copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-06-21 |
Use SSL VPN navigate, private IP address, private VLAN, IaaS VPN |
iaas-vpn |
{: #using-ssl-vpn} {: help} {: support}
SSL VPN establishes a VPN connection between your system and the {{}} private network by using client software to adjust your system's network settings to send select traffic to the private network. Depending on the operating system that you're using, you can access SSL VPN in a few different ways. The easiest way to access SSL VPN is to access a VPN endpoint directly from your browser and follow the installation prompts. {: shortdesc}
See Getting started with VPN for configuring and logging in to the SSL VPN.
{: #now-im-connected-what-do-i-do}
- Use SSH or remote desktop to connect to your server's primary private IP address.
- Use remote management to mount an ISO to your server.
- Use remote management functions that aren't provided by the {{}} console. To do so, access your bare metal or virtual server's respective KVM Console by selecting Classic Infrastructure > Devices > (your server) > Remote Management > Actions > KVM Console.