From bc376677432a47564dfba66a3b2dc917eb5a8228 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ingobeans <> Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 20:51:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] pwd: normalize path --- programs.js | 2 +- soy_filesystem/soysoup/bin/pwd.js | 2 +- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/programs.js b/programs.js index b52bdd4..00b4582 100644 --- a/programs.js +++ b/programs.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -systemFiles = '{"type": "directory", "content": {"home": {"type": "directory", "content": {"documents": {"type": "directory", "content": {"my_document.txt": {"type": "file", "content": "this is my document. \\n\\nit\'s mine, my own, my precious."}}}, "downloads": {"type": "directory", "content": {"horses.txt": {"type": "file", "content": "o------. o------. o------. o------. o------. o------.\\n / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\\\n\\nthey are horses. they are on the move."}}}, "programdata": {"type": "directory", "content": {"game_save.txt": {"type": "file", "content": "score 0\\nhealth 4\\ncoins 3"}}}}}, "soysoup": {"type": "directory", "content": {"bin": {"type": "directory", "content": {"bar.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n showProgressBar(percent) {\\n this.outputShell.setText(\\n \\"[\\" + \\"#\\".repeat(percent) + \\"-\\".repeat(100 - percent) + \\"]\\"\\n );\\n this.outputShell.flush();\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n var self = this;\\n for (let percent = 0; percent <= 101; percent++) {\\n setTimeout(function () {\\n if (percent == 101) {\\n self.outputShell.println(\\"finished the important task!\\");\\n self.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n self.showProgressBar(percent, self.outputShell);\\n }, 40 * percent);\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "cat.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.fileExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path doesn\'t exist or is not a file\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(this.readFile(args));\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "cls.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.setText(\\"\\");\\n this.outputShell.flush();\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "colors.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n this.prompt.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n async load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n `i am default color ${GREEN_COLOR}i am green ${BLUE_COLOR}but i am blue ${ERROR_COLOR}yet i am the bestest color${RESET_COLOR}... i am normal...`\\n );\\n\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "echo.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.println(args);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "edit.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class MultitextInput extends CommandlineInput {\\n customKeyEvent(event) {\\n // make CTRL + X \'submit\' the input, rather than enter.\\n // also make tab add indent\\n\\n if (event.key == \\"x\\" && event.ctrlKey) {\\n this.onSubmit();\\n return true;\\n // returning true means blocking the default handling of the key\\n }\\n\\n if (event.key == \\"Tab\\" && !event.ctrlKey) {\\n console.log(\\"tab\\");\\n this.writeCharacter(\\" \\");\\n this.flush();\\n return true;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n flush() {\\n //overwrite the flush function to also include the message at the bottom\\n\\n super.flush();\\n // the normal code can still run, just need to add a print at end of file\\n this.outputShell.println(\\"[use CTRL+X to save and exit]\\");\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n this.prompt.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n async load(args) {\\n if (\\n !args ||\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(args) != true ||\\n !this.isValidFilePath(args)\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path doesn\'t exist\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n this.prompt = new MultitextInput(this.outputShell);\\n this.outputShell.text = \\"\\";\\n var contents = \\"\\";\\n\\n if (this.fileExists(args) == true) {\\n var contents = this.readFile(args);\\n }\\n\\n this.prompt.prompt(\\"\\", true).then((newContents) => {\\n this.writeFile(args, newContents);\\n this.outputShell.println(\\"saved modified file to \\" + args);\\n this.quit();\\n });\\n this.prompt.currentLineInput = contents;\\n this.prompt.selectionIndex = contents.length;\\n this.prompt.flush();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "grid.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n if (event.key == \\"a\\") {\\n this.x -= 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"d\\") {\\n this.x += 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"w\\") {\\n this.y -= 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"s\\") {\\n this.y += 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"q\\") {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.x = this.x.clamp(0, 49);\\n this.y = this.y.clamp(0, 6);\\n this.draw();\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n this.x = 25;\\n this.y = 3;\\n this.draw();\\n }\\n draw() {\\n var grid = (\\"-\\".repeat(50) + \\"\\\\n\\").repeat(7);\\n var indexPosition = this.y * 51 + this.x;\\n grid = grid.slice(0, indexPosition) + \\"#\\" + grid.slice(indexPosition + 1);\\n this.outputShell.text = grid + \\"\\\\n\\\\n[use WASD to move, Q to exit]\\";\\n this.outputShell.flush();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "help.