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Topics in secure messaging systems

Current models of secure communication sessions only deal with two parties. In this scenario, the session exists between single startup and shutdown phases. From the point of view of each participant, there is only one other partner to the session, and all other parties are untrusted outsiders.

When we extend communication to multiple parties, we discover qualitatively new issues. There are more mechanics to the session - members may join and part within the lifetime of the session, outside of the initial startup or final shutdown. There are multiple other partners, each of which may try to act against each other. This demands additional security requirements, such as ensuring that everyone sees the same consistent view of the session, and that members can read the session only between the time(s) that they join and part. [1] We also work under the premise that every member knows the session membership, but again only for the periods that they actually participate in the session. [2]

In these documents, we discuss these theoretical issues and outline approaches for dealing with them. We assume an efficient packet/cell/stanza broadcast operation, that costs near-constant time with the number of participants. We aim for a single but modular protocol system that can support both synchronous and asynchronous operation (where not all members may be online simultaneously, perhaps not even any two), whilst maintaining strong security properties across all cases. [3]

Outline. First, we deal with session group integrity. One can use existing two-party protocols to multicast messages to several individuals, but nothing guarantees the coherent existence of a united group. We discuss the topics within this area, and the high-level design choices available. We then propose a concrete scheme for solving these issues, namely a causal order of messages, encoded by unforgeable immutable pointers. [4] This protects against transport attacks (reorder, replay, drop of messages) and simplifies the problem of freshness. It enforces session transcript consistency, protecting against malicious senders. This section is primarily related to distributed systems, secondarily to security and cryptography.

Next, we deal with session membership control - protocols that operate on who is part of the session. (This includes session establishment, which is the only case that needs to be considered in 2-party protocols.) We discuss the security properties common in this area, as well as their practical importance. We look at the tradeoffs between different schemes, in terms of description complexity, runtime efficiency and security. This section is primarily related to security and cryptography, and secondarily to distributed systems.

Third, we look at how the causal ordering may be used as a framework to develop key-rotation ratchets based on more complex greeting protocols, as an extension of 2-party DH that current ratchets are based on, by analysing the dependency relationships between the messages of the underlying protocol.

Throughout, we discuss UI issues that arise from our proposals. We also present a summary of generic group messaging UI issues, that all applications will need to resolve.

[1]Some group communication applications do not require this, but we think this more closely matches intuition for a "private" chat. Also, one may reverse this behaviour by building on top of hide-by-default, but one cannot reverse show-by-default - so it's more flexible to pick the former. (Similar to how one can reverse deniability but not non-repudiability.)
[2]An even more private setting would be to make non-contact members pseudonymous (e.g. using an ephemeral identity key), but this would involve more complexity so we'll overlook it for now. However, we believe that our proposals do not prevent this from being added in the future.
[3]It is probably true that asynchronous sessions often expect different security and timing/latency properties than synchronous sessions, but the former does not necessarily determine the latter. (TODO: give examples). Furthermore, these differences are quantitative and not qualitative differences. So, we aim for strong security properties and the flexibility of asynchronous operation, and propose all of our timing rules are proposed in terms of an abstract basic time unit, which can be chosen by the application based on what its timing/latency properties are.
[4]These are implemented using cryptographic hashes, but the mentioned properties are the important interfaces to the overall scheme.
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   :maxdepth: 2


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