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December 24th, 2024

This is a bug fix release that address omissions in the v0.40.0 release.


  • [tendermint] export abci::event::v0_37 to construct EventAttribute::V037 variants. (#1479, (#1480)
  • [tendermint-light-client-js] bump serde-wasm-bindgen to v0.6.5 and js-sys to =v0.3.70 to fix compilation failure of wasm-bindgen-test. (#1481)


October 23rd, 2024

This release adds a new dialect for CometBFT v0.38.x, enabling the correct serialization of misbehavior Evidence. This improvement ensures compatibility with CometBFT v0.38.x, addressing specific issues in evidence handling for this version.



  • tendermint-rpc Fix serialization of misbehaviour Evidence on CometBFT v0.38.x using the newly introduced dialect (#1467)


August 9th, 2024

This is a bugfix release which addresses a couple issues found in the v0.39.0 release.

Users of v0.39.0 are strongly encouraged to upgrade to v0.39.1.


  • Fix newly introduced std and json-schema features, and ensure all feature flag can be used independently and in isolation. (#1454)
  • Remove dependency on prost-types as it is not needed anymore now that #1452 has landed (#1457)


August 6th, 2024

This release bundles the google.protobuf.Any Protobuf type in tendermint-proto and brings improvements to google.protobuf.Duration and google.protobuf.Timestamp.


  • [tendermint-proto] Add Any type under tendermint_proto::google::protobuf::Any (#1445)


  • [tendermint-proto] Implement prost::Name for tendermint_proto::google::protobuf::{Duration, Timestamp} (#1452)
  • [tendermint-proto] Improve ProtoJSON serialization of tendermint_proto::google::protobuf::{Duration, Timestamp} (#1452)


July 23rd, 2024

This release enhances decoding of the AppHash type by trying to decode it as base64 if it fails to decode as hex. This release also updates prost and prost-types to their latest version in the tendermint crate, something that was missed in the v0.38.0 release.


  • [tendermint] Bump prost and prost-types to their latest versions in the tendermint crate. This was missed in #1444, which only updated the two dependencies in tendermint-rpc, leading to duplicate versions of both crates to be present in the dependency graph. (#1446)


  • [tendermint-rpc] If AppHash fails to decode as hex, try to decode it as base64. (#1449)


July 15th, 2024

This release enhances /block_results response handling, relaxes Block validation, and adds support for the /genesis_chunked RPC endpoint.


  • tendermint: relax validation rules on Block (#1435)
  • [tendermint-proto]: Update prost to v0.13 and tonic to v0.12 (#1444)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Deserialize an empty JSON object as None for the consensus_param_updates field in the /block_results response. Deserialize version in consensus params as None if it is an empty object, null or not found. (#1440)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Add support for the /genesis_chunked RPC endpoint (#1438)


May 30th, 2024

This release restores the commit verification interfaces of PredicateVerifier from tendermint-rs 0.35.0 and lower, but retains the performance improvements made in version 0.36.0.

This version also brings a few new features to the HTTP RPC client, notably a way to specify the User-Agent to send along HTTP requests, as well as a way to override the underlying reqwest client.

Additionally, this release fixes a couple of issues with the serde-based deserialization of the FinalizeBlock and Event types.


  • [tendermint-proto] Upgrade tonic to v0.11 (#1422)
  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Restores the commit verification interfaces of PredicateVerifier<P, C, V> from <= 0.35.0 (#1423)
    • verify_commit(&self. untrusted: &UntrustedBlockState<'_>) is restored, as in <= 0.35.0.
    • verify_commit(&self, untrusted: &UntrustedBlockState<'_>, trusted: &TrustedBlockState<'_>,) introduced in 0.36.0 is renamed to verify_commit_against_trusted. The performance improvements made in the 0.36.0 release are still intact.


  • [tendermint-rpc] Add a way to specify custom User-Agent for HttpClient (#1425)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Add a client() method on transport::http::Builder to override the underlying reqwest client (#1421)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Add a from_raw_parts() method on transport::http::HttpClient to allow supplying the underlying reqwest client (#1421)


  • [tendermint] Fix FinalizeBlock::validator_updates deserialization as nullable (#1428)
  • [tendermint-abci] Add serde default annotation for Event::type to match omitempty in the Go implementation (#1416)


April 25th, 2024

This release brings substantial performance improvements to the voting power computation within the light client, improves the handling of misformed blocks (eg. with empty last_commit on non-first block) when decoding them from Protobuf or RPC responses, and adds missing serde derives on some Protobuf definitions.

This release also technically contains a breaking change in tendermint-proto, but this should not impact normal use of the library, as the ToPrimitive impl that was removed on BlockIdFlag trait did not provide any additional functionality.


  • [tendermint-proto] Remove redundant impl of num_traits::ToPrimitive for BlockIDFlag (#1389)

  • [tendermint] Change EventAttribute's key and value fields from String to Vec<u8> for Tendermint v0.34, as enforced by the Protobuf schema for Tendermint v0.34. tendermint::abci::EventAttribute is now an enum, to account for version 0.34 and 0.37+, therefore the key, value and index fields now have to be retrieved through the key_str()/key_bytes, value_str()/value_bytes() and index() methods. (#1400).

  • [light-client-verifier] Rework VerificationPredicates and VotingPowerCalculator by introducing methods which check validators and signers overlap at once. The motivation of this is to avoid checking the same signature multiple times.

    Consider a validator is in old and new set. Previously their signature would be verified twice. Once by call to has_sufficient_validators_overlap method and second time by call to has_sufficient_signers_overlap method.

    With the new interface, has_sufficient_validators_and_signers_overlap is called and it can be implemented to remember which signatures have been verified.

    As a side effect of those changes, signatures are now verified in the order of validator’s power which may further reduce number of signatures which need to be verified.



  • [tendermint-proto] Add missing serde derives on Protobuf definitions (#1389)
  • [tendermint] Add the following impls for ed25519-consensus:
    • From<ed25519_consensus::SigningKey for tendermint::PrivateKey
    • From<ed25519_consensus::SigningKey> for tendermint::SigningKey
    • From<ed25519_consensus::VerificationKey> for tendermint::PublicKey
    • From<ed25519_consensus::VerificationKey> for tendermint::VerificationKey (#1401)


  • [tendermint] Allow misformed blocks (eg. with empty last_commit on non-first block) when decoding them from Protobuf or RPC responses (#1403)
  • [tendermint] Check index ≤ i32::MAX invariant when converting usize into ValidatorIndex. (#1411)
  • [light-client-verifier] Optimise validators lookup in ProvidedVotingPowerCalculator::voting_power_in method. (#1407)
  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Reuse buffer used to store sign_bytes to reduce number of allocations and deallocations. (#1413)


This release brings breaking changes related to flex-error, EventAttribute fields and /tx_broadcast Response struct, as well as a critical bug fix for tendermint-p2p, multiple improvements to tendermint-rpc and a performance optimization for tendermint-light-client-verifier.