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n var helpMessage = `\\ncd [directory] - navigate to another directory\\ncat [file] - read contents of file\\necho [string] - print a string to shell\\nedit [file] - edit file by path\\nexit - close terminal instance\\nhelp - prints this\\nls - list contents of directory\\nmkdir [directory] - create folder\\nproc list - list processes\\nproc kill [pid] - terminate process\\nservice list - list running services\\nservice start [service name] - start service\\nservice stop [service name] - stop service\\npwd - prints working directory\\nreload - reset file system\\nrm [file/directory] - remove file or folder\\nmv [source file] [dest file] - move or rename a file from source to destination\\ncls - clears the terminal\\nterminal - open new instance of terminal`;\\n this.outputShell.println(helpMessage);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "ls.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.dirExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\"path doesn\'t exist or is not a directory\\")\\n );\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n let text = \\"\\";\\n\\n this.readDirectory(args).forEach((item) => {\\n let actualPath = getActualPath(item, getActualPath(args, this.cwd));\\n let isFile =\\n fileSystem.pathExists(actualPath) &&\\n fileSystem.isFile(actualPath) == true;\\n if (isFile == true) {\\n text += GREEN_COLOR + item + \\"\\\\n\\";\\n } else {\\n text += BLUE_COLOR + item + \\"\\\\n\\";\\n }\\n });\\n text = text.trim() + RESET_COLOR;\\n this.outputShell.println(text);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "mkdir.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.isValidParentDirectory(args) || this.dirExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path is invalid\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n this.createDirectory(args);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "mv.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n let sourcePath = undefined;\\n let destPath = undefined;\\n\\n if (args.split(\\" \\").length == 2) {\\n sourcePath = args.split(\\" \\")[0];\\n destPath = args.split(\\" \\")[1];\\n } else {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"wrong arguments\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n if (!sourcePath || !this.fileExists(sourcePath)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"source path doesn\'t exist\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n if (\\n !destPath ||\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(destPath) != true ||\\n !this.isValidFilePath(destPath) ||\\n this.fileExists(destPath)\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\"destination path is invalid or already exists\\")\\n );\\n console.log(\\n !destPath,\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(destPath) != true,\\n !this.isValidFilePath(destPath),\\n this.fileExists(destPath)\\n );\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.renameFile(sourcePath, destPath);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "proc.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n var parts = parseToParts(args);\\n if (\\n !args ||\\n (parts[0] != \\"list\\" && parts[0] != \\"kill\\") ||\\n (parts[0] == \\"kill\\" && parts.length == 1)\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\n `missing or incorrect args. use \'proc list\' to list processes or \'proc kill \' to terminate a process.`\\n )\\n );\\n // invalid args if args is empty, if the first argument is not list or kill, or if the first argument is kill but there is no argument for process ID\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n if (parts[0] == \\"list\\") {\\n var text = \\"running processes:\\";\\n for (let index = 0; index < programs.length; index++) {\\n const program = programs[index];\\n text +=\\n \\"\\\\n\\\\t\\" +\\n +\\n \\" - \\" +\\n program.filepath.split(\\"/\\")[program.filepath.split(\\"/\\").length - 1];\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(text);\\n } else if (parts[0] == \\"kill\\") {\\n let program = getProgram(parts[1]);\\n if (program !== undefined) {\\n program.quit();\\n programs = removeItem(programs, program);\\n this.outputShell.println(\\"killed process with ID \\" + parts[1]);\\n } else {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"no process with ID \\" + parts[1]));\\n }\\n }\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "pwd.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.println(this.cwd);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "reload.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n fileSystem.loadFromString(systemFiles);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "rm.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.pathExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path doesn\'t exist\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n this.deleteItem(args);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "service.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n var parts = parseToParts(args);\\n if (\\n !args ||\\n (parts[0] != \\"list\\" && parts[0] != \\"start\\" && parts[0] != \\"stop\\") ||\\n (parts[0] == \\"list\\" && parts[1] != \\"running\\" && parts[1] != \\"all\\") ||\\n parts.length != 2\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\n `missing or incorrect args. use \'services list running/all\' to list services or \'service start/stop \' to start/stop a service`\\n )\\n );\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n if (parts[0] == \\"list\\") {\\n let runningServices = Object.keys(serviceManager.serviceInstances);\\n let servicesText = \\"\\";\\n if (parts[1] == \\"running\\") {\\n servicesText = \\"running services:\\";\\n for (let service of runningServices) {\\n let instance = serviceManager.serviceInstances[service];\\n servicesText +=\\n \\"\\\\n\\\\t\\" +\\n instance.filepath\\n .split(\\"/\\")\\n [instance.filepath.split(\\"/\\").length - 1].split(\\".