Do TYPO3 pageactions (normally known from backend) via console. Move, delete, copy complete pages and trees without runtimelimit from CLI
Example CLI call
# Copy tree with beginning pid 123 into page with pid 234
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:datahandler 123 copy 234
# Move tree with beginning pid 123 into page with pid 234
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:datahandler 123 move 234
# Delete complete tree with beginning pid 123
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:datahandler 123 delete 0 99
For more and complex operations, we have the complex datahandlercommand. Please consult the dokumentation before doing anything:
TCE (TYPO3 Core engine) & DataHandler
Database: DataHandler basics (Formerly Known as TCEmain)
Example CLI call
# synchronize the media of a page to its language-child
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:complexdatahandler page 347 inlineLocalizeSynchronize '{"field":"media", "action":"synchronize", "language: 1}'
Simple show a commaseparated list of subpages to a page (helpful for further database commands)
Example CLI call
# Show a commaseparated list of a page with pid 123 and its subpages
./vendor/bin/typo3 migration:help 123