Send alerts based on consul. health checks, triggered by consul-alerts
Consul and consul-alerts is installed and running.
$ pip install python-consul alerta --upgrade
copy script to somewhere accessible by consul-alerts, make sure its executable
Clone the GitHub repo and run:
$ python install
Or, to install remotely from GitHub run:
$ pip install git+
Define these keys in consul KV store:
alerta/apikey:'api-key' // alerta key for api access (MUST)
alerta/apiurl:'api-url' // alerta api url (MUST)
alerta/timeout:900 // alarm timeout in alerta (default 900)
alerta/max_retries:3 // max api call attemps (default 3)
alerta/sleep:2 // sleep between attemps (default 2)
alerta/origin:consul // alert origin (default consul)
alerta/defaultenv:Production // default alert environment (optional - default Production)
alerta/env/{hostname}:Testing // exceptions for env of specific nodes (optional)
alerta/alerttype:ConsulAlerts // alert type (default ConsulAlerts)
consul-alerts/config/notif-profiles/default: { "Interval": 10 } // will keep active alerts "open" in alerta, before timeout removes them (must)
Copyright (c) 2016 Marco Supino. Available under the MIT License.