diff --git a/.github/workflows/save_shsh2.yml b/.github/workflows/save_shsh2.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..31b0ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/save_shsh2.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+name: Auto Save SHSH2
+permissions: write-all # Allow Release 允许发布 release
+ ## --- required
+ MODEL: iPhone8,1 # specify device by its model (eg. iPhone8,1)
+ ECID: ab46efcbf71 # must be either DEC or HEX
+ ## --- choosing one of these three below and comment others
+ LATEST: true # if set true, FIRMWARE_VERSION and FIRMWARE_BUILD_ID will become invalid
+ FIRMWARE_VERSION: 15.7 # specify firmware version
+ # FIRMWARE_BUILD_ID: 19H12 # if set this, FIRMWARE_VERSION will become invalid
+ ## ---
+ NO_BOARDBAND: false # Request tickets without baseband. If set true, BOARDBAND will become invalid
+ BOARDBAND: n71ap # recommend set this for iPhone
+ ## ---
+ GEN: "0x1111111111111111" # manually specify generator in format 0x%%16llx
+ APNONCE: "" # required for saving blobs for A12/S4 and newer devices with generator
+ ## --- Enable the following options to use beta firmware
+ BETA: false
+ ## --- Logging
+ LOG_REQ: false # print the TSS request that will be sent to Apple
+ LOG_RSP: false # print the TSS response that comes from Apple
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - 'master'
+ schedule:
+ - cron: '20 5 * * 1' # Runs at 05:20 UTC on Mon.
+ workflow_dispatch:
+ inputs:
+ args:
+ description: 'Manual Arguments(Will use args here instead of using env. Use `--ecid` instead of `-e` if you get some error. Do not set `-s` and `--save-path`!)\n\n本程序免费开源,如果你从其他人那付费获得了 Github Action 自动保存 shsh2 的程序,那么恭喜你被骗了!'
+ required: true
+ default: "-d iPhone6,2 -B n53ap --ecid 6F40A4CD908 -l"
+ save_shsh2:
+ runs-on: windows-2022
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: prepare (auto)
+ if: github.event.inputs == 0
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ echo "Auto mode.\n本程序免费开源,如果你从其他人那付费获得了 Github Action 自动保存 shsh2 的程序,那么恭喜你被骗了!"
+ tss_arg=""
+ if [ -z "${{ env.MODEL }}" ] || [ -z "${{ env.ECID }}" ]; then
+ echo "::error env.MODEL and env.ECID can't be NULL"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${{ env.APNONCE }}" ]; then
+ echo "::warning env.APNONCE is NULL, If you are using A12/S4 and newer, the blobs may not use. Read more: https://github.com/1Conan/tsschecker#nonce-entangling-apple-a12s4-and-newer"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${{ env.MODEL }}" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -d "${{ env.MODEL }}
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${{ env.ECID }}" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" --ecid "${{ env.ECID }}
+ fi
+ if [ "${{ env.LATEST }}" = "true" ]
+ then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -l "
+ elif [ -n "${{ env.FIRMWARE_BUILD_ID }}" ]
+ then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -Z "${{ env.FIRMWARE_BUILD_ID }}
+ else
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -i "${{ env.FIRMWARE_VERSION }}
+ fi
+ if [ "${{ env.NO_BOARDBAND }}" = "true" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -b "
+ else
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -B "${{ env.BOARDBAND }}
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${{ env.GEN }}" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" --generator "${{ env.GEN }}
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${{ env.APNONCE }}" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" --apnonce "${{ env.APNONCE }}
+ fi
+ if [ "${{ env.BETA }}" = "true" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" --ota --beta "
+ fi
+ if [ "${{ env.LOG_REQ }}" = "true" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" --print-tss-request "
+ fi
+ if [ "${{ env.LOG_RSP }}" = "true" ]; then
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" --print-tss-response "
+ fi
+ tss_arg=$tss_arg" -s --save-path .\\blobs "
+ echo tssArg="$tss_arg" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: prepare (manually)
+ if: github.event.inputs
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ echo "Manually run.\n本程序免费开源,如果你从其他人那付费获得了 Github Action 自动保存 shsh2 的程序,那么恭喜你被骗了!"
