vpl->get_instance()->automaticgrading) {
$data = new StdClass();
- $data->grade = $this->proposedGrade( $response ['execution'] );
- $data->comments = $this->proposedComment( $response ['execution'] );
+ $parsed_execution = $this->parse_execution( $response['execution'] );
+ $data->grade = $parsed_execution->grade;
+ $data->comments = $parsed_execution->comments;
$this->set_grade( $data, true );
From 51b38bc7bd6c27bb07e3e2af050dbdc7042a1a87 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Franti=C5=A1ek=20Gal=C4=8D=C3=ADk?=
+ break;
+ }
+ $files [$name] = $data;
} else {
- if ($i < $minfiles) { // Add empty file if required.
- $files [] = array (
- 'name' => '',
- 'data' => ''
- );
+ // if required file is missing, add the file with undefined content.
+ if ($i < $minfiles) {
+ $files [$required_files[$i]] = null;
- $errormessage = '';
- if ($subid = $vpl->add_submission( $userid, $files, $fromform->comments, $errormessage )) {
+ if ((strlen($errormessage) == 0) && ($subid = $vpl->add_submission( $userid, $files, $fromform->comments, $errormessage ))) {
\mod_vpl\event\submission_uploaded::log( array (
'objectid' => $subid,
'context' => $vpl->get_context(),
diff --git a/lang/en/vpl.php b/lang/en/vpl.php
index 3c96ef13..58eccfa6 100644
--- a/lang/en/vpl.php
+++ b/lang/en/vpl.php
@@ -414,20 +414,22 @@
the variation assigned to each student to the script files. The description, formatted in HTML, is shown to the students that have assigned
the corresponding variation.