diff --git a/docs/awesome/PlacesToPostYourStartup.md b/docs/awesome/PlacesToPostYourStartup.md
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--- a/docs/awesome/PlacesToPostYourStartup.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/PlacesToPostYourStartup.md
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##### The [mmccaff/PlacesToPostYourStartup repository on GitHub](https://github.com/mmccaff/PlacesToPostYourStartup) is automatically mirrored to [PlacesToPostYourStartup.com](https://www.placestopostyourstartup.com)
-最初是从 [this HN post](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7248460) 其中引用 [this HN post](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6492109).
+Originally from [this HN post](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7248460) which referenced [this HN post](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6492109).
-单击链接跳转到相应的部分. 这两个部分都按字母顺序组织.
+Click a link to jump to the appropriate section. Both sections are organized alphabetically.
## Reddit
* /r/AlphaandBetausers - https://www.reddit.com/r/alphaandbetausers/
-* /r/优惠券 - https://www.reddit.com/r/coupons/
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* /r/RoastMyStartup - https://www.reddit.com/r/roastmystartup
-* /r/ShamelessPlug - https://www.reddit.com/r/shamelessplug/
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* /r/Startups - http://reddit.com/r/startups
@@ -30,125 +29,109 @@
## Websites
* 10words - https://10words.io
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-* 所有初创公司 - http://www.allstartups.info/Startups/Submit
-* 所有顶级初创公司 - http://alltopstartups.com/submit-startup/
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+* All Top Startups - http://alltopstartups.com/submit-startup/
+* Alternative To - http://alternativeto.net/
* Alternative.me - https://alternative.me/
* AngelList - https://angel.co/
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-* 应用程序评分者 - https://apprater.net/add/
-* Appcrawlr - http://appcrawlr.com/
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-* 应用列表 - http://appslisto.com/submit-your-app/
-* 应用妈妈 - http://appsmamma.com/submit-your-app/
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* AppsThunder - http://appsthunder.com/submit-your-app/
* Appvita - http://www.appvita.com/
* Arctic Startup - http://arcticstartup.com/
-* 很棒的独立游戏 - https://awesomeindie.com
+* Awesome Indie - https://awesomeindie.com
* Beta Bound - http://www.betabound.com/announce/
-* 测试版页面 - https://betapage.co/
-* Beta 测试 - https://betatesting.com/beta-testing
+* Beta Page - https://betapage.co/
+* Beta Testing - https://betatesting.com/beta-testing
* Betafy - https://www.betafy.co/easysignup/startup
* BetaList - https://betalist.com/submit
* Boing Boing - http://boingboing.net/sub/
* Broadwise.org - https://broadwise.org/
* BuiltInChicago - http://www.builtinchicago.org/send-us-tip
* Capterra - http://www.capterra.com/vendors/sign-up
-* 协作 - https://www.collaborizm.com
-* 疯狂创业 - http://www.crazyaboutstartups.com/index.php/share-your-startup-form
+* Collaborizm - https://www.collaborizm.com
* CrozDesk - https://vendor.crozdesk.com/user/signup
-* CtrlAlt.cc - https://ctrlalt.cc/
* Crunch Base - https://www.crunchbase.com/#/home/index
-* 设计师新闻 - https://www.designernews.co/
* Discova - http://www.discova.co/
-* 发现云 - https://www.discovercloud.com/become-a-vendor
+* Discover Cloud - https://www.discovercloud.com/become-a-vendor
* eBool - https://www.ebool.com/submit
-* 表情符号发布 - https://emojilaunch.com/
* F6S - http://www.f6s.com/
-* Feed 我的应用程序 - https://feedmyapp.com/submit/
* Fiddy - https://fiddy.co
-* G2 人群 - https://www.g2crowd.com/products/new
+* G2 Crowd - https://www.g2crowd.com/products/new
* Geek Wire - http://geekwire.com/startup-list/
-* 获取应用程序 - http://getapp.com/
+* Get App - http://getapp.com/
* Getworm - https://getworm.com/submit-startup
* GrowthBoosters - https://www.growthboosters.com/product/add
-* 阵风 - https://www.gust.com
-* 哈罗 - https://www.helpareporter.com/sources/
+* Gust - https://www.gust.com
+* Haro - https://www.helpareporter.com/sources/
* Hackerspad - https://hackerspad.net/submit-software/
* Inc 42 - https://inc42.com/startup-submission/
-* Index.co - https://index.co/startup
-* 独立黑客 - https://www.indiehackers.com/
-* 杀手级初创公司 - http://killerstartups.com/submit-startup/
-* KitDB - https://kitdb.app/
-* 土地手册 - https://land-book.com/guidelines
-* 启动列表 - https://launchlister.com/submit-startup
-* 启动 - https://launched.io/SubmitStartup
-* 启动下一步 - https://www.launchingnext.com/submit/
-* 循环 - https://app.loopinput.com/
-*PCPC.me - http://www.makeuseof.com/about/
-* 网状 - https://www.netted.net/contact-us/
-* 下一个大产品 - http://nextbigproduct.net/product-submission/
-* 下一件大事 - http://nextbigwhat.com/
-* Oye 初创公司 - https://oyestartups.com/contact
