The Workshop on Improving Cyber Security (WKCyber), chaired by David Currie (Ireland) and Neil Holdsworth (ICES Secretariat), will be established and meet online 22nd - 25th April, 2025* to:
- a) Create an inventory of the main cyber security challenges within the ICES community
- b) Identify the main mitigating measures to enhance cyber security for the ICES community
- c) Decide if there is a need for cyber security training tailored to the ICES community
- d) Determine whether ongoing communication between the ICES IT, ICES Data Centre and cyber-security experts from ICES member countries would be beneficial.
*The format will be afternoon sessions (14:00-17:00) CET to encourage participation from US and Canada as well as Europe.
WKCyber will report by 30/5/2025 for the attention of the DSTSG.
Priority: High. The ICES Secretariat and all ICES member countries are under threat from cyber-attacks. This workshop aims to encourage activities which reduce the vulnerability of critical systems and networks, and identify effective responses for when such attacks occur.
Scientific justification: In June 2024 the ICES Secretariat suffered a ransomware cyber-attack. The attack affected all in-house network and storage infrastructure including SharePoint, SQL Server databases, the website, file shares, and Wi-Fi. During the weeks after the attack, ICES worked to bring the website back online and restore access to online tools and resources – these were all available again by July 2024. As part of the recovery process ICES rebuilt their systems, ensured that no traces of the ransomware remain, and now have active monitoring systems in place. This attack had a significant impact to ICES both in terms of direct costs and unavailability of systems. This workshop aims to use the lessons learned during the attack and recovery process to improve cyber-secutiry in the ICES community.
ToR a) It's important to identify the key cyber-security challenges that are facing the ICES community.
ToR b) Once the challenges we will list the key measures that can be taken to reduce their risk.
ToR c) One of the most effective defences against cyber attacks is knowledgeable people with the right skills. This ToR will determine whether there is a need for cyber-security training targetted at the ICES community and, if so, what it should cover.
ToR d) During the workshop it will be decided if there is value in a similar forum meeting on an ongoing basis - if so, it will propose what format it should take and, if required, draft resolutions.
Resource requirements: No specific requirements.
Participants: The workshop is expected to be attended by some 15–30 people with relevant knowledge and experience. We will aim to have coverage of all ICES member countries.
Secretariat facilities: SharePoint site.
Financial: No financial implications.
Linkages to advisory committees: Indirectly linked to both ACOM and SCICOM.
Linkages to other committees or groups: DIG
Linkages to other organizations: Scientific organisations in ICES member countries