- fixed streamlit crash
- added toml for install
- fixed accounted for nan in monthly aggregates
- created download_utils
- some code restructuring for noaaplotter_streamlit support (https://github.com/initze/noaaplotter_streamlit)
- fixed NOAA APIv2 bug for losing January February data
- some code fixes and cleanup
- basic support for sst
- moved scripts to subdir and automatic package install
- Automated ERA5 download script through Google Earthengine
- code cleanup and minor changes
- Automated NOAA API download script
- No Data visual for daily data plot
- moved legend out of plot for daily plots
- some code cleanup
- minor bugfixes
- fixed truncated rolling mean at the beginning of monthly plots
- fixed crash bug for end dates after data avalability
- fixed crash of plot_monthly
- simplification of environement.yml
- minor style fixes