+* Indie Hackers - https://www.indiehackers.com/
+* Killer Startups - http://killerstartups.com/submit-startup/
+* Land-book - https://land-book.com/guidelines
+* Launched - https://launched.io/SubmitStartup
+* Launching Next - https://www.launchingnext.com/submit/
+* Loop - https://app.loopinput.com/
+* MakeUseOf - http://www.makeuseof.com/about/
+* Netted - https://www.netted.net/contact-us/
+* Next Big What - http://nextbigwhat.com/
+* Oye Startups - https://oyestartups.com/contact
* Paggu - http://www.paggu.com/submit-your-startup/
-* 后期制作 - https://postmake.io/submit
+* Postmake - https://postmake.io/submit
* PreApps - http://www.preapps.com/
-* 产品搜寻 - http://www.producthunt.com/
-* 可编程网络 - https://www.programmableweb.com/news/how-to-pitch-programmableweb-covering-your-news/2016/11/18
-* 孵化项目 - https://www.projecthatch.co/your-story/
-* Projectium 网络 - https://projectium.network
-* 罗宾古德 - http://tools.robingood.com/
-* SaaShub - https://www.saashub.com/
+* Product Hunt - http://www.producthunt.com/
+* Project Hatch - https://www.projecthatch.co/your-story/
+* Projectium Network - https://projectium.network
+* SaaSHub - https://www.saashub.com/
* Saasified - https://saasified.co
-* Saijo 的工具列表 - https://saijogeorge.com/best-marketing-tools/
-* 显示 HN - https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html
-* 侧面投影仪 - https://www.sideprojectors.com
-* SideProjects - https://sideprojects.net
+* Saijo's Tools List - https://saijogeorge.com/best-marketing-tools/
+* Show HN - https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html
+* Side Projectors - https://www.sideprojectors.com
* SimilarSiteSearch - http://www.similarsitesearch.com/tips.html
-* 倾斜 - https://www.slant.co/
+* Slant - https://www.slant.co/
* SnapMunk - https://www.snapmunk.com/submit-your-startup/
-* 软件建议 - https://softwareadvice-markets.questionpro.com/
-* Springwise - https://www.springwise.com/spotted/
-* 堆栈共享 - http://stackshare.io/
-* 入门故事 - https://starterstory.com/
-* 启动 88 - https://startup88.com/
-* 启动基地 - https://startupbase.io/submit
-* 启动节拍 - http://startupbeat.com/startup-beat-featured-startup-pitch-guidelines/
-* 启动基准 - https://www.startupbenchmarks.com/
-* 启动缓冲区 - https://startupbuffer.com
-* 启动集合 - http://startupcollections.com/
+* Software Advice - https://softwareadvice-markets.questionpro.com/
+* Stack Share - http://stackshare.io/
+* Starter Story - https://starterstory.com/
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+* Startup Benchmarks - https://www.startupbenchmarks.com/
+* Startup Buffer - https://startupbuffer.com
* Startup Inspire - https://www.startupinspire.com/submit
-* 启动电梯 - http://www.startuplift.com/
-* 创业排名 - http://www.startupranking.com/
-* 启动注册 - http://startupregister.net/register-your-startup/
-* 启动资源 - https://startupresources.io
+* Startup Lift - http://www.startuplift.com/
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+* Startup Register - http://startupregister.net/register-your-startup/
* Startup Stash - http://startupstash.com/
-* 启动选项卡 - http://startuptabs.com/
-* 启动跟踪器 - https://startuptracker.io/
+* Startup Tabs - http://startuptabs.com/
+* Startup Tracker - https://startuptracker.io/
* StartupBlink - http://www.startupblink.com/
-* 初创企业名单 - https://www.startups-list.com/
+* Startups List - https://www.startups-list.com/
* State of Tech - http://stateoftech.net/advertise?submit-an-app-for-review
* Tabscape - https://www.tapscape.com/
* Tech Faster - http://techfaster.com/submit-your-company/
-* 技术地图 - http://thetechmap.com/
-* 科技冥王星 - http://www.techpluto.com/submit-a-startup/
-* 更新日志 - https://github.com/thechangelog/ping
-* iPhone 妈妈 - https://www.theiphonemom.com/
-* 顶级替代品 - https://topalternatives.com/
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+* The Changelog - https://github.com/thechangelog/ping
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+* Top Alternatives - https://topalternatives.com/
* Vator - http://www.vator.tv/
-* VB 配置文件 - http://vbprofiles.com/
* Venture Beat - http://venturebeat.com/news-tips/
* Web App Rater - https://webapprater.com/submit-your-web-application-for-review-html
-* 网站搜寻 - https://www.websitehunt.co
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* Ycombinator - https://news.ycombinator.com/
-* YouNoodle - https://ww2.younoodle.com/startups/
+* yesRamen - https://yesramen.com/
## License
-在法律允许的范围内, [Matt McCaffrey](http://www.mattmccaffrey.com/) 已放弃该作品的所有版权和相关或邻接权.
+To the extent possible under law, [Matt McCaffrey](http://www.mattmccaffrey.com/) has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md
index 3357087150..6694dd40ca 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-agi-cocosci.md
@@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ English-language description for use by biologists.