  • Don’t enable flex-error/eyre_tracer feature in crates which don’t use eyre directly. If you’re using eyre, and no other crate enables it, you may need to enable that explicitly. (#1371)
  • [tendermint] Allow null values in key and value fields of EventAttribute when deserializing. The serialization schema for the fields is changed to Option<String> (#1375).
  • [tendermint-rpc] Add the codespace field to the Tx sync and async broadcast Response (#1382)


  • [tendermint-p2p] Fix data corruption on sending long messages via SecretConnection (#1393)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Fix deserialization of /block_results response when some tx results are non-ok (#1391)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Export the http, websocket modules under client, each with the public Builder type (#1378).
  • [tendermint-rpc] Allow specifying a request timeout for the RPC HttpClient. http::Builder now provides a .timeout(Duration) method to specify the request timeout. If not specified, the default value is 30 seconds. (#1379)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Add FromStr, Serialize and Deserialize instances to CompatMode (#1374)
  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Optimizing voting power calculation by breaking the loop when we have enough voting power (#1378).


This release brings breaking changes, updating the ExtendVote request data structure to the changes in the CometBFT 0.38.0 release. The gRPC stack has been updated to prost 0.12 and tonic 0.10. The RPC client for HTTP has been reimplemented using reqwest. Support for Secp256k1 consensus keys has been added as an optional feature.


  • [tendermint-proto] Update dependencies to prost 0.12 and tonic 0.10 (#1349)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Changed ErrorDetail variants (#1362):
    • Removed the Hyper and InvalidUri variants.
    • The Http variant now has Error from reqwest as the source.
    • Added the InvalidProxy variant.
    • The tungstenite dependency exposed through its Error type in WebSocket-related variants has been updated to version 0.20.x.
  • [tendermint-rpc] Removed a TryFrom<HttpClientUrl> conversion for hyper::Uri as hyper is no longer a direct dependency (#1362).
  • [tendermint-proto] Update v0_38 bindings to CometFBT release 0.38.0 (#1365).
  • [tendermint] Add fields to abci::request::ExtendVote to represent the fields added to the abci.RequestExtendVote protobuf message since the 0.38.0-rc3 release (#1365).


  • [tendermint] Add support for secp256k1 consensus keys (#1364)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Turn non-200 HTTP response into an error instead of trying to parse the body as a JSON-RPC response (#1359)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Make rpc::Client and SubscriptionClient traits ?Send under wasm32 target. (#1385)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Address the RUSTSEC-2023-0052 vulnerability by dropping dependency on hyper-proxy and changing the HTTP client to use reqwest (#1342).


September 18th, 2023

This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements to how CometBFT data types are serialized and deserialized.


  • Changed the serde schema produced by serialize functions in these helper modules ([#1351]( rs/pull/1351)):

    • In tendermint-proto:
      • serializers::nullable
      • serializers::optional
    • In tendermint:
      • serializers::apphash
      • serializers::hash
      • serializers::option_hash

    If serde_json is used for serialization, the output schema does not change. But since serde is a generic framework, the changes may be breaking for other users. Overall, these changes should make the serialized data acceptable by the corresponding deserializer agnostically of the format.


  • [tendermint] Integer overflows are prevented when calculating the total voting power value in validator::Set (#1348).
  • [tendermint-proto] Serialize and Deserialize impls for v*::crypto::PublicKey are corrected to match the JSON schema used by other implementations (#1350).
  • [tendermint] Fix JSON serialization of timestamp field for CommitSig::BlockIdFlagAbsent to match what is expected by CometBFT (#1352)


  • [tendermint-testgen] Add app_hash field to testgen Header and implement convenient method for default LightBlock construction from Header (#1343)
  • [tendermint] Improve and validate deserialization of validator::Set (#1348). The total_voting_power field no longer has to be present in the format processed by Deserialize. If it is present, it is validated against the sum of the voting_power values of the listed validators. The sum value is also checked against the protocol-defined maximum.
  • [tendermint-proto] In the Deserialize impls derived for v*::types::ValidatorSet, the total_voting_power field value is retrieved when present.
  • [tendermint-proto] Add serialziation helper module serializers::from_str_allow_null. Use it to allow the proposed_priority field value of null in the deserialization of v*::types::Validator.
  • Corrected custom serializer helpers to consistently produce the format accepted by the deserializer. Improved performance of deserializers. (#1351)


Aug 29th, 2023

tendermint-proto: This release adds an optional grpc-server feature to the proto crate. When enabled the feature will include gRPC service definitions for the RPC and ABCI servers.


  • [tendermint-proto] add grpc/grpc-server features to include gRPC server definitions for the RPC/ABCI services. (#1338)


This release adds support for CometBFT 0.38 protocols. In the response to the sync_info RPC endpoint, the data of the earliest block are exposed to the client.


  • [tendermint] Adaptations for CometFBT 0.38 (#1312):
    • Define consensus::params::AbciParams struct, add the abci field of this type to consensus::Params to represent the protobuf additions.
    • Change the abci::Request and abci::Response reexports to use the enums defined in v0_38.
  • [tendermint] Define version-specific categorized request/response enums: ConsensusRequest, MempoolRequest, InfoRequest, ShapshotRequest, ConsensusResponse, MempoolResponse, InfoResponse, ShapshotResponse, in each of the v0_*::abci modules, so that the variants are trimmed to the requests/responses used by the respective protocol version. Reexport the types from v0_38::abci as aliases for these names in the abci module, continuing the naming as used in older API. (#1312).
  • [tendermint] Rename Signature::to_bytes to Signature::into_bytes (#1312).
  • [tendermint-abci] Update the Application interface to CometBFT 0.38 (#1312)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Changes to support the RPC protocol in CometBFT 0.38 (#1317):
    • Add finalize_block_results and app_hash fields to endpoint::block_results::Response.
    • The deliver_tx field is renamed to tx_result in endpoint::broadcast::tx_commit::Response.
    • The tx_result field type changed to ExecTxResult in endpoint::tx::Response.
    • The event::EventData::NewBlock variant is renamed to LegacyNewBlock. The new NewBlock variant only carries fields relevant since CometBFT 0.38.
    • Removed event::DialectEvent, replaced with non-generic serialization helpers in event::{v0_34, v0_37, v0_38}. The Deserialize helpers in the latter two modules are aliased from common types that can support both fields added in CometBFT 0.38, block_id and result_finalize_block, as well as the fields present 0.37. Likewise for DialectEventData and other event data structure types.
    • Changed some of the serialization dialect helpers to only be used by the 0.34 dialect and remove generics. The current dialect's seralization is switched to the serde impls on the domain types in tendermint.
  • [tendermint] Changes to support the RPC protocol in CometBFT 0.38 (#1317):
    • Due to some attribute changes, the format emitted by Serialize is changed for abci::response types CheckTx and FinalizeBlock.
  • [tendermint-rpc] Decode the earliest block data fields of the sync_info object in /status response and expose them in the SyncInfo struct: earliest_block_hash, earliest_app_hash, earliest_block_height, earliest_block_time (#1321).
  • [tendermint-proto] Align the return signature of the encode_vec and encode_length_delimited_vec methods in the Protobuf trait with prost::Message by directly returning Vec<u8>. (#1323)
    • Remove mandatory cloning in Protobuf methods and let callers decide on clone beforehand for original value access


  • [tendermint-proto] Generate prost bindings for CometBFT 0.38 under the tendermint::v0_38 module (#1312)
  • [tendermint] Support for CometBFT 0.38: (#1312):
    • Add conversions to and from tendermint::v0_38 protobuf types generated in [tendermint-proto].
    • Add request and response enums under v0_38::abci to enumerate all requests and responses appropriate for CometBFT version 0.38.
    • Add request and response types under abci to represent the requests and responses new to ABCI++ 2.0 in CometBFT version 0.38. The names are ExtendVote, FinalizeBlock, VerifyVoteExtension.
  • [tendermint-rpc] Support for CometBFT 0.38 (#1317):
    • Deserialize implementations on abci::Event, abci::EventAttribute that correspond to the current RPC serialization.
    • Domain types under abci::response also get Deserialize implementations corresponding to the current RPC serialization.
    • Serialize, Deserialize implementations on abci::types::ExecTxResult corresponding to the current RPC serialization.
    • Added the apphash_base64 serializer module.


