import SomeComponent from './somepath.ts';
import t from 'rhea-testing'
t('component properly changes ', (test) => {
const component: HTMLElement = SomeComponent();, () => {
const changed: Map<string, string> = new Map();
changed.set('color', 'red');
changed.set('background-color', 'purple');
// key is the HTML property to change
// value is the value it should be
t.props(, changed, true)
// second argument determines whether to test against **all** properties of the given element, rather than the given ones in the map
// styles should be calculated using getComputedStyle(), rather than the value of the property like[prop]
Rough pseudo-code for a model-data framework for rhea:
interface Models {
// store all bound HTML elements in memory
// if this does get implemented, benchmark this versus query-selecting everything
elements: Map<string, HTMLElement[]>,
// list of all key/value pairs that are bound; the key in this corresponds to the key in the Models.elements property
models: Map<string, string>,
// register a new variable to watch
register: (key: string, value: string, element: HTMLElement): void,
// update a value, update all elements that use the value
update: (key: string, value: string): void
const models: Map<string, string> = new Map();
// is it possible to wrap a proxy on any key, so that attempts to access the key will result in normal behaviour but also call Models.update() internally rather than the developer having to call it manually?
- similar to expressjs's middleware
- should also be able to easily register extensions that can be accessed using
import { Sessions } from 'rhea-sessions';
const session = Sessions.from();
// returns object with methods
// e.g.
return {
save: () => {...},
clear: () => {...},
add: () => {...},
remove: () => {...}
// should then be able to be called using or whatever method
rhea.registerExt(session, 'sessions');
- element/component generation should be programatic
import c, { Event } from 'rhea';
function handler() { return false }
export default Element = () => {
// ideally, c will return an extended version of HTMLElement which does not change its type, but adds some new properties
const element = c('h1', 'sample text');'color', 'red').style('background-color', 'purple')
.intercept(Event.Click, handler)
.intercept(Event.Mouseover, () => {
return element;
Ideas for optional libraries.
- sessions (save to local/session storage)
- cache (dynamic caching like caracal)
import {
append as a,
build as b,
event as e,
head as h,
} from "./src/std/index";
import {
state as s,
} from "./src/rt/index";
const Btn = () => {
const [st, set] = s("btn", { clicks: 0 });
const nav = b(ElementTag.Div);
const plus = b(ElementTag.Button, "+");
const minus = b(ElementTag.Button, "-");
e(plus, ComponentEventType.Click, () => {
set({ clicks: st.clicks + 1 });
e(minus, ComponentEventType.Click, () => {
set({ clicks: st.clicks - 1 });
const t = b(ElementTag.P, "Clicks: " + st.clicks);
return a(nav, t, b(ElementTag.Br), plus, minus);