* [The naïve utility calculus: Computational principles underlying commonsense psychology](https://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/fulltext/S1364-6613(16)30053-5) - ***Trends in Cognitive Sciences***, 2016. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=6894095575934067763)]. [[Preprint](http://sll.stanford.edu/docs/2016_JaraEttinger_Gweon_Schulz_Tenenbaum_TiCS.pdf)]. This review article proposes that human social cognition is structured around a basic understanding of ourselves and others as intuitive utility maximizers: from a young age, humans implicitly assume that agents choose goals and actions to maximize the rewards they expect to obtain relative to the costs they expect to incur. This ‘naïve utility calculus’ allows both children and adults observe the behavior of others and infer their beliefs and desires, their longer-term knowledge and preferences, and even their character: who is knowledgeable or competent, who is praiseworthy or blameworthy, who is friendly, indifferent, or an enemy.
-* [Planning with theory of mind](https://saxelab.mit.edu/sites/default/files/publications/HoSaxeCushman2022.pdf) - ***Trends in Cognitive Sciences***, 2022. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=8461125353366208047&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5)]. A perspective on understanding Theory of Mind through planning that consists of abstract structured causal representations and supports efficient search and selection from innumerable possible actions.
+* [Planning with theory of mind](https://www.cell.com/trends/cognitive-sciences/fulltext/S1364-6613(22)00185-1) - ***Trends in Cognitive Sciences***, 2022. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=8461125353366208047)]. [[Preprint](https://saxelab.mit.edu/sites/default/files/publications/HoSaxeCushman2022.pdf)]. A perspective on understanding Theory of Mind through planning that consists of abstract structured causal representations and supports efficient search and selection from innumerable possible actions. Planning requires that Theory of Mind consists of abstract structured causal representations and supports efficient search and selection from innumerable possible actions. Theory of Mind contrasts with less cognitively demanding alternatives: statistical predictive models of other people’s actions, or model-free reinforcement of actions by their effects on other people. Theory of Mind is likely used to plan novel interventions and predict their effects, for example, in pedagogy, emotion regulation, and impression management.
* [Bayesian Theory of Mind: Modeling Joint Belief-Desire Attribution](http://web.mit.edu/9.s915/www/classes/theoryOfMind.pdf) - ***CogSci'11***, 2011. [[All Versions](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=7454981153033683025&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5)].
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md
index 0c93b06cc6..9f479f5740 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-angular.md
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ Current Angular version: [![npm version](https://badge.fury.io/js/%40angular%2Fc
* [Offering Solutions](https://offering.solutions/blog/)
* [Daniel Kreider](https://danielk.tech/)
* [Amadou Sall](https://www.amadousall.com/)
+* [Angular Philosophies](https://github.com/tomavic/angular-philosophies)
##### Books
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-deno.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-deno.md
index 71be60fd95..b28279ee14 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/awesome-deno.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-deno.md
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ This list is a collection of the best Deno modules and resources.
- [danet](https://github.com/Savory/Danet) - A Savory web framework for Deno heavily inspired by [Nest.js](https://nestjs.com).
- [drash](https://github.com/drashland/deno-drash) - A REST microframework for Deno's HTTP server with zero dependencies.
- [faster](https://github.com/hviana/faster) - A fast and optimized middleware server with a set of useful middlwares.
+- [faster_react](https://github.com/hviana/faster_react) - Full Stack web framework with React + Faster. Fully compatible with Deno Deploy.
- [hono](https://github.com/honojs/hono) - Ultrafast web framework for Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun. Fast, but not only fast.
- [oak](https://github.com/oakserver/oak) - A middleware framework for Deno's net server.
- [oak-http-proxy](https://github.com/asos-craigmorten/oak-http-proxy) - Proxy middleware for Deno Oak HTTP servers.
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-developer-first.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-developer-first.md
index 119767648c..7bd9a8d3f4 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/awesome-developer-first.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-developer-first.md
@@ -254,6 +254,7 @@ For the latest additions [click here](https://github.com/agamm/awesome-developer
* [Helicone AI](https://www.helicone.ai/) - LLM observabilty and monitoring for your LLM apps in production. [![Helicone AI](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/helicone/helicone?style=flat-square&logo=github&labelColor=%230D1117&color=%23161B22)](https://github.com/Helicone/helicone)
* [Highlight.io](https://www.highlight.io/) - Full-stack monitoring platform. [![Highlight.io](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/highlight/highlight?style=flat-square&logo=github&labelColor=%230D1117&color=%23161B22)](https://github.com/highlight/highlight)
* [KeenIO](https://keen.io/) - Event streaming platform.
+* [Langfuse](https://langfuse.com/) - Open-source LLM observability platform that helps teams collaboratively debug, analyze, and iterate on their LLM applications. [#opensource](https://github.com/langfuse/langfuse) [![Langfuse](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/langfuse/langfuse?style=flat-square&logo=github&labelColor=%230D1117&color=%23161B22)](https://github.com/langfuse/langfuse)
* [LogRocket](https://logrocket.com/) - Replay bugs users had.
* [Opik](https://www.comet.com/site/products/opik/) - Evaluate, test, and ship LLM applications across your dev and production lifecycles. [![Comet](https://img.shields.io/github/stars/comet-ml/opik?style=flat-square&logo=github&labelColor=%230D1117&color=%23161B22)](https://github.com/comet-ml/opik)
* [Pagerly](https://pagerly.io) - Manage Oncalls, Tickets, Incidents in Slack.
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md
index 1c48455e5b..c9aead5227 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-go.md
@@ -1958,7 +1958,7 @@ _Unofficial libraries for package and dependency management._
- [johnny-deps](https://github.com/VividCortex/johnny-deps) - Minimal dependency version using Git.
