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JBoss Tools and Red Hat Developer Studio for Eclipse 2018-09

JBoss Tools 4.9.0 and Red Hat Developer Studio 12.9 for Eclipse 2018-09 are here waiting for you. Check it out!



Red Hat Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developer product page and run it like this:

java -jar devstudio-<installername>.jar

JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) Developer Studio require a bit more:

This release requires at least Eclipse 4.9 (2018-09) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.9 2018-09 JEE Bundle since then you get most of the dependencies preinstalled.

Once you have installed Eclipse, you can either find us on the Eclipse Marketplace under "JBoss Tools" or "Red Hat Developer Studio".

For JBoss Tools, you can also use our update site directly.

What is new?

Our main focus for this release was on adoption of Java11, improvements for container based development and bug fixing. Eclipse 2018-09 itself has a lot of new cool stuff but let me highlight just a few updates in both Eclipse 2018-09 and JBoss Tools plugins that I think are worth mentioning.

OpenShift 3

Inner loop for Spring Boot applications

Although Spring Boot applications were already supported by the OpenShift server adapter, the global developer experience has been enhanced. Let’s complete the full workflow.

Bootstrapping your Spring Boot applications

A new generator (wizard) has been added to JBoss Tools. It’s called the Launcher application as it’s based on the fabric8-launcher project. When you launch JBoss Tools, you should see this in Red Hat Central:

spring boot inner loop

Click on the Launcher application link and the following wizard will appear:

spring boot inner loop1

Switch the Mission field to rest-http as we want to generate a simple REST application and switch the Runtime field to spring-boot current-community as we want to generate a Spring Boot based application.

Then set the Project name field to myfirstrestapp and leave other fields as-is.

spring boot inner loop2

Click the Finish button. A new project will be added to your local workspace. It may takes some times as Maven will resolve all the Spring Boot dependencies and thus need to download them from the Internet.

When the project is build and if you expand the myfirstrestapp in the Project explorer window, you should see this:

spring boot inner loop3
Storing your source code on GitHub

As OpenShift builder images retrieves code on a Git repository, we first need to push the just generated application code to GitHub. The following section assumes that you created a repository called myfirstrestapp under your GitHub account.

We will first create a local Git repository for our application code then push it to GitHub.

Select the myfirstrestapp project and right click the Team → Share project…​ menu item:

spring boot inner loop4

Then select the Git repository type and click the Next button:

spring boot inner loop5

Select the Use or create repository in parent folder of project checkbox then select the myfirstrestapp project:

spring boot inner loop6

Click on the Create repository button and the on the Finish button.

The Project explorer view is updated:

spring boot inner loop7

Select the myfirstrestapp project and right click the Team → Show in Repositories View menu item. A new view called Git Repositories will be added to the perspective:

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Inside this view, select the Remotes node and right click the Create Remote…​ menu item. The following dialog will be displayed:

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Click on the OK button, the following dialog will be displayed:

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Click on the Change…​ button and enter [email protected]:GITHUB_USER/myfirstrestapp in the URI field, replacing GITHUB_USER by your real GitHub user name.

Then click the Finish button and then on the Save button.

Pushing code to GitHub

We are now ready to push our application code to GitHub. Select the myfirstrestapp project in the Project explorer view, right click the Team → Commit menu item. A new view call Git Staging will open:

spring boot inner loop11

Double click on the view title to maximize it:

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Select all the files listed in the Unstaged changes list and click the '+' button. The files will then move to the Staged Changes list:

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Enter a commit message (ex 'Initial version') and click the Commit and Push…​ button. the following dialog will be displayed:

spring boot inner loop14

Click on the Next button:

spring boot inner loop15

Click on the Finish button to start the push operation.

A dialog with the result of the push operation will be displayed. Click the OK to dismiss it.

Add Spring Boot Devtools to the packaged application

In order to support live update on an OpenShift cluster, we must add Spring Boot DevTools to our Spring Boot application.

Open the pom.xml in the myfirstrestapp. Locate the spring-boot-maven-plugin and add the following section:


The whole spring-boot-maven-plugin section is given below:


Close and save the pom.xml file.

