First of all, add a new extension migration_extend
to your system
A composer.json file could look like:
"name": "in2code/migration_extend",
"type": "typo3-cms-extension",
"license": "GPL-2.0+",
"require": {
"in2code/migration": "^10.0"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"In2code\\MigrationExtend\\": "Classes"
"extra": {
"typo3/cms": {
"extension-key": "migration_extend"
A small ext_emconf.php
could look like:
'title' => 'migration_extend',
'description' => 'Migration configuration',
'version' => '1.0.0',
'constraints' => [
'depends' => [
'migration' => '*',
'conflicts' => [],
'suggests' => [],
Let's say we want only a very small migration. CSS classes in tt_content.bodytext should be changed with some new classes. Add a configuration php file in EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php. Here you define which migrators or importers should be run by your CLI commands:
return [
// Default values if not given from CLI
'configuration' => [
'key' => '',
'dryrun' => true,
'limitToRecord' => null,
'limitToPage' => 1,
'recursive' => true
// Define your migrations
'migrations' => [
'className' => \Vendor\MigrationExtend\Migration\Migrator\ContentMigrator::class,
'keys' => [
Example Content Migrator class:
namespace Vendor\MigrationExtend\Migration\Migrator;
use In2code\Migration\Migration\Migrator\AbstractMigrator;
use In2code\Migration\Migration\Migrator\MigratorInterface;
use In2code\Migration\Migration\PropertyHelpers\ReplaceCssClassesInHtmlStringPropertyHelper;
* Class ContentMigrator
class ContentMigrator extends AbstractMigrator implements MigratorInterface
* This table should be migrated
* @var string
protected $tableName = 'tt_content';
* Set some hardcoded values in your tt_content.* fields
* @var array
protected $values = [
'cruser_id' => 123,
'subheader' => 'Subheader of {properties.header}',
'header_layout' => '{f:if(condition:properties.header,then:"2")}'
* Add a bit more magic to the properties with PropertyHelper classes
* You can use existing property helpers (in EXT:migration/Classes/Migration/PropertyHelpers) or simply write new
* ones in your extension
* @var array
protected $propertyHelpers = [
'bodytext' => [
// Replace some old classnames with new classnames im tt_content.bodytext
'className' => ReplaceCssClassesInHtmlStringPropertyHelper::class,
'configuration' => [
'search' => [
'replace' => [
* Optional: This SQL statements should be fired at the begin or at the end of this migration
* @var array
protected $sql = [
'start' => [],
'end' => [
'delete from sys_file_reference where tablenames="pages" and fieldname="headerslider"'
Example for an individual PropertyHelper class. Function shouldMigrate()
decides if the current record should be
manipulated or not. Function manipulate()
is the main method which contains the magic.
A call of $this-setProperty($newValue)
within manipulate the value of the current field.
An initialize()
is always called before manipulate()
for your very first tasks.
namespace In2code\Migration\Migration\PropertyHelpers;
use In2code\Migration\Utility\StringUtility;
* Class ReplaceCssClassesInHtmlStringPropertyHelper
* to replace css classes in a HTML-string - e.g. RTE fields like tt_content.bodytext
* Configuration example:
* 'configuration' => [
* 'search' => [
* 'class1'
* ],
* 'replace' => [
* 'class2'
* ]
* ]
class ReplaceCssClassesInHtmlStringPropertyHelper extends AbstractPropertyHelper implements PropertyHelperInterface
* Check if this configuration keys are given
* @var array
protected $checkForConfiguration = [
* @return void
public function manipulate()
$string = $this->getProperty();
$replacements = $this->getConfigurationByKey('replace');
foreach ($this->getConfigurationByKey('search') as $key => $searchterm) {
$replace = $replacements[$key];
$string = StringUtility::replaceCssClassInString($searchterm, $replace, $string);
* @return bool
public function shouldMigrate(): bool
foreach ($this->getConfigurationByKey('search') as $searchterm) {
if (stristr($this->getProperty(), $searchterm)) {
return true;
return false;
Start migration from CLI:
# Test it before on content elements on page 123
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --configuration EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php --dryrun 1 --key content --limitToPage 123
# Go for it
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --configuration EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php --dryrun 0 --key content
Let's say we want to simply copy some values from an old table to a new one with an individual mapping. In this example I use tt_news and tx_news_domain_model_news. Go into your configuration file (see above) and enter your Importer class name.
