- 09.00 Welcome & presentation
- 10.00 TEA & COFFEE
- 10.30 Lecture 1: Objectives of stock assessment and data required
- 11.30 R Demo 1: Introduction to R and computing for fisheries science
- 12.30 LUNCH
- 13.30 Lecture 2: Fitting models to data
- 14.30 TEA & COFFEE
- 15.00 Assignment 1: Stock-recruitment relationships
- 09.00 Lecture 3a: Components of production
- 10.00 TEA & COFFEE
- 10.30 R Demo 2: Simulating Production
- 11.30 Lecture 3b: Biological production
- 12.30 LUNCH
- 13.30 Lecture 4: Biomass dynamics models
- 14.30 TEA & COFFEE
- 15.00 Assignment 2: Biomass dynamics models
- 09.00 Lecture 5: Age-structured models
- 10.00 TEA & COFFEE
- 10.30 Lecture 6a: Virtual Population Analysis
- 11.30 Assignment 3: VPA
- 12.30 LUNCH
- 13.30 Lecture 6b: Calibrated VPA
- 14.30 TEA & COFFEE
- 15.00 R Demo 3: Introduction to FLR
- 09.00 Lecture 7: Simulation
- 10.00 TEA & COFFEE
- 10.30 R Demo 4: Management Strategy Evaluation
- 12.30 LUNCH
- 13.30 R Exercise: MSE
- 14.30 TEA & COFFEE
- 09.00 Lecture 8: Statistical catch-at-age
- 10.30 TEA & COFFEE
- 11.00 Lecture 9: Biological Reference Points
- 10.30 Lecture 10: Projections
- 11.30 Assignment 5: Maximum Sustainable Yield
- 12.30 LUNCH
- 13.30 Q&A session
- 14.30 TEA & COFFEE
- 15.00 Closing discussion