\\")[0];\\n }\\n } else {\\n servicesText = \\"all services:\\";\\n for (let service of {\\n let color = \\"\\";\\n if (!runningServices.includes(service)) {\\n color = MUTED_COLOR;\\n }\\n servicesText += \\"\\\\n\\\\t\\" + color + service + RESET_COLOR;\\n }\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(servicesText);\\n this.quit();\\n } else if (parts[0] == \\"start\\") {\\n serviceManager.startService(parts[1], this.outputShell);\\n } else if (parts[0] == \\"stop\\") {\\n serviceManager.stopService(parts[1]);\\n }\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "servicemanager.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "function setServiceManager(instance) {\\n if (typeof serviceManagerPID === \\"undefined\\") {\\n serviceManagerPID =;\\n serviceManager = instance;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass ProgramSource extends Program {\\n startService(name, shell) {\\n if ( {\\n if (this.serviceInstances[name] === undefined) {\\n this.serviceInstances[name] = executeFile(\\n `soysoup/services/${name}.soup`,\\n \\"\\",\\n shell,\\n \\"\\"\\n )[\\"instance\\"];\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n stopService(name) {\\n let instance = this.serviceInstances[name];\\n if (instance !== undefined) {\\n delete this.serviceInstances[name];\\n instance.quit();\\n }\\n }\\n refreshServiceList() {\\n = [];\\n for (let service of this.readDirectory(\\"/soysoup/services\\")) {\\n\\".\\")[0]);\\n }\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n if (typeof serviceManagerPID === \\"undefined\\") {\\n setServiceManager(this);\\n } else {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n = [];\\n this.serviceInstances = {};\\n this.refreshServiceList();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "terminal.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n if (this.focusedProcess == undefined) {\\n this.prompt.onKeypress(event);\\n } else {\\n if (event.key == \\"z\\" && event.ctrlKey) {\\n this.focusedProcess.outputShell = new Shell(() => {});\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n \\"dropped focus from PID \\" +\\n );\\n this.focusedProcess = undefined;\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n } else if (event.key == \\"c\\" && event.ctrlKey) {\\n this.focusedProcess.quit();\\n this.focusedProcess.outputShell = new Shell(() => {});\\n this.focusedProcess = undefined;\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.focusedProcess.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n }\\n async handleSubmit(text) {\\n let args = parseToParts(text);\\n if (args[0] == \\"exit\\") {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n } else if (args[0] == \\"jobs\\") {\\n var text = \\"\\";\\n for (let index = 0; index < this.processes.length; index++) {\\n const program = this.processes[index];\\n text +=\\n \\"\\\\n\\" +\\n +\\n \\" - \\" +\\n program.filepath.split(\\"/\\")[program.filepath.split(\\"/\\").length - 1];\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(text);\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n } else if (args[0] == \\"cd\\") {\\n let targetPath = fileSystem.normalizePath(\\n getActualPath(args[1], this.cwd)\\n );\\n if (\\n fileSystem.pathExists(targetPath) &&\\n fileSystem.isFile(targetPath) != true\\n ) {\\n this.cwd = targetPath;\\n } else {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\"path doesn\'t exist or is not a directory\\")\\n );\\n }\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n }\\n let newShell = this.outputShell;\\n\\n if (text.indexOf(\\">\\") != -1) {\\n let splitted = splitAtLastOccurrence(text, \\">\\");\\n let self = this;\\n let outputDestination = splitted[1];\\n if (\\n outputDestination &&\\n this.isValidFilePath(outputDestination) &&\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(outputDestination) == true\\n ) {\\n text = splitted[0];\\n newShell = new Shell(function (text) {\\n self.writeFile(outputDestination, removeAnsiCodes(text));\\n });\\n }\\n }\\n let runInBackground = false;\\n\\n if (text[text.length - 1] == \\"&\\") {\\n text = text.slice(0, -1);\\n runInBackground = true;\\n newShell = new Shell(() => {});\\n }\\n let process = executeCommand(text, newShell, this.cwd);\\n if (process != undefined) {\\n let oldFocus = this.focusedProcess;\\n this.processes.push(process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n if (runInBackground == false) {\\n this.focusedProcess = process[\\"instance\\"];\\n await process[\\"promise\\"];\\n this.processes = removeItem(this.processes, process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n\\n // only restore focuse IF this command is still the last active program\\n if (this.focusedProcess == process[\\"instance\\"]) {\\n this.focusedProcess = oldFocus;\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n } else {\\n process[\\"promise\\"].then(\\n function () {\\n this.processes = removeItem(this.processes, process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n }.bind(this)\\n );\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n } else {\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n }\\n async startNewPrompt() {\\n if (this.singleCommand === true) {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n let result = await this.prompt.prompt(\\">\\", true);\\n this.handleSubmit(result);\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n this.processes = [];\\n this.focusedProcess = undefined;\\n this.singleCommand = args != \\"\\";\\n if (args != \\"\\") {\\n this.handleSubmit(args);\\n return;\\n }\\n this.prompt = new CommandlineInput(this.outputShell, true);\\n\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n `soysoupOS v${systemVersion}\\\\ntype \'help\' for help`\\n );\\n\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "test.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n async load(args) {\\n this.myPrompt = new CommandlineInput(this.outputShell);\\n\\n var name = await this.myPrompt.prompt(\\"What is your name?: \\", false);\\n var age = await this.myPrompt.prompt(\\"How old are you: \\", false);\\n\\n this.outputShell.println(`Howdy ${name}, aged ${age}`);\\n\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n this.myPrompt.