+ echo ECID=`echo "${{ github.event.inputs.args }}" | awk -F '--ecid' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'` >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ echo tssArg="${{ github.event.inputs.args }} -s --save-path .\\blobs" >> $GITHUB_ENV
+ - name: run tsschecker
+ shell: pwsh
+ run: |
+ if(!(Test-Path "blobs")) { mkdir "blobs" }
+ echo ${{ env.tssArg }} "\n本程序免费开源,如果你从其他人那付费获得了 Github Action 自动保存 shsh2 的程序,那么恭喜你被骗了!"
+ .\\tsschecker378.exe ${{ env.tssArg }}
+ - name: get info
+ id: shsh2-info
+ shell: bash
+ run: |
+ output=`ls blobs`
+ if [ -z $output ]; then
+ echo "blobs folder is empty!"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ firmware=`echo ${output} | awk -F '_' '{print $4}'`
+ echo firmware="${firmware}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo nonce=`echo ${output} | awk -F '_' '{print $5}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}'` >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo model=`echo ${output} | awk -F '_' '{print $2}'` >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ echo tagName="${firmware}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ mv "./blobs/"$output "./blobs/"`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`"_"$output
+ echo artifactName=$output >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
+ - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
+ with:
+ name: steps.shsh2-info.outputs.artifactName
+ path: blobs/*
+ - name: Release
+ uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v1
+ if: ${{ success() }}
+ with:
+ tag_name: ${{ steps.shsh2-info.outputs.tagName }}
+ body: >-
+ ${{ format(fromJSON('"ecid: {0}\nmodel: {1}\nfirmware: {2}\nnonce: {3}\n\n\n本程序免费[开源](https://github.com/tom-snow/autosave_SHSH2),如果你从其他人那付费获得了 Github Action 自动保存 shsh2 的程序,那么恭喜你被骗了!"'),
+ env.ECID,
+ steps.shsh2-info.outputs.model,
+ steps.shsh2-info.outputs.firmware,
+ steps.shsh2-info.outputs.nonce
+ ) }}
+ files: blobs/*
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32f4881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# autosave_SHSH2
+使用 Actions 自动保存 shsh2. ([English Readme](#english-readme))
+## 使用说明
+1. 点击右上角的 `Use this template` 以本仓库作为模版创建仓库(建议设为私有仓库).
+2. 开启仓库的 actions 功能
+3. 修改 [save_shsh2.yml](./.github/workflows/save_shsh2.yml) 文件中的各种变量
+4. 享受自动运行的快乐。
+**本程序免费[开源](https://github.com/tom-snow/autosave_SHSH2),如果你从其他人那付费获得了 Github Action 自动保存 shsh2 的程序,那么恭喜你被骗了!**
+PS: 当前不会检查历史提交的 Release,也就是说会同一个设备&版本号&G值会有多个 shsh2 文件(文件名不同),文件内容应该完全相同的,不会影响使用。当前不打算修复,可能以后也不会去修复。
+## 参数设置
+注意:对于 A12/S4 及以上设备,你必须设置 `APNONCE` + `GEN` 变量,否则生成的 shsh2 将不可用。你可以在电脑通过数据线连接到你的苹果设备,然后打开 [blobsaver](https://github.com/airsquared/blobsaver/releases),点击 `Specify APNonce` 下的 `Read from device` 来固定与获取 `APNONCE` + `GEN` 变量。
+其他参考: [tsschecker 帮助](https://github.com/1Conan/tsschecker#help)
+# English Readme
+Using actions save shsh2 automatically.
+## Usage
+1. Click `Use this template` to create a Repo for you (recommend private repo)
+2. Enable actions
+3. Modify [save_shsh2.yml](./.github/workflows/save_shsh2.yml) (The env block above)
+4. Enjoy!
+## ENVS
+Note: For Apple A12/S4 and newer device, you should set `APNONCE` + `GEN` variable. You can get it from [blobsaver](https://github.com/airsquared/blobsaver/releases).
+Other env: [tsschecker help](https://github.com/1Conan/tsschecker#help)
diff --git a/tsschecker378.exe b/tsschecker378.exe
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index 0000000..9b42671
Binary files /dev/null and b/tsschecker378.exe differ