Fixed a minor cargo metadata problem that gummed up the 0.32.1 release.


Fixed a bug with processing the latest_block_result endpoint result in the RPC client set to the 0.34 compatibility mode.


  • [tendermint-rpc] Use compatibility mode in implementations of the Client::latest_block_results method (#1326)


May 3rd, 2023

This release notably comes with a fully featured light client attack detector, and introduces a CLI for the light client for verifying headers, detecting attacks against the light client, and reporting the evidence to primary and witness nodes.

It also adds a Verifier::verify_misbehaviour_header method for verifying headers coming from a misbehaviour evidence.

Moreover, the Client trait is now exposed by the tendermint-rpc without requiring the http-client or the websocket-client feature flags to be enabled.


  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Rename Verifier::verify to Verifier::verify_update_header to better describe its purpose versus Verifier::verify_misbehaviour_header (#1294)


  • [tendermint-light-client-detector] Implement a light client attack detector, based on its Go version found in Comet (#1291)
  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Add Verifier::verify_misbehaviour_header for verifying headers coming from a misbehaviour evidence. The verification for these headers is a bit more relaxed in order to catch FLA attacks. In particular the "header in the future" check for the header should be skipped. (#1294)


  • [tendermint-rpc]: Export Client trait unconditionally, without having to specify either the http-client or websocket-client (#1235)
  • [tendermint]: Loosen bounds of merkle hashing functions to accept borrowed data. (#1310)


April 17th, 2023

Expose the TypedEvent marker trait.


  • Expose the `tendermint::abci::event::TypedEvent (#1288)


April 16th, 2023

Upgrade signature crate versions and add a TypedEvent trait for ABCI events.


  • [tendermint, tendermint-p2p] Bump ed25519 to v2, k256 to v0.13, and signature to v2


  • [tendermint] Adds a new TypedEvent for encoding structured data in ABCI events (#1288).
  • [tools/proto-compiler] Parse and fetch proto dependencies as listed in the buf.lock file (#1293).


March 7th, 2023

This release introduces support for multiple versions of CometBFT protocols. Consumers of tendermint-rs crates, with the exception of tendermint-abci, should be able to interoperate with CometBFT nodes based on 0.34.x and 0.37.x releases, or a combination of these.


  • [tendermint] Version-specific definitions for ABCI Request and Response enums under v0_34::abci and v0_37::abci, containing only the method variants present in each of the respective protocol versions. Request and Response defined under v0_37 are re-exported under the non-versioned abci module name, but the SetOption variant is not present in these latest versions of the enums. (#1193)
  • [tendermint-abci] Change the frame length encoding in the ABCI wire protocol to unsigned varint, to correspond to the changes in Tendermint Core 0.37. No compatibility with 0.34 is provided at the moment. (#1193)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Changed the signature of WebSocketClient::new_with_config to accept a WebSocketConfig struct value rather than an Option. (#1193)
  • [tendermint-proto] The serializers::evidence module has been made private. (#1193)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Bump async-tungstenite dependency version to 0.20, re-exporting WebSocketConfig from tungstenite 0.18 (#1276).


  • [tendermint-proto] Generate prost bindings for Tendermint 0.34 and 0.37 side by side. The version-specific structs are placed under the tendermint::v0_34 and tendermint::v0_37 module namespaces, respectively. The names under tendermint::v0_37 are also re-exported under tendermint. (#1193)
  • [tendermint] New and updated ABCI domain types for Tendermint Core v0.37 (#1193).
  • [tendermint] Protobuf conversions provided for both v0_34 and v0_37 versions of the generated [tendermint-proto] structs, where applicable. (#1193).
  • [tendermint-rpc] Introduce client::CompatMode, enumerating protocol compatibility modes specifying the RPC data encoding used by the client. An HttpClient can be created with a selected mode specified in the new builder API, or have the mode changed afterwards (usually after version discovery) by the added set_compat_mode method. For WebSocketClient, the mode can only be specified at creation via the new builder API. (#1193)
  • [tendermint-abci] Port ABCI application support to 0.37 Tendermint Core API. No legacy support for 0.34 is provided at the moment. (#1193).
  • Derive Hash on tendermint::Time (#1278)
  • [tendermint-light-client] Show max_clock_drift in error raised when header is from the future (#1280)


February 27th, 2023

Improve debug output for Ed25519 keys.


  • [tendermint] Restore hex-formatting in debug output of Ed25519 keys. (#1272)


Feb 17th, 2023

This release features modularity improvements for the cryptographic routines, as well as fixes related to block verification and the use of a consensus-friendly ed25519 crate.


  • [tendermint] Make implementations of cryptographic primitives replaceable (#1238).

    • Provide a Sha256 trait in module crypto and make digest hashing implementations available through it.
    • Provide a Verifier trait in module crypto::signature to enable alternative implementations of signature verification available through it. An Error enum is defined in the same module, representing the error cases that can arise in the implementation in a deliberately opaque way.
    • The module crypto::default provides pure Rust implementations of the cryptographic traits. The module is made available by a new rust-crypto feature, enabled by default.
    • merkle::simple_hash_from_byte_vectors is made generic over an implementation of the new MerkleHash trait. Implementations for Rust-Crypto conformant digest objects and the non-incremental crypto::Sha256 API are provided in the crate.
    • The Header::hash and ValidatorSet::hash methods are gated by the rust-crypto feature. Generic hashing methods not dependent on the default crypto implementations are added for both types, named hash_with.
    • Conversions to account::Id and node::Id from PublicKey and curve-specific key types are gated by the rust-crypto feature.
    • The validator::Info::new method is gated by the rust-crypto feature.
    • Remove a deprecated constant signature::ED25519_SIGNATURE_SIZE.
  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Changes for the new Tendermint crypto API (#1238).

    • The rust-crypto feature, enabled by default, guards the batteries-included implementation types: ProdVerifier, ProdPredicates, ProdVotingPowerCalculator.
    • Remove the operations::hasher API (Hasher and ProdHasher), made unnecessary by the new crypto abstractions in the tendermint crate.
    • The VerificationPredicates trait features a Sha256 associated type to represent the hasher implementation, replacing the &dyn Hasher parameter passed to methods.
    • Change the type of the VerificationErrorDetail::FaultySigner field validator_set to ValidatorSet. This removes a hasher dependency from CommitValidator, and ProdCommitValidator is now an empty dummy type.
  • [tendermint-light-client] Changes for the new Tendermint crypto API (#1238).