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n}\\n"}}}, "": {"type": "file", "content": "servicemanager&\\nservice start tty\\nservice start carrot"}, "services": {"type": "directory", "content": {"carrot.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "let windowBorderWidth = 2;\\nlet topbarHeight = 30;\\nlet windowBackgroundColor = \\"#fff\\";\\nwindowBorderColor = \\"#7c7dd9\\";\\nlet windowTitleTextColor = \\"#000\\";\\nlet backgroundColor = \\"#a0a1f0\\";\\n\\nclass ConsoleHostWindow {\\n load() {\\n let pathSegments = this.parent.filepath.split(\\"/\\");\\n this.title = pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1].split(\\".\\")[0];\\n }\\n calcMaxLines() {\\n return Math.floor(this.canvas.height / fontSize);\\n }\\n draw() {\\n drawRect(\\n this.ctx,\\n 0,\\n 0,\\n this.ctx.canvas.width,\\n this.ctx.canvas.height,\\n \\"#000\\"\\n );\\n let lines = this.parent.outputShell.text.split(\\"\\\\n\\");\\n let maxLines = this.calcMaxLines() - 1;\\n let skipUntil = null;\\n if (lines.length >= maxLines) {\\n skipUntil = lines.length - maxLines;\\n }\\n for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {\\n if (!(skipUntil !== null && i < skipUntil)) {\\n let line = lines[i];\\n drawAnsiText(\\n this.ctx,\\n 0,\\n fontSize * (i - skipUntil + 1),\\n line,\\n \\"#fff\\",\\n \\"#000\\"\\n );\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass CarrotGraphicsHandler extends GraphicsHandler {\\n constructor(parent) {\\n super();\\n this.parent = parent;\\n }\\n onKeypress(key) {\\n let drawPrograms = this.parent.programs;\\n if (drawPrograms.length > 0) {\\n drawPrograms[0].onKeypress(key);\\n }\\n }\\n onMousedown(event) {\\n this.parent.onMousedown(event);\\n }\\n drawTopbar(ctx, window) {\\n drawAnsiText(\\n ctx,\\n windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBorderWidth + fontSize,\\n window.title,\\n windowTitleTextColor\\n );\\n }\\n draw() {\\n drawRect(screenCtx, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, backgroundColor);\\n for (let i = this.parent.programs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\\n const program = this.parent.programs[i];\\n if (program.window.setUp !== true) {\\n this.parent.setUpWindow(program.window, program);\\n }\\n let windowBack = document.createElement(\\"canvas\\");\\n let windowBackCtx = windowBack.getContext(\\"2d\\");\\n windowBack.width = program.window.canvas.width + windowBorderWidth * 2;\\n windowBack.height =\\n program.window.canvas.height + windowBorderWidth * 2 + topbarHeight;\\n\\n drawRect(\\n windowBackCtx,\\n 0,\\n 0,\\n windowBack.width,\\n windowBack.height,\\n windowBackgroundColor\\n );\\n if (i == 0) {\\n drawRect(\\n windowBackCtx,\\n windowBorderWidth / 2,\\n windowBorderWidth / 2,\\n windowBack.width - windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBack.height - windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBorderColor,\\n windowBorderWidth\\n );\\n }\\n this.drawTopbar(windowBackCtx, program.window);\\n program.window.draw();\\n windowBackCtx.drawImage(\\n program.window.ctx.canvas,\\n windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBorderWidth + topbarHeight\\n );\\n screenCtx.drawImage(\\n windowBack,\\n program.window.x - windowBorderWidth,\\n program.window.y - windowBorderWidth\\n );\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass ProgramSource extends Program {\\n setUpWindow(window, parent) {\\n window.canvas = document.createElement(\\"canvas\\");\\n window.canvas.width = 850;\\n window.canvas.height = 450;\\n [window.x, window.y] = this.getNewWindowPosition(\\n window.canvas.width,\\n window.canvas.height\\n );\\n window.parent = parent;\\n window.ctx = window.canvas.getContext(\\"2d\\");\\n window.load();\\n window.setUp = true;\\n }\\n onMousedown(event) {\\n let p = this.getProgramAt(event.clientX, event.clientY);\\n if (p !== undefined) {\\n console.log(p.filepath);\\n this.programs = moveElement(this.programs, p, 0);\\n p.onMousedown(event);\\n }\\n }\\n getProgramAt(x, y) {\\n for (let program of this.programs) {\\n if (\\n x >= program.window.x &&\\n x < program.window.x + program.window.canvas.width &&\\n y >= program.window.y &&\\n y < program.window.y + program.window.canvas.height + topbarHeight\\n ) {\\n return program;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n getNewWindowPosition(width, height) {\\n let step = 25;\\n let offsetX = 0;\\n let offsetY = 0;\\n while (true) {\\n let p = [\\n Math.floor((canvas.width - width) / 2) + offsetX,\\n Math.floor((canvas.height - height) / 2) + offsetY,\\n ];\\n let match = false;\\n for (let program of this.programs) {\\n if (program.window.x == p[0] && program.window.y == p[1]) {\\n match = true;\\n }\\n }\\n if (!match) {\\n return p;\\n } else {\\n offsetX += step;\\n offsetY += step;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n launchApplication(path, argsRaw, cwd) {\\n // launches a program with a window & fresh shell\\n let shell = new Shell(() => {});\\n let process = executeFile(path, argsRaw, shell, cwd);\\n if (process[\\"instance\\"].window == undefined) {\\n process[\\"instance\\"].window = new ConsoleHostWindow();\\n }\\n this.setUpWindow(process[\\"instance\\"].window, process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n this.programs.unshift(process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n return process;\\n }\\n quit() {\\n setGraphicsHandler();\\n for (let program of this.programs) {\\n program.quit();\\n }\\n super.quit();\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n this.programs = [];\\n setGraphicsHandler(new CarrotGraphicsHandler(this));\\n this.launchApplication(\\"soysoup/bin/terminal.soup\\", \\"\\", \\"\\");\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "tty.