author | title |
Bharathi Ramama Joshi |
Notes on the book "Living Ethics" |
- Principle of universalizability: An act is morally acceptable if, and only if,
its maxim is universalizable.
- Maxim: the principle of action one gives oneself when one is about to do something (what are you about to do + why are you doing it).
- Universalizability:
- Formulate maxim clearly: what you intend to do and why you inted to do it.
- Imagine a world in which everyone supports and acts on your maxim.
- Ask: Can the goal of my action be achieved in such a world? If answer to 3 is yes, then maxim is moral, no then immoral.
- Polyamorous marriage has often been prohibited because of the prevalence of oppressive and exploitative polygamous relationships (esp towards women via polygamy).
- Liberal argument: Sex is morally permissible if and only if it is engaged in by consenting adults.