    • The rust-crypto feature enables the default crypto implementations, and is required by the rpc-client and unstable features. ProdForkDetector is guarded by this feature, and is made a specific type alias to the hasher-generic ProvidedForkDetector type.
    • LightClientBuilder gets another type parameter for the Merkle hasher. Its generic constructors lose the Hasher parameter.


  • [tendermint-light-client] Fix verification of blocks between two trusted heights (#1246)


  • [tendermint, tendermint-p2p] Replaced the ed25519-dalek dependency with ed25519-consensus (#1046)


  • Update all crates to the [2021 edition](https://doc.rust- of the Rust language (#1262)


Dec 13, 2022

This is primarily a security-related release, and although it's a breaking release, the breaking changes are relatively minor.

It is highly recommended that all tendermint-rs light client users upgrade to this version immediately.


  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Add is_matching_chain_id method to the VerificationPredicates trait
  • [tendermint-light-client-verifier] Add a chain_id field to the TrustedBlockState struct


  • [tendermint-light-client-js] Switch to serde-wasm-bindgen for marshalling JS values (#1242)


  • [tendermint-light-client] Fix an issue where the light client was not checking that the chain ID of the trusted and untrusted headers match


Nov 28, 2022

Following on from the ABCI domain type-related work in v0.26.0, this release deduplicates types across the tendermint and tendermint-rpc crates, and makes better use of our domain types across the crates (a big thanks to @mzabaluev here!).

@romac helped make the RPC query interface more ergonomic, and @hu55a1n1 implemented Rust equivalents for Tendermint Go's VerifyCommitLight and VerifyCommitLightTrusting methods for the light client.

Some additional convenience methods for the Time type were provided by @scalalang2.


  • [tendermint] Change hash fields' type from Bytes (#1095):

    Struct Field Type
    abci::request::OfferSnapshot app_hash AppHash
    abci::response::Info last_block_app_hash AppHash
    abci::response::InitChain app_hash AppHash
    Genesis app_hash AppHash
  • [tendermint] Remove method AppHash::value, replaced with non-allocating AppHash::as_bytes #1232.

  • [tendermint-rpc] Remove ABCI-related types, change the affected field types to standard Rust types or ABCI domain types in [tendermint]. (#1090)

  • [tendermint-rpc] Extract the key field from query::Condition and structure a query::Condition to have key and operation fields, since the key field is common to all conditions (#1230)

  • [tendermint] Rename merkle::proof::Proof to ProofOps (#1234)

  • [tendermint-rpc] Change the type of /tx response field proof to tendermint::tx::Proof (#1233)


  • [tendermint] Added Time methods unix_timestamp and unix_timestamp_nanos. (#1175)
  • [light-client] Added validate, validate_against_trusted, verify_commit and verify_commit_against_trusted methods to PredicateVerifier. (#1222)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Make tendermint_rpc::Query's fields public and add a Condition::key(&self) -> &str method (#1230)
  • [tendermint] Add domain types merkle::Proof and tx::Proof, to represent protobuf messages crypto.Proof and types.TxProof respectively (#1234)


Oct 31, 2022

The highlight of this release is the addition of domain types specifically for ABCI. Previously, Rust-based Tendermint application developers would have had to exclusively rely on the generated Protobuf types. Many thanks to @hdevalence for the heavy lifting on this, and to @mzabaluev for the porting work after the Tendermint v0.35 retraction!

While we will endeavour to keep this API as stable as possible, we know that we will have to evolve it over the coming months to reduce duplication of functionality and types across the ABCI module and RPC crate, so please expect further breaking changes in subsequent breaking releases.


  • [tendermint] Added domain types for ABCI (#862)
  • [tendermint-proto] Use Bytes for byte array fields of ABCI protobuf types. (#1203)


  • [tendermint-rpc] The encoding of the hash field for requests to the /block_by_hash endpoint has been changed to base64 (from hex) to accommodate discrepancies in how the Tendermint RPC encodes this field for different RPC interfaces (#942)
  • Allow a TrustThresholdFraction of 1


  • [tendermint-abci] Deprecate Client::set_option. (#1203)



Sep 23, 2022

This release follows from v0.23.9, with the v0.24 series skipped due to Tendermint Core abandoning the v0.35 and v0.36 releases. As such, it is a non-breaking change, and removes the need to pin one's tendermint-rs dependencies to a specific version (as was the case for the v0.23 series).

This release still targets compatibility with Tendermint Core v0.34, and specifically provides compatibility with v0.34.21.


  • [tendermint-rpc] Fix deserialization of /block_results response when it contains evidence for a duplicate vote (#1194)


  • Unpin time dependency (#1199)


  • [proto] Do not generate types in google::protobuf (#1188).
  • Add support for Tendermint Core v0.34.21, which primarily involves a small addition to the configuration file (#1198)


Aug 5, 2022

This minor release adds Basic authentication support for HTTP and WebSocket RPC clients, in addition to some dependency updates.

We had to restrict our time dependency for some crates to a version range of >=0.3, <0.3.12 due to what seems to be a recent issue in js-sys causing our no_std support to break. We will undo this restriction as soon as the issue is resolved.


  • [rpc] Update async-tungstenite dependency to 0.17 (#1165).
  • Update Prost to v0.11 (#1171)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Add support for HTTP Basic authentication to HTTP and WebSocket RPC clients (#1169)


Jul 22, 2022

This release focuses on ensuring compatibility with Tendermint v0.34.20, which introduces a prioritized mempool. As per the release notes for v0.23.8-pre.1, this has a minor additive impact on the ABCI and RPC interfaces in the fields that the CheckTx response contains.

This release also contains some important dependency updates and minor bug fixes.


  • [tools/proto-compiler] Annotate serde to fall back to Default for the omitted fields when deserializing tendermint_proto::abci::ResponseInfo struct, also providing deserialization for the response at the /abci_info RPC endpoint. (#1132)


  • Update k256 to v0.11 (#1153)


  • [tendermint-proto,tendermint-rpc,tools] Update to ensure compatibility with Tendermint v0.34.20 (#1159)


Jun 29, 2022

This pre-release targets Tendermint v0.34.20-rc0, which introduces a prioritized mempool. This has a minor additive impact on the ABCI and RPC interfaces in the fields that the CheckTx response contains.

Pre-releases will continue along this line until v0.34.20 is released.


  • [tendermint-proto] Regenerate protos from Tendermint v0.34.20-rc0, including prioritized mempool fields in ResponseCheckTx (#1148)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Update broadcast_tx_* result to include prioritized new mempool fields available from v0.34.20-rc0 (#1148)


Apr 25, 2022

A minor update to use the latest version of prost.



Mar 29, 2022

A minor release that allows for a small UX improvement in the usage of the Client::genesis() call in tendermint-rpc.


  • [tendermint-light-client] Upgrade contracts dependency to v0.6.2 (#1097)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Allow users to specify the AppState type in the Client::genesis() function. (#1106)


Jan 13, 2022

A single breaking change is provided by this release in order to move us closer toward no_std support in both tendermint-rs and ibc-rs.


  • [tendermint-light-client] Split out the verification functionality from the tendermint-light-client crate into its own no_std-compatible crate: tendermint-light-client-verifier. This helps move us closer to no_std compliance in both tendermint-rs and ibc-rs (#1027)


Jan 11, 2022

This release exclusively focuses on removing native-tls/openssl from the dependency tree and replacing it with rustls. This was previously incorrectly configured in our hyper-proxy dependency.