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.terminal = executeFile(\\n \\"soysoup/bin/terminal.soup\\",\\n \\"\\",\\n this.outputShell,\\n \\"\\"\\n )[\\"instance\\"];\\n }\\n}\\n"}}}}}}}' \ No newline at end of file +systemFiles = '{"type": "directory", "content": {"home": {"type": "directory", "content": {"documents": {"type": "directory", "content": {"my_document.txt": {"type": "file", "content": "this is my document. \\n\\nit\'s mine, my own, my precious."}}}, "downloads": {"type": "directory", "content": {"horses.txt": {"type": "file", "content": "o------. o------. o------. o------. o------. o------.\\n / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\ / \\\\\\n\\nthey are horses. they are on the move."}}}, "programdata": {"type": "directory", "content": {"game_save.txt": {"type": "file", "content": "score 0\\nhealth 4\\ncoins 3"}}}}}, "soysoup": {"type": "directory", "content": {"bin": {"type": "directory", "content": {"bar.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n showProgressBar(percent) {\\n this.outputShell.setText(\\n \\"[\\" + \\"#\\".repeat(percent) + \\"-\\".repeat(100 - percent) + \\"]\\"\\n );\\n this.outputShell.flush();\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n var self = this;\\n for (let percent = 0; percent <= 101; percent++) {\\n setTimeout(function () {\\n if (percent == 101) {\\n self.outputShell.println(\\"finished the important task!\\");\\n self.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n self.showProgressBar(percent, self.outputShell);\\n }, 40 * percent);\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "cat.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.fileExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path doesn\'t exist or is not a file\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(this.readFile(args));\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "cls.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.setText(\\"\\");\\n this.outputShell.flush();\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "colors.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n this.prompt.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n async load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n `i am default color ${GREEN_COLOR}i am green ${BLUE_COLOR}but i am blue ${ERROR_COLOR}yet i am the bestest color${RESET_COLOR}... i am normal...`\\n );\\n\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "echo.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.println(args);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "edit.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class MultitextInput extends CommandlineInput {\\n customKeyEvent(event) {\\n // make CTRL + X \'submit\' the input, rather than enter.\\n // also make tab add indent\\n\\n if (event.key == \\"x\\" && event.ctrlKey) {\\n this.onSubmit();\\n return true;\\n // returning true means blocking the default handling of the key\\n }\\n\\n if (event.key == \\"Tab\\" && !event.ctrlKey) {\\n console.log(\\"tab\\");\\n this.writeCharacter(\\" \\");\\n this.flush();\\n return true;\\n }\\n }\\n\\n flush() {\\n //overwrite the flush function to also include the message at the bottom\\n\\n super.flush();\\n // the normal code can still run, just need to add a print at end of file\\n this.outputShell.println(\\"[use CTRL+X to save and exit]\\");\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n this.prompt.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n async load(args) {\\n if (\\n !args ||\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(args) != true ||\\n !this.isValidFilePath(args)\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path doesn\'t exist\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n this.prompt = new MultitextInput(this.outputShell);\\n this.outputShell.text = \\"\\";\\n var contents = \\"\\";\\n\\n if (this.fileExists(args) == true) {\\n var contents = this.readFile(args);\\n }\\n\\n this.prompt.prompt(\\"\\", true).then((newContents) => {\\n this.writeFile(args, newContents);\\n this.outputShell.println(\\"saved modified file to \\" + args);\\n this.quit();\\n });\\n this.prompt.currentLineInput = contents;\\n this.prompt.selectionIndex = contents.length;\\n this.prompt.flush();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "grid.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n if (event.key == \\"a\\") {\\n this.x -= 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"d\\") {\\n this.x += 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"w\\") {\\n this.y -= 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"s\\") {\\n this.y += 1;\\n }\\n if (event.key == \\"q\\") {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.x = this.x.clamp(0, 49);\\n this.y = this.y.clamp(0, 6);\\n this.draw();\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n this.x = 25;\\n this.y = 3;\\n this.draw();\\n }\\n draw() {\\n var grid = (\\"-\\".repeat(50) + \\"\\\\n\\").repeat(7);\\n var indexPosition = this.y * 51 + this.x;\\n grid = grid.slice(0, indexPosition) + \\"#\\" + grid.slice(indexPosition + 1);\\n this.outputShell.text = grid + \\"\\\\n\\\\n[use WASD to move, Q to exit]\\";\\n this.outputShell.flush();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "help.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n var helpMessage = `\\ncd [directory] - navigate to another directory\\ncat [file] - read contents of file\\necho [string] - print a string to shell\\nedit [file] - edit file by path\\nexit - close terminal instance\\nhelp - prints this\\nls - list contents of directory\\nmkdir [directory] - create folder\\nproc list - list processes\\nproc kill [pid] - terminate process\\nservice list - list running services\\nservice start [service name] - start service\\nservice stop [service name] - stop service\\npwd - prints working directory\\nreload - reset file system\\nrm [file/directory] - remove file or folder\\nmv [source file] [dest file] - move or rename a file from source to destination\\ncls - clears the terminal\\nterminal - open new instance of terminal`;\\n this.outputShell.println(helpMessage);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "ls.