A #recipe is a guide, tip or strategy for getting the most out of your Foam workspace!
- Contribute
- Take smart notes
- Discover
- Organise
- Write
- Version control
- Publish
- Collaborate
- Workflow
- Creative ideas
- Other
- Start by reading [contribution-guide]
- If you discover features not listed here, we'd love to have them! [how-to-write-recipes].
- Introduction to Zettelkasten [todo]
- Clip webpages with [web-clipper]
- Convert Microsoft Word files into Markdown with [markup-converter]
- Explore your notes using [graph-visualization]
- Discover relationships with [backlinking]
- Simulating [unlinked-references]
- Using [backlinking] for reference lists.
- Link documents with [wikilinks].
- Use shortcuts for [creating-new-notes]
- Instantly create and access your [daily-notes]
- Add and explore [tags]
- Create [note-templates]
- Find [orphans]
- Use custom [note-macros] to create weekly, monthly etc. notes
- Draw [diagrams-in-markdown]
- Prettify your links, [automatically-expand-urls-to-well-titled-links]
- Style your environment with [custom-markdown-preview-styles]
- Paste and link [add-images-to-notes]
- [shows-image-preview-on-hover]
- Markdown All-in-One features [todo] [good-first-task]
- Manage checklists
- Automatic Table of Contents
- Live preview markdown
- More...
- VS Code Advanced Features [todo] [good-first-task]
- Focus with Zen Mode
- Display content of other notes in the preview tab by [including-notes]
- Quick commits with VS Code's built in [[git-integration]]
- Store your workspace in an auto-synced GitHub repo with [write-your-notes-in-github-gist]
- Sync your GitHub repo automatically using the GitDoc VSCode Plugin [automatic-git-syncing].
Publish using official Foam template
- Publish to [publish-to-github-pages]
- Publish to [publish-to-gitlab-pages]
- Publish to [publish-to-azure-devops-wiki]
- Publish to [publish-to-vercel]
Publish using community templates
Make the site your own by [publish-to-github].
Render math symbols, by either
- adding client-side [math-support-with-mathjax] to the default [publish-to-github-pages] site
- adding a custom Jekyll plugin to support [math-support-with-katex]
- Give your team push access to your GitHub repo
- Real-time collaboration via VS Code Live Share [real-time-collaboration]
- Accept patches via GitHub PRs [todo]
- Capture notes from Drafts app on iOS [capture-notes-with-drafts-pro]
- Capture notes from iOS Shortcuts [capture-notes-with-shortcuts-and-github-actions]
Creative ideas welcome!
See [contribution-guide] and [how-to-write-recipes].
Thought of a recipe but don't see a category for them? Add them here and we'll organise them once we detect a theme.
See [contribution-guide] and [how-to-write-recipes].