  • [tendermint-rpc]: Switch hyper-proxy to use rustls, eliminating the only use of native-tls in tendermint-rs dependencies (#1068)


Dec 20, 2021

Here we mainly attempt to provide a short-term workaround for #1021 by catering for both possible forms of JSON serialization for public keys.


  • [tendermint] Hash is implemented for tendermint::Time (#1054)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Allow deserialization of public keys from validator updates from block_results endpoint in multiple JSON formats until this is fixed in Tendermint (#1021)


Dec 7, 2021

This release focuses on the removal of chrono as our primary dependency for dealing with time, and replaces it with the time crate.

This is necessarily a breaking change, but is released as v0.23.2 as per our current versioning scheme.


  • [tendermint] Reform tendermint::Time (#1030):
    • The struct content is made private.
    • The range of acceptable values is restricted to years 1-9999 (as reckoned in UTC).
    • Removed conversions from/to chrono::DateTime<chrono::Utc>.
    • Changes in error variants: removed TimestampOverflow, replaced with TimestampNanosOutOfRange; removed ChronoParse, replaced with TimeParse.
  • [tendermint-rpc] Use OffsetDateTime and Date types provided by the time crate in query operands instead of their chrono counterparts. (#1030)


  • [tendermint] Deprecated signature::ED25519_SIGNATURE_SIZE in favor of Ed25519Signature::BYTE_SIZE (#1023)
  • Remove dependencies on the chrono crate. (#1030)
  • [tendermint] Improve tendermint::Time (#1036, revised by #1048):
    • Restrict the validity range of Time to dates with years in the range 1-9999, to match the specification of protobuf message Timestamp. Add an ErrorDetail variant DateOutOfRange to report when this restriction is not met.
    • Added a conversion to, and a fallible conversion from, OffsetDateTime of the time crate.


Nov 15, 2021

Minor bug fixes.


  • [tools/proto-compiler] Fixed our proto-compiler, which was producing protos that did not compile due to an incorrect Prost field annotation (#1014)
  • [tendermint] The tendermint::node::Id Display implementation now prints the hexadecimal string in lowercase (#971)


Oct 27, 2021

The main changes in this release involve upgrading to Prost v0.9 and some foundational changes to prepare for no_std support for some of our crates.

One of the main no_std-related changes in this release was to break out configuration-related data structures from the tendermint crate into their own crate (tendermint-config) as these structures depend on other crates which do not yet support no_std.


  • Upgraded Prost to the official v0.9 release to finally resolve the security issue introduced by v0.7 (#925)
  • [tendermint, tendermint-config] The tendermint::config module has now been broken out into its own crate (tendermint- config) to help towards facilitating no_std compatibility (#983)
  • [tendermint] The tendermint::node::info::OtherInfo::rpc_address field type has been changed from tendermint::net::Address to String toward facilitating no_std compatibility (#983)
  • [tendermint] The tendermint::node::info::ListenAddress::to_net_address method was replaced with a simple as_str method toward facilitating no_std compatibility ([#983]( rs/issues/983))



Sep 23, 2021

This release targets numerous issues largely in support of ibc-rs. The major breaking change in this regard is in the API we use to perform verification in the tendermint-light-client crate.

Toward no_std compatibility and flexibility in the way we handle error tracing and reporting, we have also refactored the entire error handling system in tendermint-rs to make use of flex-error.

Finally, we are also (painfully) aware of the fact that our documentation does not build for this release and apologize for this. We currently still depend on Prost v0.7.0 and are awaiting a new release of Prost after v0.8.0 that does not break our builds. We have #978 open in preparation for this upgrade and will release a new version of tendermint-rs as soon as a new Prost release is available.

See below for more specific detail as to what has changed in this release.


  • All crates' error handling has been refactored to make use of flex-error. This gives users greater flexibility in terms of the error handling/reporting systems they want to use and is a critical step towards no_std support. (#923)
  • [tendermint-rpc] The /tx endpoint's Request::hash field has been changed from String to tendermint::abci::transaction::Hash (#942)
  • [tendermint-light-client] The light client verification functionality has been refactored (including breaking changes to the API) such that it can be more easily used from both tendermint_light_client and ibc-rs (#956)
  • [tendermint-light-client] Disable the lightstore-sled feature by default (#976)


  • [tendermint-rpc] The encoding of the hash field for requests to the /tx endpoint has been changed to base64 (from hex) to accommodate discrepancies in how the Tendermint RPC encodes this field for different RPC interfaces (#942)


  • [tendermint-rpc] Add support for the /consensus_params RPC endpoint. See\#/Info/consensus_params for details (#832)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Runtime query parsing (relevant to the /subscribe and /tx_search endpoints) has been reintroduced. This allows for client-side validation of queries prior to submitting them to a remote Tendermint node. An example of how to use this is available in the tendermint-rpc CLI (see the README for details). (#859)
  • [tendermint, tendermint-light-client] Add support for Secp256k1 signatures (#939)


  • [tendermint-p2p] The SecretConnection can now be split into two halves to facilitate full-duplex communication (must be facilitated by using each half in a separate thread). (#938)
  • [tendermint-light-client] Model-based tests are now disabled by default and can be enabled through the mbt feature (#968)
  • [tendermint, tendermint-rpc] Derive Eq on SignedHeader and Commit (#969)
  • [tendermint-light-client] Add WebSocketClient::new_with_config to specify the WebSocket connection settings (#974)
  • [tendermint-p2p] Amino support is now implemented using the upstream prost crate, eliminating a dependency on prost-amino (#979)


Jul 20, 2021

This release introduces several minor breaking changes (see below), among other improvements, that clean up a few RPC-related data structures and ensure better correctness of the TrustThresholdFraction data structure when constructing and deserializing it.

A security issue was reported in prost v0.7, and we attempted to upgrade to v0.8, but we are still awaiting one bug fix in v0.8 before we can upgrade. The moment that is fixed in prost, we will upgrade to v0.8 and provide another tendermint-rs release.


  • [tendermint-rpc] Remove the TmEvent and Attribute structs and replace them with their equivalent domain types from the tendermint crate (#918)
  • [tendermint] The TrustThresholdFraction struct can now only be constructed by way of its new constructor. Deserialization also now makes use of this constructor, facilitating better validation. The numerator and denominator fields can be accessed (read-only) via their respective methods, since the fields are now private. (#924)


  • [tendermint] Update Genesis for Tendermint v.0.34.x (#917)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Fix bug where NewBlock events emitted by Tendermint could not be parsed because of a missing field (#930)


  • [tendermint-proto] Regenerate the Rust equivalents of the Tendermint Protobuf structures for Tendermint v0.34.9 (#871)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Add PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord and Hash trait bounds to the RPC URL types (#919)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Propagate JSON-RPC errors through the Rust subscription (#932)


Jun 22, 2021

This release's number is bumped up to v0.20.0 due to two minor breaking changes in our public APIs (see the breaking changes section below for details).

Also, since nobody was really making use of the Light Node, we decided to remove its crate from the repo for now. If anyone needs it back, please contact us and we'll restore it (although, we are considering migrating any and all binaries to their own repositories in the future to separate library-level concerns from operational ones).

