🏋️Console Fitness Diary📖 is OOP console project built from scratch. The application consists of user, exercises database and fitness program. The user must register in order to: see his daily or weekly program, add, remove or edit exercises, add, insert, remove or edit exercises from his own fitness program.
o Register new user during the first launch by name
o Users can create exercise
o Users can set maximum lifted weight to specific exercise by it's name
o Users have option to update specifit exercise sets
o Users have option to update specifit exercise minimum and maximum repetitions
o Users can see their weekly program
o Users have option to add exercise at the end of the program
o Users have option to insert specific exercise in the program
o Users have option to swap exercise in the program with another one
o Users have option to remove exercise from specific position in the program
o Self-updating .txt files after specific actions
o Building tables in console application
o Using the ASCII table symbols
o Restricting users actions (resizing and maximizing)
o Console color manipulations (background color, foreground color)
o DateTime in C#
o Unit testing bigger code
o Factory design pattern