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.dirExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\"path doesn\'t exist or is not a directory\\")\\n );\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n let text = \\"\\";\\n\\n this.readDirectory(args).forEach((item) => {\\n let actualPath = getActualPath(item, getActualPath(args, this.cwd));\\n let isFile =\\n fileSystem.pathExists(actualPath) &&\\n fileSystem.isFile(actualPath) == true;\\n if (isFile == true) {\\n text += GREEN_COLOR + item + \\"\\\\n\\";\\n } else {\\n text += BLUE_COLOR + item + \\"\\\\n\\";\\n }\\n });\\n text = text.trim() + RESET_COLOR;\\n this.outputShell.println(text);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "mkdir.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.isValidParentDirectory(args) || this.dirExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path is invalid\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n this.createDirectory(args);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "mv.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n let sourcePath = undefined;\\n let destPath = undefined;\\n\\n if (args.split(\\" \\").length == 2) {\\n sourcePath = args.split(\\" \\")[0];\\n destPath = args.split(\\" \\")[1];\\n } else {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"wrong arguments\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n if (!sourcePath || !this.fileExists(sourcePath)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"source path doesn\'t exist\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n if (\\n !destPath ||\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(destPath) != true ||\\n !this.isValidFilePath(destPath) ||\\n this.fileExists(destPath)\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\"destination path is invalid or already exists\\")\\n );\\n console.log(\\n !destPath,\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(destPath) != true,\\n !this.isValidFilePath(destPath),\\n this.fileExists(destPath)\\n );\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.renameFile(sourcePath, destPath);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "proc.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n var parts = parseToParts(args);\\n if (\\n !args ||\\n (parts[0] != \\"list\\" && parts[0] != \\"kill\\") ||\\n (parts[0] == \\"kill\\" && parts.length == 1)\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\n `missing or incorrect args. use \'proc list\' to list processes or \'proc kill \' to terminate a process.`\\n )\\n );\\n // invalid args if args is empty, if the first argument is not list or kill, or if the first argument is kill but there is no argument for process ID\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n if (parts[0] == \\"list\\") {\\n var text = \\"running processes:\\";\\n for (let index = 0; index < programs.length; index++) {\\n const program = programs[index];\\n text +=\\n \\"\\\\n\\\\t\\" +\\n +\\n \\" - \\" +\\n program.filepath.split(\\"/\\")[program.filepath.split(\\"/\\").length - 1];\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(text);\\n } else if (parts[0] == \\"kill\\") {\\n let program = getProgram(parts[1]);\\n if (program !== undefined) {\\n program.quit();\\n programs = removeItem(programs, program);\\n this.outputShell.println(\\"killed process with ID \\" + parts[1]);\\n } else {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"no process with ID \\" + parts[1]));\\n }\\n }\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "pwd.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.outputShell.println(fileSystem.normalizePath(this.cwd));\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "reload.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n fileSystem.loadFromString(systemFiles);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "rm.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n if (!this.pathExists(args)) {\\n this.outputShell.println(error(\\"path doesn\'t exist\\"));\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n\\n this.deleteItem(args);\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "service.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n var parts = parseToParts(args);\\n if (\\n !args ||\\n (parts[0] != \\"list\\" && parts[0] != \\"start\\" && parts[0] != \\"stop\\") ||\\n (parts[0] == \\"list\\" && parts[1] != \\"running\\" && parts[1] != \\"all\\") ||\\n parts.length != 2\\n ) {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\n `missing or incorrect args. use \'services list running/all\' to list services or \'service start/stop \' to start/stop a service`\\n )\\n );\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n if (parts[0] == \\"list\\") {\\n let runningServices = Object.keys(serviceManager.serviceInstances);\\n let servicesText = \\"\\";\\n if (parts[1] == \\"running\\") {\\n servicesText = \\"running services:\\";\\n for (let service of runningServices) {\\n let instance = serviceManager.serviceInstances[service];\\n servicesText +=\\n \\"\\\\n\\\\t\\" +\\n instance.filepath\\n .split(\\"/\\")\\n [instance.filepath.split(\\"/\\").length - 1].split(\\".\\")[0];\\n }\\n } else {\\n servicesText = \\"all services:\\";\\n for (let service of {\\n let color = \\"\\";\\n if (!runningServices.includes(service)) {\\n color = MUTED_COLOR;\\n }\\n servicesText += \\"\\\\n\\\\t\\" + color + service + RESET_COLOR;\\n }\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(servicesText);\\n this.quit();\\n } else if (parts[0] == \\"start\\") {\\n serviceManager.startService(parts[1], this.outputShell);\\n } else if (parts[0] == \\"stop\\") {\\n serviceManager.stopService(parts[1]);\\n }\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "servicemanager.