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A modern dashboard design using Material-UI, React, and other popular technologies.
The project is deployed on Vercel. The demo site is available at https://material-kit-swart.vercel.app/dashboard/app.
- Modern dashboard design
- Dynamic data generation with Faker.js
- Interactive chart with ApexCharts
- User-friendly form validation with Formik
- Rich animations and interactions with Framer Motion
- Client-side routing with React Router
- React
- Material-UI
- Framer Motion
- Formik
- React Router
- ApexCharts
- Faker.js
- React Hook Form
- React Query
- React Icons
Clone the repository to your local machine by using the following command in your terminal
git clone https://github.com/[jaxkashif34]/material-kit-swart.git
Change the directory to the cloned repository by using the following command
cd material-kit
Install the required dependencies by using the following command
npm install
Start the project by using the following command
npm start
- Author Name - Kashif Ali
- GitHub Profile - jaxkashif34
- LinkedIn Profile - jaxkashif34
- Email - [email protected]