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190 lines (137 loc) · 5.51 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (137 loc) · 5.51 KB

Contributing Guidelines


Before contributing, make sure you mention you'll be working on it in the associated ticket. Open a new ticket if there's none about it.

We have a very limited number of contributors so rules are quite limited:

  • Submit your changes over a Pull Request
  • Make sure all your python code is black formatted.
  • Make sure Codefactor reports no issue.
  • API code (backend/dispatcher) must be tested. Make sure your PR doesn't decrease code coverage.

Local setup

Setting up the zimfarm locally is a bit complicated due to the number of moving parts. But you don't need all of those depending on what you plan on working on.

You'll need docker and python3.8 for almost all parts so secure that first.

backend API

  • Install mongodb
  • Setup a python3 environment
  • pip install dispatcher/backend/requirements.txt
  • Create initial user
cd dispatcher/backend/src
export INIT_USERNAME="admin"
export INIT_PASSWORD="admin_pass"
python -c "from utils.database import Initializer; Initializer.create_initial_user()"
  • Create yourself a startup script like
cd dispatcher/backend/src
export BINDING_HOST=""
# set port on which you want the API to listen to. different than UI
export BINDING_PORT="80"
  • start your server
  • Test your credentials
# get a token
curl -X POST "http://localhost/v1/auth/authorize" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "username=admin&password=admin_pass"
# test your token
curl -I -X GET "http://localhost/v1/auth/test" -H  "accept: */*" -H  "token: eyJ0eXAxxxxxxx"
# verify that the response is HTTP/1.0 204 NO CONTENT

you now have a working backend with an admin user at

import schedules backup

  • Download a copy of the production schedules
curl > all_schedules.json
  • import those into your mongo database
cd dispatcher/backend/src
  • Type-in the following code to import it
import json
import pathlib

import bson

from common import mongo

# delete existing
# create collection

with open(pathlib.Path("dump_schedules.json"), "r") as backup:
    for backup_schedule in json.load(backup):
        backup_schedule.update({"_id": bson.ObjectId(backup_schedule["_id"])})
        print(f"inserted {backup_schedule['name']}")

You're all set!


You will need nodejs and yarn to work on the UI.

You can test your UI changes over the production zimfarm but if you are testing features that act on data, you will want to test over a local backend API.

Set your local backend url on environ.js so that the UI points to it:

echo 'var environ = {"ZIMFARM_WEBAPI": ""};' > dispatcher/frontend-ui/public/environ.js
  • Setup your environment
cd cd dispatcher/frontend-ui
yarn install
  • Create yourself a startup script
cd dispatcher/frontend-ui
# this will start UI on localhost:8080
yarn serve

You may want to disable CORS for your tests. Chromium can be launched with --disable-web-security for that.


Uploader is a single Python file that has an optional dependency on humanfriendly (install it!).

You can test it on any SSH/SFTP server but we may want to ensure it works fine with our receiver.


Given the very nature of the receiver (an SSHD server), it is only tested through its container.

  • Create placeholder folders
# get list of folders from
mkdir -p $(pwd)/{mnt,jail}/zim/{gutenberg,other,phet,psiram,stack_exchange,ted,vikidia,wikibooks,wikinews,wikipedia,wikiquote,wikisource,wikispecies,wikiversity,wikivoyage,wiktionary}
  • Test your changes via:
docker build receiver -f receiver/Dockerfile -t receiver
# use a local IP that docker can reach so not
docker -v $(pwd)/jail:/jail -v $(pwd)/mnt:/mnt run -e ZIMFARM_WEBAPI=" receiver"


It is recommended to read the workers README to understand all the configuration variables available.

While it is possible to test the task-worker individually, we recommend to always test via a scheduled task using a manager, and always via docker.

Create yourself a startup script

cd workers
echo "building task-worker"
docker build . -f task-Dockerfile -t task-worker:local || exit 1
echo "building working-manager"
docker build . -f manager-Dockerfile -t worker-manager:local || exit 1
docker rm $cont_name
docker run \
	--name $cont_name \
	-v $(pwd)/worker-data:/data \
	-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
	-v /home/self/.ssh/zimfarm:/etc/ssh/keys/zimfarm:ro \
	--env ZIMFARM_CPUS='3' \
	--env ZIMFARM_MEMORY='2G' \
	--env ZIMFARM_DISK='2G' \
	--env SELFISH="y" \
	--env USERNAME='admin' \
	--env DEBUG=1 \
	--env WORKER_NAME="myworker" \
	--env POLL_INTERVAL="30" \
	--env PLATFORM_wikimedia_MAX_TASKS="1" \
	--env PLATFORM_youtube_MAX_TASKS="1" \
   --env WEB_API_URI="" \
	--env TASK_WORKER_IMAGE='task-worker:local' \

You can also test it over the production API (adjusting your credentials) with

	--env WEB_API_URI="" \