The tendermint-p2p crate is still undergoing significant expansion (thanks to @xla and @melekes). A lot's been done and we're in the process of finalizing this new architecture, which will form the basis for future work towards building more Tendermint nodes in Rust. More on this in future releases.

Other than that, this release mainly contains various small bug fixes, improvements and dependency updates.


  • [tendermint-p2p] Remove superfluous module name suffixes in p2p::error (#898)
  • [tendermint] Rename time::Time::to_rfc3339 to as_rfc3339 to be consistent with Rust's self reference conventions (#910)


  • [tendermint-abci,tendermint-rpc] Fix DeliverTx response deserialization issues with gas_wanted and gas_used fields (#876)
  • [tendermint] Update TendermintConfig for Tendermint v.0.34.x (#897)
  • [tendermint] Better handling of optional values in TendermintConfig (#908)


  • [tendermint-light-client] Replaced tempdir dev dependency (deprecated) with tempfile (#851)
  • Updated the changelog process to use unclog format and unblock the PR merge process (#891).
  • [tendermint] Changed tendermint::public_key::Secp256k1 to be an alias of k256::ecdsa::VerifyingKey (#900)


  • [tendermint-light-node] We removed the light-node crate from the repo since nobody's currently really using it. If anyone needs please log an issue and we'll restore it. It will, of course, remain accessible in the repo history for now. (#879)


Apr 7, 2021

This release primarily aims to enhance RPC and Light Client functionality, thereby improving ibc-rs and fixing an important bug affecting the Light Client (#831).

The RPC now supports TLS 1.2+ connections (through the use of rustls), allowing for secure HTTP and WebSocket connections, as well as HTTP/HTTPS proxies. This implies that the Light Client now also supports these types of connections.

We additionally introduce two new crates:

  • tendermint-abci - A lightweight, minimal framework for building Tendermint ABCI applications in Rust.
  • tendermint-light-client-js - Exposes the Light Client's verify method to JavaScript/WASM. This implies that, for now, you need to bring your own networking functionality to practically make use of the Light Client's verification mechanisms.

Various relatively minor breaking API changes were introduced, and are listed below.


  • [tendermint] The tendermint::block::CommitSig enum's members have been renamed to be consistent with Rust's naming conventions. For example, BlockIDFlagAbsent is now renamed to BlockIdFlagAbsent (#839)
  • [tendermint-light-client] The Light Client no longer uses tendermint::net::Address to refer to peers, and instead uses the tendermint_rpc::Url type (#835)
  • [tendermint-rpc] The Client::validators method now requires a Paging parameter. Previously, this wasn't possible and, if the network had more than 30 validators (the default for the RPC endpoint), it only returned a subset of the validators (#831)
  • [tendermint-rpc] The Client::validators method now requires a Paging parameter. Previously, this wasn't possible and, if the network had more than 30 validators (the default for the RPC endpoint), it only returned a subset of the validators (#831)
  • [tendermint-rpc] The SubscriptionClient trait now requires a close method, since it assumes that subscription clients will, in general, use long-running connections. This should not, however, break any downstream usage of the clients (#820)
  • [tendermint-rpc] The HttpClient and WebSocketClient constructors now take any input that can be converted to a tendermint_rpc::Url. This should hopefully have minimal impact on projects using the code, but it might require some minor code changes in some cases - see the crate docs for more details (#820)
  • [tendermint-rpc] The event::EventData::GenericJSONEvent member has been renamed to event::EventData::GenericJsonEvent (#839)
  • [tendermint-testgen] The TMLightBlock data structure has been renamed to TmLightBlock to be consistent with Rust's naming conventions (#839)


  • [tendermint-abci] Release minimal framework for building ABCI applications in Rust (#794)
  • [tendermint-light-client] The Light Client now provides support for secure (HTTPS) connections to nodes (#835)
  • [tendermint-light-client-js] First release of the tendermint-light-client-js crate to provide access to Tendermint Light Client functionality from WASM. This only provides access to the verify method at present, exclusively provides access to block verification. This does not include network access or the Light Client's bisection algorithm (#812)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Support for secure connections (https:// and wss://) has been added to the Tendermint RPC clients, as well as support for HTTP proxies for HTTP clients (#820)
  • [tendermint-rpc] A tendermint-rpc CLI has been added to simplify interaction with RPC endpoints from the command line (#820)


  • [tendermint] IPv6 support has been added for net::Address (#5)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Add wait_until_healthy utility method for RPC clients to poll the /health endpoint of a node until it either returns successfully or times out (#855)


  • [tendermint-light-client] Due to the RPC client's validators method sometimes only returning a subset of validators (for networks larger than 30 validators), validator set hash calculations were failing. Now we are at least obtaining a full validator set (#831)
  • [tendermint-rpc] Fix intermittent deserialization failures of the consensus state response (#836)


Feb 10, 2021

The main focus for this minor release is fixing the rendering of our tendermint-light-client crate documentation.


  • [tendermint-proto] Fix panic in evidence serialization in the case where we receive an empty evidence Protobuf structure (#782)
  • [tendermint-light-node] Upgrade jsonrpc dependency to v17.0 to fix security vulnerability in hyper v0.12.35 (#803)
  • [tendermint-light-client] Fix rendering of documentation on (#806)


Jan 29, 2021

This release is breaking due to significant dependency updates (see below). It also introduces experimental support for backward verification for the Light Client, feature-guarded behind the unstable feature.

The Light Client's storage system and its API were also improved.


  • [all] Update all crates to use the latest version of the following dependencies: (#764)
    • tokio (1.0)
    • hyper (0.14)
    • prost (0.7)
    • bytes (1.0)
    • async-tungstenite (0.12)


  • [light-client] Add basic support for backward verification, behind a unstable feature flag. (#361) Note: This feature is currently unstable and should not be relied on by downstream dependencies.


  • [light-client] Fix potential block ordering problem with sled-based lightstore (#769)
  • [light-client] Improve the API of the light store. (#428)
  • [light-client] The sled-backed lightstore is now feature-guarded under the lightstore-sled feature, which is enabled by default for now. (#428)


Jan 11, 2021

This release primarily focuses on fixing #774, which is critical to the Light Client's correct and reliable operation.


  • [rpc, tools] The RPC probe has been moved into the tools folder and can now be easily executed against a Tendermint node running the kvstore app by way of cargo make. tendermint-rpc test coverage has been expanded here too. (#758)


  • [tendermint] Time values were not always formatted properly, causing the light client to sometimes return malformed light blocks (#774)


Dec 17, 2020

This release is a significant breaking upgrade from v0.16.0 that primarily targets compatibility with Tendermint v0.34 and the Cosmos Stargate release.

To highlight some of the major changes over the course of 3 release candidates and this release, we have:

  • Provided Tendermint v0.34.0 compatibility.
  • Supported the development of ibc-rs.
  • Improved our model-based testing to provide complex test cases for the Light Client.
  • Refactored our serialization infrastructure to remove all Amino types and ensure Protobuf compatibility (see the proto crate). This includes a lot of work towards clearly separating our domain types from their serialization types.
  • Started work on our P2P layer towards the eventual goal of implementing a Tendermint full node.
  • Started work towards offering a WASM-based Tendermint Light Client.
  • Introduced a WebSocket-based RPC client for interacting with the Tendermint RPC, including event subscription.