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "function setServiceManager(instance) {\\n if (typeof serviceManagerPID === \\"undefined\\") {\\n serviceManagerPID =;\\n serviceManager = instance;\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass ProgramSource extends Program {\\n startService(name, shell) {\\n if ( {\\n if (this.serviceInstances[name] === undefined) {\\n this.serviceInstances[name] = executeFile(\\n `soysoup/services/${name}.soup`,\\n \\"\\",\\n shell,\\n \\"\\"\\n )[\\"instance\\"];\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n stopService(name) {\\n let instance = this.serviceInstances[name];\\n if (instance !== undefined) {\\n delete this.serviceInstances[name];\\n instance.quit();\\n }\\n }\\n refreshServiceList() {\\n = [];\\n for (let service of this.readDirectory(\\"/soysoup/services\\")) {\\n\\".\\")[0]);\\n }\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n if (typeof serviceManagerPID === \\"undefined\\") {\\n setServiceManager(this);\\n } else {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n = [];\\n this.serviceInstances = {};\\n this.refreshServiceList();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "terminal.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n if (this.focusedProcess == undefined) {\\n this.prompt.onKeypress(event);\\n } else {\\n if (event.key == \\"z\\" && event.ctrlKey) {\\n this.focusedProcess.outputShell = new Shell(() => {});\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n \\"dropped focus from PID \\" +\\n );\\n this.focusedProcess = undefined;\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n } else if (event.key == \\"c\\" && event.ctrlKey) {\\n this.focusedProcess.quit();\\n this.focusedProcess.outputShell = new Shell(() => {});\\n this.focusedProcess = undefined;\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n }\\n this.focusedProcess.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n }\\n async handleSubmit(text) {\\n let args = parseToParts(text);\\n if (args[0] == \\"exit\\") {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n } else if (args[0] == \\"jobs\\") {\\n var text = \\"\\";\\n for (let index = 0; index < this.processes.length; index++) {\\n const program = this.processes[index];\\n text +=\\n \\"\\\\n\\" +\\n +\\n \\" - \\" +\\n program.filepath.split(\\"/\\")[program.filepath.split(\\"/\\").length - 1];\\n }\\n this.outputShell.println(text);\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n } else if (args[0] == \\"cd\\") {\\n let targetPath = fileSystem.normalizePath(\\n getActualPath(args[1], this.cwd)\\n );\\n if (\\n fileSystem.pathExists(targetPath) &&\\n fileSystem.isFile(targetPath) != true\\n ) {\\n this.cwd = targetPath;\\n } else {\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n error(\\"path doesn\'t exist or is not a directory\\")\\n );\\n }\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n return;\\n }\\n let newShell = this.outputShell;\\n\\n if (text.indexOf(\\">\\") != -1) {\\n let splitted = splitAtLastOccurrence(text, \\">\\");\\n let self = this;\\n let outputDestination = splitted[1];\\n if (\\n outputDestination &&\\n this.isValidFilePath(outputDestination) &&\\n this.isValidParentDirectory(outputDestination) == true\\n ) {\\n text = splitted[0];\\n newShell = new Shell(function (text) {\\n self.writeFile(outputDestination, removeAnsiCodes(text));\\n });\\n }\\n }\\n let runInBackground = false;\\n\\n if (text[text.length - 1] == \\"&\\") {\\n text = text.slice(0, -1);\\n runInBackground = true;\\n newShell = new Shell(() => {});\\n }\\n let process = executeCommand(text, newShell, this.cwd);\\n if (process != undefined) {\\n let oldFocus = this.focusedProcess;\\n this.processes.push(process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n if (runInBackground == false) {\\n this.focusedProcess = process[\\"instance\\"];\\n await process[\\"promise\\"];\\n this.processes = removeItem(this.processes, process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n\\n // only restore focuse IF this command is still the last active program\\n if (this.focusedProcess == process[\\"instance\\"]) {\\n this.focusedProcess = oldFocus;\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n } else {\\n process[\\"promise\\"].then(\\n function () {\\n this.processes = removeItem(this.processes, process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n }.bind(this)\\n );\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n } else {\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n }\\n async startNewPrompt() {\\n if (this.singleCommand === true) {\\n this.quit();\\n return;\\n }\\n let result = await this.prompt.prompt(\\">\\", true);\\n this.handleSubmit(result);\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n this.processes = [];\\n this.focusedProcess = undefined;\\n this.singleCommand = args != \\"\\";\\n if (args != \\"\\") {\\n this.handleSubmit(args);\\n return;\\n }\\n this.prompt = new CommandlineInput(this.outputShell, true);\\n\\n this.outputShell.println(\\n `soysoupOS v${systemVersion}\\\\ntype \'help\' for help`\\n );\\n\\n this.startNewPrompt();\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "test.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n async load(args) {\\n this.myPrompt = new CommandlineInput(this.outputShell);\\n\\n var name = await this.myPrompt.prompt(\\"What is your name?: \\", false);\\n var age = await this.myPrompt.prompt(\\"How old are you: \\", false);\\n\\n this.outputShell.println(`Howdy ${name}, aged ${age}`);\\n\\n this.quit();\\n }\\n onKeypress(event) {\\n this.myPrompt.onKeypress(event);\\n }\\n}\\n"}}}, "": {"type": "file", "content": "servicemanager&\\nservice start tty\\nservice start carrot"}, "services": {"type": "directory", "content": {"carrot.