Releases: infinum/eightshift-forms
Releases · infinum/eightshift-forms
- custom form params are now in one place and used as an enum for PHP and JS.
- server errors will no longer produce a fatal error on the form but will output the message to the user, which is also translatable.
- option to remove all unnecessary custom params set on the form before the final integration post, so we don't send unnecessary stuff.
- new admin setting sidebar title for grouping the sections
- new troubleshooting section that contains debugging options: skip validation, form reset on submit, output log.
- new fallback email fields for all integrations; this will send an email with all details if there is an integration issue.
filter to specify the location of the geolocation database in your project.es_forms_geolocation_phar_location
filter to specify the location of the geolocation database in your project.- new filter
provides the ability to output internal logs to an external source. - new toggle button in troubleshooting settings will enable you to skip captcha validation.
- geolocation license copy
- new sortable option to all integration fields.
- all JS global variables for frontend and backend are now using the same name.
- internal custom field for actions is now called es-form-action.
- filter for setting http request from
because it is used only to set timeout. - Greenhouse integration from
to regularCurl
because of the issues while sending the attachments. You are now only limited on the amount of memory your server can send. - form will now throw an error if form-ID or type is missing in the request.
- all remote requests are now outputed via helper for easier and more predictable output.
- converting from internal geolocation logic to libs abstract class logic.
- updating libs.
global constant toES_GEOLOCATION_IP
- all wrong text domains are changed from
. - Active campaign body was set wrong and was not working.
- Active campaign setting info copy for setting api key and url.
- customSuccess label is now translatable from settings.
- validator will now skip the input type hidden because there is no need for that.
- Greenhouse timeout issue on large files.
- wrong mime type for google docs file format .docx
- internal filter naming for functions
because it is used from admin now.ES_LOG_MODE
because it is used from admin now.es_forms_geolocation_user_location
- preselected values for custom select.
- added additional corrections for localStorage.
- missing attribute from component to form block manifest.json.
- updating libs and frontend libs.
- fixing loading of js.
- fixing way the settings are passed to the js.
- fixing linting issues.
- removing unnecessary style and scripts.
- new fieldhidden attributes for hiding fields from dom.
- hidden field for hubspot integration.
- preselected value field for hubspot integration.
- enabled field for hubspot integration.
- new custom form type used to provide custom form action location.
- options in forms block to define action.
- option to send form submit to external url if form action is set.
- new tracking class for storing url tags and detecting tags from get param.
- new option to store url tracking tags to local storage for later usage.
- new filters for tracking.
- local and global file upload allowed types.
- logic for scroll to top and scroll to first error.
- Mailchimp integration merge fields.
- Logic behind the form Js initialization with the option to avoid domReady.
- Method to remove all event listeners on demand.
- New event when all event listeners are removed.
- Filter for updating http_request_args.
- Better internal logging for integrations.
- passing get parameters to the backend to process and get what we need.
- new Greenhouse field that gets data from the get parameter and pass it to the api.
- Broken validation for file type.
- validation for input type to detect the type and validate accordingly.