- [modgv](https://github.com/lucasepe/modgv) - Converts 'go mod graph' output into Graphviz's DOT language.
- [mvn-golang](https://github.com/raydac/mvn-golang) - plugin that provides way for auto-loading of Golang SDK, dependency management and start build environment in Maven project infrastructure.
-- [nut](https://github.com/jingweno/nut) - Vendor Go dependencies.
+- [syft](https://github.com/anchore/syft) - A CLI tool and Go library for generating a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from container images and filesystems.
- [VenGO](https://github.com/DamnWidget/VenGO) - create and manage exportable isolated go virtual environments.
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md
index 644144a034..a47a64e960 100644
--- a/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md
+++ b/docs/awesome/awesome-integration.md
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [Apigee](https://cloud.google.com/apigee) - A leading API management solution from Google that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you create, secure, and scale APIs with ease.
- [Azure API Management](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/api-management/) - A hybrid, multicloud management platform for APIs across all environments, which enables you to manage APIs with ease, secure them, and gain insights into their performance.
- [DigitMarket API Manager](https://www.torryharris.com/products/digitmarket-api-manager-for-api-management) - A complete package from Torry Harris that helps you manage your APIs and turn them into tools that can drive your business forward.
-- [Gravitee.io API Management (⭐178)](https://github.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-api-management) - A flexible, lightweight, and open-source API management solution that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you manage your APIs with ease.
+- [Gravitee.io API Management (⭐180)](https://github.com/gravitee-io/gravitee-api-management) - A flexible, lightweight, and open-source API management solution that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you manage your APIs with ease.
- [IBM API Connect](https://www.ibm.com/cloud/api-connect) - A complete, intuitive, and scalable API platform that allows you to create, expose, manage, and monetize APIs across clouds.
- [Kong Enterprise](https://konghq.com/products/kong-enterprise) - A comprehensive service connectivity platform that provides a range of API management capabilities and allows you to manage APIs, microservices, and service meshes with ease.
- [Layer7 API Management](https://www.broadcom.com/products/software/api-management) - A continuous API management solution from Broadcom that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and helps you manage APIs throughout their lifecycle.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [TIBCO Cloud Mashery](https://www.tibco.com/products/api-management) - A cloud-native API platform from TIBCO that enables you to deploy APIs anywhere and manage them from everywhere.
- [Tyk API Management](https://tyk.io/api-lifecycle-management/) - A powerful API management solution that allows you to connect, build, and control APIs with ease.
- [webMethods API](https://www.softwareag.cloud/site/product/webmethods-api.html) - A comprehensive API management solution from Software AG that provides full lifecycle API management capabilities and enables you to manage APIs in both on-premises and cloud environments.
-- [WSO2 API Manager (⭐838)](https://github.com/wso2/product-apim) - A fully open-source API management platform that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and allows you to manage APIs with ease.
+- [WSO2 API Manager (⭐839)](https://github.com/wso2/product-apim) - A fully open-source API management platform that provides comprehensive API management capabilities and allows you to manage APIs with ease.
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
*API design, documentation, and life-cycle automation tools streamline the process of creating, maintaining, and evolving APIs. These tools offer efficient means to design consistent and scalable APIs, generate comprehensive documentation, and automate various stages of the API life-cycle, enhancing developer experience and promoting API adoption.*
- [Dredd (⭐4.1k)](https://github.com/apiaryio/dredd) - Validate API description docs against backend implementation using this language-agnostic CLI tool.
- [OpenAPI-GUI (⭐1.4k)](https://github.com/Mermade/openapi-gui) - Create and validate OpenAPI specs with ease using this intuitive graphical user interface.
-- [OpenAPI Diff (⭐808)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-diff) - Compare OpenAPI specs with version control and visualize the differences in HTML or Markdown format.
+- [OpenAPI Diff (⭐817)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-diff) - Compare OpenAPI specs with version control and visualize the differences in HTML or Markdown format.
- [OpenAPI Generator (⭐21k)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-generator) - Automate the creation of API client libraries, server stubs, documentation and config files with this powerful OpenAPI Spec tool.
-- [OpenAPI Style Validator (⭐203)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-style-validator) - Ensure that your OpenAPI specs meet your organization's standards with this flexible and customizable style validator.
+- [OpenAPI Style Validator (⭐204)](https://github.com/OpenAPITools/openapi-style-validator) - Ensure that your OpenAPI specs meet your organization's standards with this flexible and customizable style validator.
- [Spectral (⭐2.4k)](https://github.com/stoplightio/spectral) - Detect and fix errors in your JSON/YAML files using this linter tool that supports OpenAPI 3.0 & 2.0 and AsyncAPI.
- [Swagger Editor (⭐8.8k)](https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-editor) - Create, describe, and document your API with ease using this open source editor built specifically for OpenAPI-based APIs.
-- [Zally (⭐904)](https://github.com/zalando/zally) - Ensure the quality of your OpenAPI specs with this linter tool that provides extensive analysis and feedback.
+- [Zally (⭐903)](https://github.com/zalando/zally) - Ensure the quality of your OpenAPI specs with this linter tool that provides extensive analysis and feedback.
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [Apache APISIX (⭐14k)](https://github.com/apache/apisix) - A dynamic, real-time, and high-performance API Gateway that leverages Apache plugins for enhanced functionality.