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "let windowBorderWidth = 2;\\nlet topbarHeight = 30;\\nlet windowBackgroundColor = \\"#fff\\";\\nwindowBorderColor = \\"#7c7dd9\\";\\nlet windowTitleTextColor = \\"#000\\";\\nlet backgroundColor = \\"#a0a1f0\\";\\n\\nclass ConsoleHostWindow {\\n load() {\\n let pathSegments = this.parent.filepath.split(\\"/\\");\\n this.title = pathSegments[pathSegments.length - 1].split(\\".\\")[0];\\n }\\n calcMaxLines() {\\n return Math.floor(this.canvas.height / fontSize);\\n }\\n draw() {\\n drawRect(\\n this.ctx,\\n 0,\\n 0,\\n this.ctx.canvas.width,\\n this.ctx.canvas.height,\\n \\"#000\\"\\n );\\n let lines = this.parent.outputShell.text.split(\\"\\\\n\\");\\n let maxLines = this.calcMaxLines() - 1;\\n let skipUntil = null;\\n if (lines.length >= maxLines) {\\n skipUntil = lines.length - maxLines;\\n }\\n for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {\\n if (!(skipUntil !== null && i < skipUntil)) {\\n let line = lines[i];\\n drawAnsiText(\\n this.ctx,\\n 0,\\n fontSize * (i - skipUntil + 1),\\n line,\\n \\"#fff\\",\\n \\"#000\\"\\n );\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass CarrotGraphicsHandler extends GraphicsHandler {\\n constructor(parent) {\\n super();\\n this.parent = parent;\\n }\\n onKeypress(key) {\\n let drawPrograms = this.parent.programs;\\n if (drawPrograms.length > 0) {\\n drawPrograms[0].onKeypress(key);\\n }\\n }\\n onMousedown(event) {\\n this.parent.onMousedown(event);\\n }\\n drawTopbar(ctx, window) {\\n drawAnsiText(\\n ctx,\\n windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBorderWidth + fontSize,\\n window.title,\\n windowTitleTextColor\\n );\\n }\\n draw() {\\n drawRect(screenCtx, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, backgroundColor);\\n for (let i = this.parent.programs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\\n const program = this.parent.programs[i];\\n if (program.window.setUp !== true) {\\n this.parent.setUpWindow(program.window, program);\\n }\\n let windowBack = document.createElement(\\"canvas\\");\\n let windowBackCtx = windowBack.getContext(\\"2d\\");\\n windowBack.width = program.window.canvas.width + windowBorderWidth * 2;\\n windowBack.height =\\n program.window.canvas.height + windowBorderWidth * 2 + topbarHeight;\\n\\n drawRect(\\n windowBackCtx,\\n 0,\\n 0,\\n windowBack.width,\\n windowBack.height,\\n windowBackgroundColor\\n );\\n if (i == 0) {\\n drawRect(\\n windowBackCtx,\\n windowBorderWidth / 2,\\n windowBorderWidth / 2,\\n windowBack.width - windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBack.height - windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBorderColor,\\n windowBorderWidth\\n );\\n }\\n this.drawTopbar(windowBackCtx, program.window);\\n program.window.draw();\\n windowBackCtx.drawImage(\\n program.window.ctx.canvas,\\n windowBorderWidth,\\n windowBorderWidth + topbarHeight\\n );\\n screenCtx.drawImage(\\n windowBack,\\n program.window.x - windowBorderWidth,\\n program.window.y - windowBorderWidth\\n );\\n }\\n }\\n}\\n\\nclass ProgramSource extends Program {\\n setUpWindow(window, parent) {\\n window.canvas = document.createElement(\\"canvas\\");\\n window.canvas.width = 850;\\n window.canvas.height = 450;\\n [window.x, window.y] = this.getNewWindowPosition(\\n window.canvas.width,\\n window.canvas.height\\n );\\n window.parent = parent;\\n window.ctx = window.canvas.getContext(\\"2d\\");\\n window.load();\\n window.setUp = true;\\n }\\n onMousedown(event) {\\n let p = this.getProgramAt(event.clientX, event.clientY);\\n if (p !== undefined) {\\n console.log(p.filepath);\\n this.programs = moveElement(this.programs, p, 0);\\n p.onMousedown(event);\\n }\\n }\\n getProgramAt(x, y) {\\n for (let program of this.programs) {\\n if (\\n x >= program.window.x &&\\n x < program.window.x + program.window.canvas.width &&\\n y >= program.window.y &&\\n y < program.window.y + program.window.canvas.height + topbarHeight\\n ) {\\n return program;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n getNewWindowPosition(width, height) {\\n let step = 25;\\n let offsetX = 0;\\n let offsetY = 0;\\n while (true) {\\n let p = [\\n Math.floor((canvas.width - width) / 2) + offsetX,\\n Math.floor((canvas.height - height) / 2) + offsetY,\\n ];\\n let match = false;\\n for (let program of this.programs) {\\n if (program.window.x == p[0] && program.window.y == p[1]) {\\n match = true;\\n }\\n }\\n if (!match) {\\n return p;\\n } else {\\n offsetX += step;\\n offsetY += step;\\n }\\n }\\n }\\n launchApplication(path, argsRaw, cwd) {\\n // launches a program with a window & fresh shell\\n let shell = new Shell(() => {});\\n let process = executeFile(path, argsRaw, shell, cwd);\\n if (process[\\"instance\\"].window == undefined) {\\n process[\\"instance\\"].window = new ConsoleHostWindow();\\n }\\n this.setUpWindow(process[\\"instance\\"].window, process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n this.programs.unshift(process[\\"instance\\"]);\\n return process;\\n }\\n quit() {\\n setGraphicsHandler();\\n for (let program of this.programs) {\\n program.quit();\\n }\\n super.quit();\\n }\\n load(args) {\\n this.programs = [];\\n setGraphicsHandler(new CarrotGraphicsHandler(this));\\n this.launchApplication(\\"soysoup/bin/terminal.soup\\", \\"\\", \\"\\");\\n }\\n}\\n"}, "tty.soup": {"type": "file", "content": "class ProgramSource extends Program {\\n load(args) {\\n this.terminal = executeFile(\\n \\"soysoup/bin/terminal.soup\\",\\n \\"\\",\\n this.outputShell,\\n \\"\\"\\n )[\\"instance\\"];\\n }\\n}\\n"}}}}}}}' \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/soy_filesystem/soysoup/bin/pwd.js b/soy_filesystem/soysoup/bin/pwd.js index d6c2f47..ee52c01 100644 --- a/soy_filesystem/soysoup/bin/pwd.js +++ b/soy_filesystem/soysoup/bin/pwd.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ class ProgramSource extends Program { load(args) { - this.outputShell.println(this.cwd); + this.outputShell.println(fileSystem.normalizePath(this.cwd)); this.quit(); } }