ICIN2020: 23rd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks - Feb. 24-27 Paris
Netproc@ICIN2020 - 1st Workshop on Flexible Network Data Plane Processing on the Feb. 23 ahead of the conference
Dagstuhl Seminar on CFN(Compute-First Networking) - March 9-11,Dagstuhl, Germany
LANMAN2020: IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - July 7-9, Orlando, Florida
ICN2020:7th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking - Sept. 28-30 Montreal
AINTEC - South East Asian Networking Conference with a focus this year on in-network computing for local networking - November 2020 - Bangkok (after IETF109) (no website yet)
ICIN 2021(date TBD)