- [Apache ShenYu (⭐8.4k)](https://github.com/apache/shenyu) - A Java native API Gateway for service proxy, protocol conversion and API governance.
- [Gloo Edge (⭐4k)](https://github.com/solo-io/gloo) - An Envoy Proxy-based API Gateway that provides advanced traffic management, security, and observability features for modern microservices architectures.
-- [Kong API Gateway (⭐38k)](https://github.com/Kong/kong) - A cloud-native, platform-agnostic, and scalable API Gateway that supports plugins for easy integration with third-party services.
+- [Kong API Gateway (⭐39k)](https://github.com/Kong/kong) - A cloud-native, platform-agnostic, and scalable API Gateway that supports plugins for easy integration with third-party services.
- [KrakenD API Gateway (⭐1.9k)](https://github.com/devopsfaith/krakend-ce) - An ultra-high performance API Gateway that leverages middlewares for fast and efficient API management.
- [Ocelot (⭐8.3k)](https://github.com/ThreeMammals/Ocelot) - A .NET API Gateway that provides a simple and elegant way to manage APIs with its intuitive routing and middleware configuration.
- [Spring Cloud Gateway (⭐4.5k)](https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-gateway) - An API Gateway built on top of the Spring ecosystem, providing advanced routing and filtering features for Spring applications.
@@ -88,20 +88,20 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- MQ clients
- [JMSToolBox (⭐202)](https://github.com/jmstoolbox/jmstoolbox) - Universal JMS client designed to interact with a wide range of JMS-based message brokers.
- [kcat (⭐5.4k)](https://github.com/edenhill/kcat) - Generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka, functioning as a netcat for Kafka.
- - [MQTT Explorer (⭐2.9k)](https://github.com/thomasnordquist/MQTT-Explorer) - All-round MQTT client with a structured topic overview, suitable for debugging and testing MQTT-based systems.
+ - [MQTT Explorer (⭐3k)](https://github.com/thomasnordquist/MQTT-Explorer) - All-round MQTT client with a structured topic overview, suitable for debugging and testing MQTT-based systems.
- [Offset Explorer](https://www.kafkatool.com) - GUI application for managing and using Apache Kafka clusters, formerly known as Kafka Tool.
- [Service Bus Explorer (⭐2k)](https://github.com/paolosalvatori/ServiceBusExplorer) - GUI app for Azure Service Bus, offering advanced features like import/export functionality and the ability to test topic, queues, subscriptions, relay services, notification hubs, and events hubs.
- Mocking tools
- [Imposter (⭐364)](https://github.com/outofcoffee/imposter) - Mock server for REST APIs, OpenAPI (and Swagger) specifications, SOAP web services (and WSDL files), Salesforce and HBase APIs.
- [Microcks (⭐1.3k)](https://github.com/microcks/microcks) - Open-source Kubernetes-native tool for API mocking and testing, supporting AsyncAPI, OpenAPI, Postman Collections, etc.
- [Mockable](https://www.mockable.io/) - Simple configurable service to mock out RESTful API or SOAP web-services.
- - [Mockoon (⭐6.2k)](https://github.com/mockoon/mockoon) - Easy-to-use tool for designing and running mock REST APIs.
+ - [Mockoon (⭐6.3k)](https://github.com/mockoon/mockoon) - Easy-to-use tool for designing and running mock REST APIs.
- [MockServer (⭐4.5k)](https://github.com/mock-server/mockserver) - Easy mocking of any system you integrate with via HTTP or HTTPS.
- [Mocky (⭐2k)](https://github.com/MockyAbstract/Mocky) - Free and unlimited online service for generating custom HTTP responses.
- [Prism (⭐4.2k)](https://github.com/stoplightio/prism) - Open-source HTTP mock server that can mimic your API's behavior as if you already built it.
- [WireMock (⭐6.3k)](https://github.com/tomakehurst/wiremock) - Mock your APIs for fast, robust, and comprehensive testing.
- Testing tools and frameworks
- - [Apache JMeter (⭐8.2k)](https://github.com/apache/jmeter) - Open-source Java-based load testing tool that can be used to test the performance and scalability of web applications, databases, and other network services.
+ - [Apache JMeter (⭐8.3k)](https://github.com/apache/jmeter) - Open-source Java-based load testing tool that can be used to test the performance and scalability of web applications, databases, and other network services.
- [Gatling (⭐6.4k)](https://github.com/gatling/gatling) - An open-source load testing tool that allows users to write and run load tests as code, providing detailed performance reports to optimize system performance.
- [Karate (⭐8.1k)](https://github.com/intuit/karate) - Open-source tool that combines API test-automation, mocks, performance-testing, and even UI automation into a single, unified framework.
- [Pyresttest (⭐1.1k)](https://github.com/svanoort/pyresttest) - Python-based REST testing and API microbenchmarking tool that uses YAML or JSON for test.
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [Drools (⭐5.8k)](https://github.com/apache/incubator-kie-drools) - Open-source tool that supports Decision Model and Notation (DMN) models at Conformance level 3 with an Eclipse IDE plugin for core development.
- [Easy Rules (⭐4.8k)](https://github.com/j-easy/easy-rules) - Simple Java rules engine for straightforward rule processing.
- [NxBRE (⭐131)](https://github.com/ddossot/NxBRE) - Open-source rule engine specifically designed for the .NET platform.
