copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2024-10-01 |
connecting DTS, Map DTS Device to Windows OS, mapping DTS, attaching DTS |
DataTransferService |
{: #mount-dts-windows}
The Data Transfer Service is deprecated. As of 04 November 2024, you can't create new requests for this service. Any existing requests will be serviced as per the terms of offering. {: deprecated}
To interact with an iSCSI LUN in Windows®, you must connect to the storage by using the iSCSI Software Initiator, a proprietary iSCSI tool of Microsoft. {: shortdesc}
{: #connect-dts-iscsi}
- From the {{}}, retrieve the iSCSI username, password, and storage address for the storage device you want to connect.
- Start the iSCSI Initiator. From Server Manager, click the Tools menu, and then choose iSCSI Initiator.
- In the Target field, enter the hostname or IP address of the storage device,
- Click Quick Connect.
- When the iSCSI Target is detected, click Done.
- Click Connect to establish connection to the discovered, inactive target.
- In the next window, select Advanced....
- In the Advanced settings, update the iSCSI logon information.
- Click the CHAP logon information box to enable CHAP logon.
- Enter the iSCSI username in the username field.
- Enter the iSCSI password in the target secret field.
- Verify that the new iSCSI target displays as Connected on the Targets tab.
- If your iSCSI target displays as Connected, click OK. Your iSCSI LUN is now connected.
- If your iSCSI target doesn't display as Connected, repeat all the previous steps to reset the connection.
- To use the iSCSI Disk, turn it online and initialize it. Then, assign a drive letter to it.
You can also use PowerShell commands for ISCSI{: external} to establish a connection between the local iSCSI initiator and an iSCSI target device.