The libtooling versioning has a variety of issues. We simply use a single integer for our so-version and we bump it anytime we change the API for safety (i.e. libconcord.h)
vi libconcord/ libconcord/bindings/python/ \
concordance/ concordance/win/concordance.nsi
vi concordance/concordance.c concordance/ \
libconcord/ libconcord/bindings/python/
fgrep -R '0.20' *
git tag -a v$version -m "Concordance version $version"
git push origin --tags
# from top-level
git archive --format=tar --prefix=concordance-$version/ v$version \
> /tmp/concordance-$version-prep.tar
cd /tmp && tar xf concordance-$version-prep.tar
cd /tmp/concordance-$version/libconcord
mkdir m4; autoreconf -i
cd ../concordance
mkdir m4; autoreconf -i
cd ../..
tar jcf concordance-$version.tar.bz2 concordance-$version
gpg -ab /tmp/concordance-$version.tar.bz2
They will be in the Actions run for the PR with the version bump.
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