-- [OpenL Tablets (⭐154)](https://github.com/openl-tablets/openl-tablets) - Open-source business rules engine (BRE, BRMS) and decision management system that allows users to define, manage, and execute business rules and decision tables.
+- [OpenL Tablets (⭐155)](https://github.com/openl-tablets/openl-tablets) - Open-source business rules engine (BRE, BRMS) and decision management system that allows users to define, manage, and execute business rules and decision tables.
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [AltasMap (⭐195)](https://github.com/atlasmap/atlasmap) - A web-based data mapping solution that simplifies integration between Java, XML, CSV, and JSON data sources. Its interactive user interface makes configuring integrations easy.
- [Altova MapForce](https://www.altova.com/mapforce) - A graphical data mapping tool that can handle any-to-any conversion and integration tasks. It simplifies complex mapping tasks, enabling software engineers to complete projects faster.
- [JOLT (⭐1.5k)](https://github.com/bazaarvoice/jolt) - A Java-based JSON-to-JSON transformation library that uses a JSON document as the "specification" for the transform. JOLT provides a simple way for software engineers to transform JSON data.
-- [JSLT (⭐630)](https://github.com/schibsted/jslt) - A complete query and transformation language for JSON that is inspired by jq, XPath, and XQuery. With JSLT, software engineers can quickly and easily transform JSON data to meet their needs.
+- [JSLT (⭐631)](https://github.com/schibsted/jslt) - A complete query and transformation language for JSON that is inspired by jq, XPath, and XQuery. With JSLT, software engineers can quickly and easily transform JSON data to meet their needs.
@@ -155,13 +155,13 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [Software AG webMethods Integration Server](https://www.softwareag.com/en_corporate/platform/integration-apis/webmethods-integration.html) - An integration platform that enables faster integration of any application.
- [TIBCO BusinessWorks](https://www.tibco.com/products/tibco-businessworks) - A platform that implements enterprise patterns for hybrid integrations.
- [UltraESB](https://www.adroitlogic.com/products/ultraesb/) - An ESB that supports zero-copy proxying for extreme performance utilizing Direct Memory Access and Non-Blocking IO.
-- [WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (⭐373)](https://github.com/wso2/product-ei) - An API-centric, cloud-native, and distributed integration platform designed to provide a robust solution for software engineers.
+- [WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (⭐374)](https://github.com/wso2/product-ei) - An API-centric, cloud-native, and distributed integration platform designed to provide a robust solution for software engineers.
### ETL
*ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) and ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) are processes used to integrate and consolidate data from multiple sources. This section covers a range of open source and commercial tools for performing these tasks, including data ingestion, transformation, and loading into data warehouses or other data storage systems.*
-- [Apache NiFi (⭐4.7k)](https://github.com/apache/nifi) - An automated data integration platform that efficiently moves data between disparate systems.
+- [Apache NiFi (⭐4.8k)](https://github.com/apache/nifi) - An automated data integration platform that efficiently moves data between disparate systems.
- [CloverETL](http://www.cloveretl.com/) - A comprehensive data integration software suite, ideal for data migration, warehousing, and feeding data into BI and reporting apps.
- [Hevo](https://hevodata.com/) - A fully automated, no-code data pipeline platform supporting 150+ integrations across databases, SaaS apps, cloud storage, SDKs, and streaming services.
- [IBM DataStage](https://www.ibm.com/products/datastage) - A powerful data integration platform that helps businesses understand, cleanse, transform, and deliver trusted information.
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [NATS (⭐15k)](https://github.com/nats-io/gnatsd) - A lightweight and high-performance messaging system designed for microservices, IoT, and cloud-native systems. Offers efficient and reliable message delivery and supports multiple messaging protocols.
- [Oracle AQ](https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/advanced-queuing.html) - A messaging system that provides enterprise message functionality and is widely used within the Oracle database. Offers reliable and efficient message delivery and supports multiple messaging styles.
- [RabbitMQ (⭐12k)](https://github.com/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-server) - An open-source message broker that implements AMQP and supports multiple messaging protocols and patterns. Offers reliable and efficient message delivery and supports clustering and high availability.
-- [Redpanda (⭐9.4k)](https://github.com/vectorizedio/redpanda) - A streaming platform that is Kafka-compatible and does not require Zookeeper or JVM. Offers high-performance and low-latency messaging and supports stream processing and analytics.
+- [Redpanda (⭐9.5k)](https://github.com/vectorizedio/redpanda) - A streaming platform that is Kafka-compatible and does not require Zookeeper or JVM. Offers high-performance and low-latency messaging and supports stream processing and analytics.
- [Red Hat AMQ](https://www.redhat.com/en/technologies/jboss-middleware/amq) - A messaging system based on open-source communities like Apache ActiveMQ and Apache Kafka. Offers enterprise-grade messaging capabilities with reliable and efficient message delivery.
- [TIBCO Enterprise Message Service](https://www.tibco.com/products/tibco-enterprise-message-service) - A standards-based JMS implementation that allows for easy exchange of messages between applications. Offers reliable and efficient message delivery and supports various messaging protocols and patterns.
- [VerneMQ (⭐3.2k)](https://github.com/vernemq/vernemq) - A high-performance distributed MQTT message broker designed for scalability and reliability. Offers efficient and reliable message delivery and supports multiple messaging protocols and patterns.
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ System integration is the process of linking together different IT systems (com
- [Apache Airflow (⭐36k)](https://github.com/apache/airflow) - A platform that allows you to create, schedule, and monitor workflows programmatically, making it easier to manage and automate complex data pipelines.