return [
// Default values if not given from CLI
'configuration' => [
'key' => '',
'dryrun' => true,
'limitToRecord' => null,
'limitToPage' => null,
'recursive' => false
// Define your migrations
'migrations' => [
'className' => \Vendor\MigrationExtend\Migration\Importer\NewsImporter::class,
'keys' => [
Example News Importer class:
namespace Vendor\MigrationExtend\Migration\Importer;
use In2code\Migration\Migration\Importer\AbstractImporter;
use In2code\Migration\Migration\Importer\ImporterInterface;
* Class NewsImporter
class NewsImporter extends AbstractImporter implements ImporterInterface
* New table should be truncated before each importer run
* @var bool
protected $truncate = true;
* Use new values for .uid property
* @var bool
protected $keepIdentifiers = false;
* Table to import to
* @var string
protected $tableName = 'tx_news_domain_model_news';
* Table to import from
* @var string
protected $tableNameOld = 'tt_news';
* Copy from old.fieldname to new.fieldname
* @var array
protected $mapping = [
'title' => 'title',
'short' => 'teaser',
'bodytext' => 'bodytext'
* Hardcode some properties
* @var array
protected $values = [
'pid' => 123 // store news into this page
* PropertyHelpers are called after initial build via mapping
* "newProperty" => [
* [
* "className" => class1::class,
* "configuration => ["red"]
* ],
* [
* "className" => class2::class
* ]
* ]
* @var array
protected $propertyHelpers = [
// your own magic to manipulate values with your own classes
Start import from CLI:
# Test it before on one news element with uid 123
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --configuration EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php --dryrun 1 --key news --limitToRecord 123
# Go for it
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --configuration EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php --dryrun 0 --key news
In your Migrator or Importer class you can overide properties from the parent class to change the basic behaviour. Examples:
- $additionalWhere: Extend the where clause for your import/migration (e.g. "and pid>0")
- $groupBy: Group by your records
- $orderBy: Change default sorting (pid,uid) of your records
- $truncate: Define if tables should be truncated or not before importing
- $sql: Fire some sql statements at the beginning or at the end of your migration/imports
- $keepIdentifiers: Define if new identifiers should be set while importing
- $enforce: Enforce a second migration (even if records are tagged with field _migrated as migrated)
If you extend your new tables with fields with this names: _migrated
, _migrated_uid
and _migrated_table
, they will
be filled automatically with useful values - just test
Example ext_tables.sql file to extend a table with new fields:
CREATE TABLE tt_content
_migrated tinyint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
_migrated_uid int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,
_migrated_table varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
# Migrate and import everything which is tagged to "content" (Configuration from EXT:migration/Configuration/Migration.php is used)
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --dryrun 0 --key content
# Migrate and import with your configuration
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --configuration EXT:migration_extend/Configuration/Migration.php
# Migrate and import everything which is tagged to "page" but test it (dryrun) and do it only for page with uid=1 and no subpages
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --key page --dryrun 1 --limitToPage 1 --recursive 0
# Migrate and import everything which is tagged to "content". Use only page with uid=123 and all subpages
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --key content --dryrun 0 --limitToPage 123 --recursive 1
# Migrate and import everything which is tagged to "news" but only for the record uid=123
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate --key news --dryrun 0 --limitToRecord 123
# Use short wrtings instead of long names (with configuration, limit to record, dryrun and key)
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:migrate -c typo3conf/ext/migration/Configuration/Migration.php -l 23 -d 0 -k content
Parameters of the migration:migrate command (overwrite your settins of your Migration.php):
Parameter name | Parameter short name | Values | Description |
--configuration | -c | string | Path to your configuration file. If not given, default config file is used |
--key | -k | string | Define which migrators/importers should run. Empty=all will run. |
--dryrun | -d | 0/1 | Test migration before migrating/importing |
--limitToRecord | -l | int | Do only a migration/import for record with this uid |
--limitToPage | -p | int | Do only a migration/import for records on this page uid |
--recursive | -r | 0/1 | Can combined with limitToPage to also migrate/import records on children pages |