Please see the following detailed release notes, as well as the crate documentation, for further details.


  • [rpc] The RPC client interface has been refactored. The Client struct is now HttpClient and is enabled with the http-client feature. It provides all RPC endpoints except the subscription related ones.
  • [rpc] The EventListener was replaced with a new and improved WebSocketClient for more robust event subscriptions. It can be enabled with the websocket-client feature. Subscriptions are exposed using unbounded channels. (#516)
  • [tendermint] Removed all traces of Amino, including amino_types modules. All types are now "domain types" implementing the Protobuf trait for Protobuf-encoding using Prost. (#504, #535, #536, #585)
  • [tendermint] Protocol breaking changes for compatibility with Tendermint Core v0.34 (and the Cosmos Stargate release) (#305):
    • Validators are now sorted by voting power (descending) and address (ascending). (#506)
    • Remove PubKey field from DuplicateVoteEvidence (#502)
    • Fix hash of empty Merkle tree to comply with RFC6962 (#498)
    • All binary encoding is done via protobuf3 instead of amino (#504, #535, #536, #585)
    • Various updates to JSON encoding (#505)
  • [tendermint] Direct serialization capabilities have been removed from the domain types. (#639)
  • [tendermint] Work has started on making it compulsory to construct domain types by way of their constructors to ensure validity. (#639)


  • [light-client] Introduce builder API for light client initialization (#583)
  • [rpc] The subscription client interface provides a structured Query mechanism to help ensure compile-time validity of subscription queries. (#584)
  • [rpc] Support unsubscribing from events (#516)
  • [spec] TLA+ for the Tendermint consensus algorithm including proof forks can only be caused by +1/3 Byzantine validators committing equivocation or amnesia attacks. (#496)
  • [spec] English spec of light client attacks and evidence required to correctly handle them (#526)
  • [tendermint] Implement fmt::UpperHex for Transaction (#613)
  • [tendermint/proto-compiler] Protobuf structs generator now also accepts commit IDs from the Tendermint Go repository (#660)
  • [testgen] Various features and improvements to support model-based testing with the [Apalache model checker] (#414)


  • [light-client] Start using model-based testing to test Light Client executions against traces emitted from the TLA+ model (#414)
  • [light-client] Only require Tokio when rpc-client feature is enabled (#425)
  • [rpc] A WebSocketClient is now provided to facilitate event subscription for a limited range of RPC events over a WebSocket connection. See the Tendermint /subscribe endpoint's and the tendermint-rpc crate's docs for more details (#516)
  • [rpc] The subscription client interface provides a structured Query mechanism to help ensure compile-time validity of subscription queries. See the crate docs and #584 for details.
  • [rpc] The RPC request and response types' fields are now all publicly accessible (#636).
  • [rpc] A new RPC probe (in the rpc-probe directory) has been added to facilitate quick, pre-scripted interactions with a Tendermint node (via its WebSocket endpoint). This aims to help improve testing and compatibility between Tendermint in Go and Rust. (#653)
  • [rpc] The WebSocketClient now adds support for all remaining RPC requests by way of implementing the Client trait (#646)
  • [rpc] Support for the tx_search RPC endpoint has been added (#701)
  • [rpc] Responses that include events now automatically have their tag key/value pairs decoded from base64, where previously tag key/value pairs were Base64-encoded (#717)
  • [rpc] Support for the consensus_state RPC endpoint has been added (#719)
  • [tendermint] Remove total_voting_power parameter from validator::Set::new (#739)
  • [tendermint, rpc, light-client] Crates now compile to WASM on the wasm32-unknown-unknown and wasm32-wasi targets (#463)
  • [tendermint, light-client] Specify the proposer in the validator set of fetched light blocks (#705)
  • [tendermint-proto] Upgrade protobuf definitions to Tendermint Go v0.34.0 (#737)
  • [testgen] Compute last_block_id hash when generating a LightChain (#745)
  • Dependency updates:
    • Update sled to 0.34 (#490)
    • Update k256 to v0.7 (#752)
    • Remove tai64 crate (#603)


  • [light-client] Fix bug where a commit with only absent signatures would be deemed valid instead of invalid (#650)
  • [light-client] Revert a change introduced in #652 that would enable DoS attacks, where full nodes could spam the light client with massive commits (eg. 10k validators).
  • [rpc] Correctly handles control and keep-alive messages (#516, #590)
  • [rpc] More robust handling of concurrency issues (#311, #313)


Aug 31, 2020

This release is the first release of the testgen utility, a generator for Tendermint types for unit and integration tests and for model-based testing. It is a utility for producing tendermint datastructures from minimal input, targeted for testing.

The release also contains various Rust API-breaking changes. It remains compatible with v0.33 of Tendermint Core.

⚠️ ️Deprecation warning ⚠️ : The lite module was removed. Please take a look at the light-client crate.


  • [repo] renamed to
  • [tendermint] Eliminate use of signatory wrapper crate in favour of underlying ed25519-dalek and k256 crates. ed25519-dalek is now v1.0 and k256 provides a pure Rust implementation of secp256k1 rather than wrapping the C library (#522)
  • [tendermint] Remove lite and lite_impl modules. See the new light-client crate (#500)


  • [tendermint/proto] A tendermint-proto crate was created that contains the Rust structs for protobuf, preparing for compatibility with Tendermint Core v0.34 (#508)
  • [tendermint/proto-compiler] A tendermint-proto-compiler crate was created that generates the tendermint-proto structs from the Tendermint Core Protobuf definitions.
  • [testgen] Introduce the testgen crate for generating Tendermint types from minimal input (#468)


  • [light-client] Use the testgen for generating tests
  • [light-client] Use primary error as context of NoWitnessLeft error (#477)
  • [repo] Various improvements to documentation and crate structure
  • [repo] Add document (#470)
  • [specs] Updates to fork detection English spec for evidence handling in Tendermint and IBC (#479)
  • [specs] Model checking results and updates for the fast sync TLA+ spec (#466)


  • [light-client] Fix to reject headers from the future (#474)


July 17, 2020

This release is the first official release of the revamped light-client library and the light-node command-line interface. Together they provide a complete Tendermint light client implementation that performs squential and skipping verification and attempts to detect forks across its peers. Complete TLA+ specifications for light client verification are included, along with work-in-progress specs for fork detection. The implementation is compatible with v0.33 of Tendermint Core.

Note that both the light-client and light-node crates are to be considered experimental software that will still undergo a lot of improvements and iterations. The goal of releasing an early version of our Light Client is to make it accessible, to get people use it, and to receive feedback.

An overview of the current design of the light client is provided in ADR-006 and ADR-007.

⚠️ ️Deprecation warning ⚠️ : This might be the last release containing the lite module. Please take a look at the light-client crate.


  • [repo] make secp256k1 dependency optional (#441)


  • [light-client] Rewrite and expansion of lite, the prior light client verification module, into a new fully-featured light-client crate. The crate provides a db, functions for complete light client verification, peer management, fork detection, and evidence reporting, along with extensive testing. Components are composed via a Supervisor, which is run in its own thread, and exposes a Handle trait to broker access to underlying state and functionality. See the light-client crate for details.
  • [light-node] New binary crate with CLI for running the light client as a daemon, complete with an rpc server for querying the latest state of the light node while it syncs with the blockchain. See the light-node crate for details.


