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124 lines (116 loc) · 7.85 KB


This Discord bot is SERVERLESS which means it can run for FREE and be ALWAYS online on Deta Space!
You can also treat this repository as a template for making serverless bots with the discohook library.

Table of Contents


  • /ping - a simple command that tells you the bot's latency.
  • /ask <prompt> [model] - a command that uses OpenAI's API (ChatGPT).
  • A status message Listening to /ask! | OpenAI via scheduled actions.
  • And you can easily create and add more commands yourself!

File Structure

├─ src/                       # Source code
│  ├─ actions/                # Files used for scheduled actions
│  │  └─          # Presence updater (bot status)
│  ├─ assets/                 # All asset files
│  │  └─ logo.png             # Logo used for space app
│  ├─ commands/               # All command files
│  │  ├─               # Ask command
│  │  └─              # Ping command
│  ├─ utils/                  # Contains any extra utility files
│  │  └─           # Useful functions
│  └─                  # Contains the discohook bot
├─ .gitignore                 # Hides certain files
├─               # Defines app's space discovery page
├─ LICENSE                    # License
├─                  # Defines this README page
├─ Spacefile                  # Space app configuration
├─ example.env                # Example of an .env file
├─                    # Entry point
└─ requirements.txt           # Library dependencies


  • Discord Application: Create an app for FREE at Discord Developer Portal.
  • Deta Space account: Create an account for FREE at Deta Space, username + password.
  • OpenAI API Key: Create a developer account for FREE at OpenAI, free $18 in credits.
  • discohook: A github library used to make async serverless Discord bots.
  • deta: A github library used to make async Deta Space's Base HTTP API requests.
    • The database is only used to store the websocket resume data for the status message.
  • uvicorn: A PyPI library used to run an ASGI webserver.
  • python-dotenv: A PyPI library used to help load variables from an .env file.
    • This is only used when developing the bot locally.
  • openai: A PyPI library used to make async OpenAI API requests.

Running Online

  1. Install the space app from the app's discovery page.
    Alternatively you could build the space app yourself:
    1. Clone this repository.
    2. Install the Space CLI.
    3. Make sure you're in the project folder: $cd <folder>
    4. Create a space app: $space new
    5. Push the space app: $space push
  2. Enter the environment variables (Space App Settings ➔ Configuration).
    • DISCORD_APPLICATION_ID - Your discord app's ID.
    • DISCORD_PUBLIC_KEY - Your discord app's public key.
    • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN - Your bot's token.
    • OPENAI_API_KEY - An API key from OpenAI's API.
    • SYNC_PASSWORD - A password you set to sync commands later on.
    • Other environment variables are optional.
  3. Set Interactions Endpoint URL to <micro_url>/interactions.
    • This is located in:{application_id}/information
    • A Micro URL looks like this:
  4. Visit <micro_url>/api/dash to register the slash commands for the first time.
    • You need to type the value of SYNC_PASSWORD you set in your env vars.
  5. Run /ping to make sure it's working! Enjoy!

Running Locally

You only need to run the bot locally if you plan to develop new commands for the bot.
This is because $space push-ing each time would make development take forever.

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Install the Space CLI.
  3. Make sure you're in the project folder: $cd <folder>
  4. Install the library dependencies.
    1. Make a virtual environment: $python -m venv venv
    2. Enter the virtual environment: $source venv/bin/activate
    3. Install requirements: $pip install -r requirements.txt
    4. To leave the virtual environment later run $deactivate.
  5. Rename example.env to .env file and update its contents.
    • Environment variables in comments are optional.
  6. Run $space dev to start both main and bot micros.
  7. In another terminal, start a reverse proxy/tunnel because your https://localhost can't be accessed by Discord.
    • Via Deta Space:
      • Run space reverse proxy and the URL is your micro's URL: https://<name>
      • If you have a main bot and a test bot, use space link to switch to a test space app.
    • Via Ngrok:
      • Setup Ngrok. Create an account, install CLI, set auth-token.
      • Run ngrok http 4200 to get a URL like
      • Note the Free Tier has a ratelimit of 60 requests per minute and URLs are ephemeral.
    • Via Cloudflare:
      • Setup Cloudflare. Install CLI and optionally link an account.
      • Run cloudflared tunnel --url https://localhost:4200 to get a URL like
      • No request ratelimit (AFAIK) but URLs are still ephemeral.
      • Note it's technically against their ToS to host anything other than basic HTML pages on the free plan.
      • Use this for development only if you need a higher request ratelimit.
    • List of other solutions.
    • For all the above, you can do CTRL+C to stop them.
  8. Set the Interactions Endpoint URL to <url>/interactions.
    • This is located in:{application_id}/information
    • The URL is from the previous step, for space it's this: https://<name>
  9. Finally you can now start live editing.
    Uvicorn is set to --reload so any edits you make automatically restarts the webserver.
  10. To stop running do CTRL+C.

When you're ready, you can run $space push to update the space app.

Links and Resources