Push the change to GitHub: select the Team → Commit…​ with a new commit message (ex 'With DevTools')

Deploy the application on OpenShift

Before we can deploy the application on OpenShift, we must first create an ImageStream on our OpenShift cluster. The reason is that the Spring Boot support relies on S2I builds that will explode the Spring Boot uber JAR when Spring Boot DevTools is present. As this is not supported by all Java based S2I images, we will use one that supports it, ie fabric8/s2i-java:2.2

First, in the myfirstrestapp project, create a new JSON file called springboot.json and set the content of this file to:

    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "ImageStream",
	"metadata": {
		"name": "springboot"
    "spec": {
        "lookupPolicy": {
            "local": false
        "tags": [
                "annotations": {
					"tags": "builder,java"
                "from": {
                    "kind": "DockerImage",
                    "name": ""
                "importPolicy": {},
                "name": "1.1",
                "referencePolicy": {
                    "type": "Source"

Then, from the OpenShift explorer view, select the OpenShift connection for your cluster (if you don’t have one already defined, you must define it), right click on the New → Resource…​ menu item and the following dialog will be displayed:

spring boot inner loop16

You can select the OpenShift project you want to work with and then click on the Browse Workspace…​ button and select the springboot.json file in the myfirstrestapp project:

spring boot inner loop17

Click the OK and Finish buttons. The new ImageStream will be created and a status dialog will be displayed:

spring boot inner loop18
Create the application on OpenShift

We’re now ready to create the application on the OpenShift cluster. Select the OpenShift connection, right click the New → Application…​ menu item. If you scroll down the list, you should see the springboot ImageStream we just created:

spring boot inner loop19

Select this ImageStream and click the Next button:

spring boot inner loop20

Enter `myfirstrestapp in the `Name field, ` in the Git Repository URL field, replacing GITHUB_USER by your real GitHub user name and click the Next`` button.

On the Deployment Configuration & Scalability dialog, click the `Next button.

On the Service & Routing Settings, select the 8778-tcp port and click the Edit button, change the 8787 value to 8080:

spring boot inner loop21

Click the OK button then the Finish button.

The list of OpenShift resources created will be displayed by a dialog:

spring boot inner loop22

Click the OK button to dismiss it and when asked to import the application code, click the Cancel button as we already have the source code.

After the build is run (this may takes several minutes as the Maven build will download lots of dependencies), you should see a running pod:

spring boot inner loop23
Inner loop setup

We are going to synchronize the local Eclipse project with the remote OpenShift pod. Each time a file will be modified locally, then the pod will be updated accordingly.

Select the running pod in the OpenShift explorer, right click the Server Adapter…​ menu item, the following dialog will be displayed:

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Click the OK button, the initial synchronization will be started and the Servers view will be displayed:

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We’ve not setup the synchronization between our local Eclipse project and the remote OpenShift project. Each modification done locally will be reported on the remote OpenShift cluster.

Let’s modify our local application code and see the changes applied almost instantly:

Edit the file src/main/java/io/openshift/booster/service/ in the myfirstrestapp project and change the FORMAT string value from Hello, %s! to Hello, Mr %s! and save the file.

The file should be now:

 * Copyright 2016-2017 Red Hat, Inc, and individual contributors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package io.openshift.booster.service;

// tag::snippet-greeting[]
public class Greeting {

    public static final String FORMAT = "Hello, Mr %s!";

    private final String content;

    public Greeting() {
        this.content = null;

    public Greeting(String content) {
        this.content = content;

    public String getContent() {
        return content;
// end::snippet-greeting[]

Then, in the ÒpenShift explorer` view, select the myfirstrestapp deployment and select the `Show In → Web Browser menu item and once the web browser is displayed, ckick the Invoke button, you should see the following view:

spring boot inner loop26

You’ve just experienced the inner loop on your Spring Boot application: any change done locally is reported and testable almost immedialtely on your OpenShift cluster.

You can restart the deployment in debug mode and you’ll be able to remote debug your Spring Boot application. Amazing, no ?

Server tools

Wildfly 14 Server Adapter

A server adapter has been added to work with Wildfly 14. It adds support for Java EE 8.

Hibernate Tools

Runtime Provider Updates

The Hibernate 5.3 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.3.6.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.3.6.Final.

The Hibernate 5.2 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.2.17.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.2.11.Final.

The Hibernate 5.1 runtime provider now incorporates Hibernate Core version 5.1.16.Final and Hibernate Tools version 5.1.10.Final.

Fuse Tooling

REST Viewer becoming an editor

Previously, there was a REST editor which was read-only. It is useful to have a great overview of already defined Camel REST DSL definitions. Now the editor and its related properties tab are also providing editing capabilities allowing to develop faster.