- [Argo Workflows (⭐14k)](https://github.com/argoproj/argo-workflows) - An open-source, container-native workflow engine designed to orchestrate parallel jobs on Kubernetes, making it easier to manage and automate complex workflows in a cloud-native environment.
- [Azkaban (⭐4.4k)](https://github.com/azkaban/azkaban) - A distributed workflow manager that helps solve the problem of Hadoop job dependencies, making it easier to schedule and manage workflows in large-scale data processing environments.
-- [Bonita (⭐152)](https://github.com/bonitasoft/bonita-engine) - An open-source BPMN engine that comes with a designer and optional development environment, making it easier to build and automate complex business processes.
+- [Bonita (⭐153)](https://github.com/bonitasoft/bonita-engine) - An open-source BPMN engine that comes with a designer and optional development environment, making it easier to build and automate complex business processes.
- [Cadence (⭐8.2k)](https://github.com/uber/cadence) - A fault-tolerant, stateful code platform that makes it easier to build and manage complex, long-running applications.
- [Camunda (⭐4.1k)](https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform) - An open-source workflow and decision automation platform that helps you automate business processes and decisions in a flexible and scalable way.
- [Conductor (⭐12k)](https://github.com/Netflix/conductor) - A cloud-based orchestration engine designed to run and manage workflows in a microservices architecture.
@@ -766,14 +766,14 @@ the Design of Network-based Software Architectures](https://www.ics.uci.edu/~fie
### Data Formats
-- [Apache Avro (⭐2.8k)](https://github.com/apache/avro) - Data serialization system that provides compact, fast, and efficient serialization of structured data. It supports schema evolution, allows for efficient data compression, and is designed to work well with big data processing frameworks.
+- [Apache Avro (⭐2.9k)](https://github.com/apache/avro) - Data serialization system that provides compact, fast, and efficient serialization of structured data. It supports schema evolution, allows for efficient data compression, and is designed to work well with big data processing frameworks.
- [BSON](https://bsonspec.org/) - Binary-encoded serialization format for JSON-like documents that is designed to be lightweight and efficient. It supports rich data types and is widely used in NoSQL databases, such as MongoDB.
- [CSV](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc4180) - A simple and widely used data format that stores tabular data in plain text. It is easy to read and write, and can be processed by most programming languages.
- [JSON](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8259) - A lightweight and easy-to-read data format that is widely used for data exchange. It supports a wide range of data types and is compatible with many programming languages.
-- [NDJSON (⭐670)](https://github.com/ndjson/ndjson-spec) - A standard for delimiting JSON objects in stream protocols. It allows for efficient processing of large JSON datasets and is widely used in big data processing.
+- [NDJSON (⭐671)](https://github.com/ndjson/ndjson-spec) - A standard for delimiting JSON objects in stream protocols. It allows for efficient processing of large JSON datasets and is widely used in big data processing.
- [Protocol Buffers (⭐65k)](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf) - A language-neutral and platform-neutral serialization mechanism that is designed to be highly efficient and extensible. It supports rich data types and is widely used in distributed systems, such as gRPC and Apache Kafka.
- [XML](https://www.w3.org/TR/xml11/) - A flexible and widely used markup language that is used for storing and exchanging structured data. It supports rich data types and is compatible with many programming languages.
-- [YAML (⭐342)](https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec) - A human-friendly and easy-to-read data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange. It supports rich data types and is compatible with most programming languages.
+- [YAML (⭐345)](https://github.com/yaml/yaml-spec) - A human-friendly and easy-to-read data serialization format that is widely used for configuration files and data exchange. It supports rich data types and is compatible with most programming languages.
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@@ -782,7 +782,7 @@ Any comments, suggestions? [Let us know!](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/awesome-
* [Chrome](https://www.google.com/chrome/) - Chrome, developed by Google ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
* [Chromium](https://www.chromium.org/Home) - Open-source, free web browser project by Google, to provide the source code for Google Chrome. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/)
* [ungoogled-chromium](https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium) - A lightweight approach to removing Google web service dependency. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/ungoogled-software/ungoogled-chromium) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
-* [Firefox](https://www.firefox.com/) - Meet Firefox Quantum. Fast, free, open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]](https://hg.mozilla.org/)
+* [Firefox](https://www.firefox.com/) - A free and open-source web browser developed by Mozilla. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]](https://hg.mozilla.org/)
* [LibreWolf](https://librewolf.net) - A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://gitlab.com/librewolf-community) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
* [Microsoft Edge](https://www.microsoft.com/edge) - Microsoft Edge, based on Chromium, but built by MS ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
* [Min](https://minbrowser.org/) - Fast, minimal browser that protects your privacy. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://github.com/minbrowser/min) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
@@ -861,7 +861,6 @@ Any comments, suggestions? [Let us know!](https://github.com/jaywcjlove/awesome-
* [tinc](https://www.tinc-vpn.org) - Secure mesh VPN software. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon]](https://www.tinc-vpn.org/git/browse?p=tinc) ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
* [Tunnelbear](https://www.tunnelbear.com) - Really simple VPN to browse the web privately & securely. Unblock websites around the world with applications for Mac, PC, iOS, Android & Chrome.