  • [tendermint/validator] Sort validators by address on deserialization (#410)
  • [tendermint/validator] Fix deserializing Update struct when power field is 0 (#451)
  • [tendermint/abci] Fix DeliverTx response deserialization issues with gasWanted, gasUsed, and data fields (#432)
  • [tendermint/lite_impl] Fix header.hash for height 1 (#438)

0.14.1 (2020-06-23)

  • Update prost-amino/prost-amino-derive to v0.6 (#367)

0.14.0 (2020-06-19)

This release mainly targets compatibility with Tendermint v0.33.x but contains a lot of smaller improvements regarding testing and (de)serialization. Also noteworthy is that the rpc module was broken out into a separate crate (tendermint-rpc).

⚠️ ️Deprecation warning ⚠️ : This might be that last release containing the lite module. It will be replaced with the light-client crate (soon).


  • Refactored CommitSig into a more Rust-friendly enum. (#247)
  • Added CommitSig compatibility code to Absent vote (#260)
  • Added CommitSig timestamp zero-check compatibility code (#259)


  • Configure integration test against latest tendermint-go to continue on error (#304)
  • Add integration test to track tendermint-go v0.33.5 (#304)
  • Remove test for hard-coded version in abci_info (#304)


  • Refactor serializers library to use modules, give a nicer annotation to structs and separated into its own folder. (#247)
  • Added nullable Vec serialization (#247)
  • Moved/created tests for serialization in the same library and locked library to local crate (#263)
  • Made serialization tests symmetric (#261)


  • Tendermint-Go v0.33 compatibility (#184)
    • abci_info, abci_query, block_results, genesis structs
    • serialization/deserialization fixes
    • Updated/fixed integration tests
  • Move into its own crate (#338)
    • Feature guard rpc::client (makes networking an optional dependency) (#343)


  • Moved to GitHub Actions (#120)
  • Updated badges (#120)
  • Enabled integration tests in CI with Tendermint-Go node service (#120)
  • Exclude changes in docs folder to trigger CI execution (#309)

0.13.0 (2020-04-20)


  • Update signatory requirement to v0.19 (#227)

[0.12.0] (2020-04-17)


  • Update to bytes 0.5 and amino_rs 0.5.
  • Tokens for amino_rs are now fully non-conflicting with prost. Allowing both to be used together
  • Made RPC type values optional for full compatibility with [email protected]: abci_info, abci_query #120
  • JSON ID is JSON specification compatible and accepts int, string or null - [#88]

[0.11.0] (2019-12-11)

This is the first release since this repository was split off from the KMS repo a few months ago and contains more than the usual number of changes. As the new repository matures we will be working towards a more robust release cycle.

This release also contains a first draft of the Tendermint Light Client :).

The changes are organized in sections for better readability.

Organizational Changes:

  • Reorganized the crate into a workspace with a tendermint crate (#30)
  • Remove all optional compilation (#16)
  • Started using CircleCI for continuous integration (#15)
  • Fix clippy lints (#40, #55)

RPC Changes:

  • Fix /commit endpoint to actually include the commit data (#42)
  • Use async/await for the rpc client (#85)

Type Changes:

  • Add Default trait impls and some other utilities to data types (#64)
  • Fix transaction hash length to be 32-bytes (#14)
  • Rename LastCommit to Commit (#42)
  • Fix genesis file to include validators field (#65)
  • Change max_gas from u64 to i64 (#61)
  • Allow Height to be 0 (#77)

ABCI Changes:

  • Include AbciQuery in the Method enum (#AbciQueryMethodEnum)
  • Fix deserializing ABCI Code field (#13)
  • Fix ABCI data field to allow lower case hex encodings (#17)
  • Fix /abci_query endpoint to take input data as hex and return key and value in the response as base64 (#77)

Light Client:

  • Introduce validator Set type and compute Merkle root (#6)

  • First draft implementation of logic for the light client ([#31, #36])

  • Dependency Changes:

  • Remove secret_connection and ring as dependencies (moved to KMS repo) (#60)

  • tai64 from 2 to 3 (#22)

  • zeroize from 0.9 to 1.1 ([#74, #89])

  • hyper from 0.10 to 0.13 (#85)

  • signatory from 0.12 to 0.17 (#89)

  • subtle-encoding from 0.3 to 0.5 (#47)

  • uuid from 0.7 to 0.8 (#91)

  • replace rand_os with getrandom (#90)

0.10.0 (2019-07-30)

This release is tested against tendermint v0.31 and known to be compatible with tendermint v0.32 aside from one known issue impacting RPC (#286).

  • Fix inclusive range incompatibility affecting Rust nightly (#326)
  • Derive Eq/Ord for (transitive) status types (#324)
  • Add TendermintConfig::load_node_key (#315)
  • Add TendermintConfig::load_genesis_file (#312)
  • Add TendermintConfig and Error(Kind) types (#298)
  • Support /abci_query RPC endpoint (#296)
  • Implement the Tendermint (RFC6962) Merkle tree (#292)
  • Support account::Id generation from ed25519 pubkeys (#291)

0.9.0 (2019-06-24)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.31

  • Reject low order points in Secret Connection handshake (#279)
  • Add RemoteErrorCode enum (#272)
  • Add msg_type() accessor for signature types (#271)

0.8.0 (2019-06-20)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.31

  • /block_results RPC endpoint and related types (#267, #268)
  • Upgrade to Signatory v0.12 (#259)

0.7.0 (2019-04-24)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.31

  • Initial JSONRPC over HTTP client + /broadcast_tx_* endpoints (#243)
  • Initial RPC support (#235)
  • Disallow a block height of 0 (#234)

0.6.0 (2019-04-16)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.31

  • Add tendermint::Address, tendermint::account::Id, tendermint::Moniker, and improve serde serializer support (#228).

0.5.0 (2019-03-13)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.30

  • Rename SecretConnectionKey to secret_connection::PublicKey, add secret_connection::PeerId (#219)
  • Move ConsensusState under chain::state (#205)

0.4.0 (N/A)

  • Skipped to synchronize versions with tmkms

0.3.0 (2019-03-05)

  • Support for secp256k1 keys (#181)

0.2.0 (2019-01-23)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.29

  • Update to x25519-dalek v0.4.4 (#158)
  • Consistent ordering of BlockID and Timestamps in vote and proposal messages (#159)
  • Remove PoisonPillMsg previously used to shut-down the kms (#162)

0.1.5 (2019-01-18)

This release is compatible with tendermint v0.28

  • Split PubKeyMsg into PubKeyRequest and PubKeyResponse (#141)
  • Migrate to Rust 2018 edition (#138)

0.1.4 (2018-12-02)

  • Allow empty BlockIds in validation method (#131)

0.1.3 (2018-12-01)

  • Prefix bech32 encoding of consensus keys with amino prefix (#128)

0.1.2 (2018-11-27)

  • Update to subtle-encoding v0.3 (#124)
  • Introduce same validation logic as Tendermint (#110)
  • Remove heartbeat (#105)

0.1.1 (2018-11-20)

  • Minor clarifications/fixes (#103)

0.1.0 (2018-11-13)

  • Initial release