Fully Editable REST Editor

You can now:

  • Create and delete REST Configurations

  • Create and delete new REST Elements

  • Create and delete new REST Operations

  • Edit properties for a selected REST Element in the Properties view

  • Edit properties for a selected REST Operation in the Properties view

In addition, we’ve improved the look and feel by fixing the scrolling capabilities of the REST Element and REST Operations lists.

Java Developement Tools (JDT)

Java Editor

Improved Breadcrumb for Dark theme

The Breadcrumb in the Java Editor now uses a dark background in the Dark theme.

breadcrumb dark and light

In the Light theme, the Breadcrumb uses a flat look style instead of a gradient.

Quick fix to create abstract methods

The existing quick fix to create missing methods has been improved to create abstract method declarations. The option only appears when the target class is an abstract class.

quickfix create abstract method 1
Quick fix to convert to static import

A new quick fix has been implemented that allows the user to convert static field accesses and static methods to use a static import. It’s also possible to replace all occurrences at the same time.

quickfix convert to static import

Java Code Generation

Improved hashCode() and equals() generation

A new option in the Source > Generate hashCode() and equals()…​ tool allows you to create implementations using the Java 7 Objects.equals and Objects.hash methods.

hashcode equals dialog

The above setup generates the following code:

hashcode equals generation

Additionally, arrays are handled more cleverly. The generation prefers the Arrays.deepHashCode and Arrays.deepEquals methods when dealing with Object[], Serializable[] and Cloneable[] or any type variables extending these types.

Java Views and Dialogs

Quick Fix for JRE Compiler Compliance Problem Marker

A new quick fix is provided on the JRE Compiler Compilance problem marker which is created when the compiler compliance does not match the JRE being used. This quick fix provides the option of opening the Compiler Compliance page of the project to fix the issue.

quickfix open cc page

Selecting this option opens the Compiler Compliance property page for the specified project as shown below.

quickfix cc page
Open Type dialog now always shows the full path

The Open Type dialog now always shows the full path of all the matching items.

open type full path

Java Formatter

Keep simple loops in one line

New formatter settings have been added that make it possible to keep the bodies of simple loops (without braces) in the same line as their headers, similar to previously existing setting for simple 'if' statements. Different kind of loops ('for', 'while', 'do while') can be controlled independently.

The settings can be found in the profile editor under New Lines > In control statements > Simple Loops.

formatter compact loops

There’s also a new setting to control how these loops should be handled if they exceed the maximum line width. It’s located under Line Wrapping > Wrapping settings > Statements > Compact loops ('for', 'while', 'do while').

formatter compact loops wrap
Align items in columns

A feature previously known as align fields in columns has been expanded and can now be used for variable declarations and assignment statements as well.

An option has also been added to always align with spaces, even if tabs are used for general indentation. This is very similar to the Use spaces to indent wrapped lines option and is useful to make the code look good in editors with differing tab width.

All the settings related to aligning are now in the new preferences subsection: Indentation > Align items in columns.

formatter align in columns


Timeout for result of step operation

Observing the result of step operations may slow down execution, which may be unusable if the step takes long already. Therefore a timeout (default: 7000 ms) has been introduced after which the observation mechanism is disabled until the end of the step operation.

result timeout 537142

The timeout can be configured in Preferences > Java > Debug > Don’t show if step operation takes longer than (ms).

Option to hide running threads in Debug view

A new option has been introduced in the Debug view to show or hide running threads.

Hiding running threads can be useful when debugging heavily multithreaded application, when it is difficult to find threads stopped at breakpoints among hundreds or thousands of running threads.

hide running threads
Show Command Line button in Launch Configuration

A new button Show Command Line has been added in the Java Launch Configuration dialog.

show command line

Clicking the button will open a dialog to show the command line used for launching the application.

show command line detail
Option to disable thread name changes in Debug View

Thread name changes in the debuggee JVM are reflected in the Debug View. A VM option can now be used to disable this behavior, in case the JVM communication necessary for the name updates is not desired.

The functionality can be disabled by specifying the following VM option

Support for long classpath/modulepath

Classpath and/or modulepath are now shortened if they are longer than current operating system limits.

If a temporary jar is needed to shorten the classpath (Java 8 and previous versions), a dialog is shown asking for confirmation.

enable classpathonly dialog

The option Use temporary jar to specify classpath (to avoid classpath length limitations) is available in the Classpath tab of the Run/Debug Configuration dialog.

enable classpathonly option

And more…​

You can find more noteworthy updates in on this page.

What is next?

Having JBoss Tools 4.9.0 and Red Hat Developer Studio 12.9 out we are already working on the next release for Eclipse 2018-12.


Jeff Maury