* [Tunnelblick](https://tunnelblick.net/downloads.html) - Free, open-source graphic user interface for OpenVPN on OS X. ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]
-* [V2rayU](https://github.com/yanue/V2rayU) - Macos client based on v2ray. [![Open-Source Software][OSS Icon] ![Freeware][Freeware Icon]](https://github.com/yanue/V2rayU)
* [Windscribe](https://windscribe.com) - Gives 10GB free bandwidth monthly on the spot and gives limited server location options (for users on free plan). Connection also takes very less time.
## Utilities
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@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ Finally, I'm sure everyone who reads this list has one thing they want to add. P
- [RestQA](https://github.com/restqa/restqa) - A REST API testing Framework based on ghekin to manage microservice local testing using the best in class Developer experience.
- [playwright-bdd](https://github.com/vitalets/playwright-bdd) - A module for running Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) tests with Playwright runner.
- [Zato API Test](https://zato.io/en/docs/3.2/api-testing/index.html) - API testing in pure English. No programming needed. Implemented and extendable in Python.
+- [HttpMaster](https://www.httpmaster.net) - Professional software tool for HTTP testing and debugging.
### Web3 and Blockchain
- [Dapp.tools](https://dapp.tools/) - Command line tools and smart contract libraries for Ethereum smart contract development.
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@@ -85,12 +85,11 @@ The interdisciplinary of Mathematics and Computer Science; It is distinguished b
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - [MIT OCW](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/6-001-structure-and-interpretation-of-computer-programs-spring-2005/pages/syllabus/), [HTML book](https://mitp-content-server.mit.edu/books/content/sectbyfn/books_pres_0/6515/sicp.zip/index.html), [Byford's playlist](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7BcsI5ueSNFPCEisbaoQ0kXIDX9rR5FF), [Javascript book](https://github.com/source-academy/sicp?tab=readme-ov-file), [Python book](https://wizardforcel.gitbooks.io/sicp-in-python/content/index.html), [Berkeley](https://romanbird.github.io/sicp/#e682e189-1f90-4713-9dfe-35c92b7d1cdf) - Fundamental principles of computer programming in Scheme, including recursion, abstraction, modularity, and programming language design and implementation.
## Introductory
### Books
-- [Pennsylvania. Software Foundations](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/) - A broad introduction series to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software. It's composed of proof scripts for the Coq proof assistant. It's is intended for a broad range of readers, With no specific background assumed.
+- [Pierce. Software Foundations. Pennsylvania](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/) - A broad introduction series to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software. It's composed of proof scripts for the Coq proof assistant. It's is intended for a broad range of readers, With no specific background assumed.
## Formal Verification
### Lecture Notes
- [UW CSE505 18au Principles of PL](https://sites.google.com/cs.washington.edu/cse-505-18au/home) - Techniques for thinking crisply about programming languages, write some fascinating programs, and discuss various design tradeoffs.
### Books
-- [Pierce. Software Foundations](https://softwarefoundations.cis.upenn.edu/) - A broad introduction series to the mathematical underpinnings of reliable software with Coq proof assistant. It's intended for a broad range of readers, with no specific background assumed.
- [Chlipala. Formal Reasoning About Programs](http://adam.chlipala.net/frap) - A book introducing both machine-checked proof with Coq Proof Assistant and approaches to formal reasoning about program correctness.
- [Lean Proof Assistant](https://lean-lang.org/documentation/) - Lean Proof Assistant.
## Type Theory
diff --git a/docs/awesome/awesome-vue.md b/docs/awesome/awesome-vue.md
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@@ -1252,6 +1252,7 @@ _Set of admin template_
- [Geeker-Admin](https://github.com/HalseySpicy/Geeker-Admin) - A set of open source backend management framework based on Vue3 + TypeScript + Element Plus. [Live demo](https://admin.spicyboy.cn)
- [gin-vue-admin](https://github.com/flipped-aurora/gin-vue-admin) - 🚀Vite+Vue3+Gin development basic platform. [Live demo](https://demo.gin-vue-admin.com)
- [adminforth](https://adminforth.dev) - Vue + Node + Tailwind admin framework. [Live Demo](https://demo.adminforth.dev)
+- [vue-start-admin](https://github.com/loicduong/vue-start-admin) - A modern adaptation of the Start Vue Free - Admin Dashboard Template by KeenThemes.
#### Server-side rendering
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+++ b/docs/awesome/free-for-dev.md
@@ -1010,6 +1010,7 @@ This list results from Pull Requests, reviews, ideas, and work done by 1600+ peo
* [Langtrace](https://langtrace.ai) - enables developers to trace, evaluate, manage prompts and datasets, and debug issues related to an LLM application’s performance. It creates open telemetry standard traces for any LLM which helps with observability and works with any observability client. Free plan offers 50K traces/month.
* [Ultra AI](https://ultraai.app) - AI command center for your product. Features include multi-provider AI gateway, prompts manager, caching, logs, analytics, model fallbacks and user rate limiting. Free forever plan offers 10k+ requests per month and all the features except caching.
* [Comet Opik](https://www.comet.com/site/products/opik/) - Evaluate, test, and ship LLM applications across your dev and production lifecycles.
+ * [Langfuse](https://langfuse.com/) - Open-source LLM engineering platform that helps teams collaboratively debug, analyze, and iterate on their LLM applications. Free forever plan includes 50k observations per month and all platform features. [#opensource](https://github.com/langfuse/langfuse)
## CDN and Protection