This library, including its code, its data, and all of its other constitutent elements, is licensed under the GNU LGPL v3.0.
tl;dr You're welcome to use this in a commercial, closed source application. However any changes you make to libds2 or the ECU definition files must be made available. Sharing is caring, right?
A Qt/C++ library to interface with BMW control units.
A command line program that can: compile DPP-JSON files, run arbitarary commands against an control unit, and identify control units installed on a car, as well as run a series of commands and log the output to a CSV file.
Control unit and string table definition files.
Tools for validating the DPP-JSON files contained within.
Tests, of course. Written using QTestLib. Running make check
will excute the tests.
###Getting Started###
- Qt 5.2 or newer with the
####Building Everything###
Use Qt Creator for GUI goodness. From the commandline use qmake (ex: qmake
####Building Debian Packages###
Use debuild. For example, to build signed, binary and source packages:
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck debuild -kNNNNN
To build an unsigned binary package:
DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck debuild -us -uc -b