diff --git a/app/react/Charts/components/LibraryChart.js b/app/react/Charts/components/LibraryChart.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2d840b38..0000000000
--- a/app/react/Charts/components/LibraryChart.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import React, { Component } from 'react';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import { t } from 'app/I18N';
-import { Pie, Bar } from 'app/Charts';
-export class LibraryChartComponent extends Component {
- constructor(props) {
- super(props);
- this.state = { type: 'pie' };
- this.maxPieItems = 14;
- this.assignType = this.assignType.bind(this);
- this.typeButton = this.typeButton.bind(this);
- }
- assignType(type) {
- return () => {
- this.setState({ type });
- };
- }
- clusterResults(options) {
- return options.reduce((_clusteredResults, option, optionIndex) => {
- const clusteredResults = _clusteredResults;
- if (optionIndex < this.maxPieItems) {
- clusteredResults.push(option);
- }
- if (optionIndex === this.maxPieItems) {
- clusteredResults.push({ label: t('System', 'Other'), results: option.results });
- }
- if (optionIndex > this.maxPieItems) {
- clusteredResults[clusteredResults.length - 1].results += option.results;
- }
- return clusteredResults;
- }, []);
- }
- typeButton(type) {
- const className = `btn btn-sm ${this.state.type === type ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-default'}`;
- return (
- );
- }
- render() {
- if (!this.props.options) {
- return null;
- }
- const chart =
- this.state.type === 'pie' ? (
- ) : (
- );
- return (
- {this.typeButton('pie')}
- {this.typeButton('bar')}
- {chart}
- );
- }
-LibraryChartComponent.defaultProps = {
- options: [],
- label: null,
-LibraryChartComponent.propTypes = {
- options: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.object),
- label: PropTypes.string,
-export default connect()(LibraryChartComponent);
diff --git a/app/react/Charts/components/LibraryCharts.js b/app/react/Charts/components/LibraryCharts.js
deleted file mode 100644
index aed6b37e57..0000000000
--- a/app/react/Charts/components/LibraryCharts.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-import React, { Component } from 'react';
-import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import { t } from 'app/I18N';
-import { parseWithAggregations } from 'app/Library/helpers/libraryFilters';
-import { LibraryChart } from 'app/Charts';
-import arrayUtils from '../utils/arrayUtils';
-function translateOptions(_property) {
- const property = _property;
- property.options = property.options.map(_option => {
- const option = _option;
- option.label = t(property.content, option.label, null, false);
- return option;
- });
- return property;
-function sortFields(_field) {
- const field = _field;
- field.options = arrayUtils.sortValues(field.options);
- return field;
-export class LibraryCharts extends Component {
- itemResults(item) {
- const { aggregations } = this;
- const buckets =
- aggregations.all && aggregations.all.types ? aggregations.all.types.buckets : [];
- const found = buckets.find(agg => agg.key === item.id);
- if (found) {
- return found.filtered.doc_count;
- }
- if (item.items) {
- return item.items.reduce((result, _item) => result + this.itemResults(_item), 0);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- conformDocumentTypesToFields() {
- let items = this.props.collection.toJS().filters || [];
- if (!items.length || this.props.storeKey === 'uploads') {
- items = this.props.templates.toJS().map(tpl => ({ id: tpl._id, name: tpl.name }));
- }
- if (this.props.storeKey === 'uploads') {
- items.unshift({ id: 'missing', name: t('System', 'No type') });
- }
- const fields = [
- {
- options: items.map(item => ({
- label: t(item.id, item.name),
- results: this.itemResults(item),
- })),
- label: t('System', 'Document and entity types'),
- },
- ];
- return fields;
- }
- render() {
- let fields = [];
- if (this.props.aggregations) {
- this.aggregations = this.props.aggregations.toJS();
- if (this.props.fields.size) {
- fields = parseWithAggregations(this.props.fields.toJS(), this.aggregations)
- .filter(
- field =>
- (field.type === 'select' || field.type === 'multiselect') &&
- field.options &&
- field.options.length
- )
- .map(translateOptions)
- .map(sortFields);
- }
- fields = fields.length ? fields : this.conformDocumentTypesToFields();
- }
- return (
- {fields.map((field, index) => (
- ))}
- );
- }
-LibraryCharts.propTypes = {
- aggregations: PropTypes.object,
- fields: PropTypes.object,
- collection: PropTypes.object,
- templates: PropTypes.object,
- storeKey: PropTypes.string,
- translationContext: PropTypes.string,
-export function mapStateToProps(state, props) {
- const documentTypesExist = props.storeKey && state[props.storeKey].filters.get('documentTypes');
- return {
- aggregations: props.storeKey ? state[props.storeKey].aggregations : null,
- fields: props.storeKey ? state[props.storeKey].filters.get('properties') : null,
- collection: state.settings.collection,
- templates: state.templates,
- translationContext: documentTypesExist
- ? state[props.storeKey].filters.getIn(['documentTypes', 0])
- : null,
- };
-export default connect(mapStateToProps)(LibraryCharts);
diff --git a/app/react/Charts/components/specs/LibraryChart.spec.js b/app/react/Charts/components/specs/LibraryChart.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ea84f1a43..0000000000
--- a/app/react/Charts/components/specs/LibraryChart.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
-import { Pie, Bar } from 'app/Charts';
-import { LibraryChartComponent } from '../LibraryChart';
-describe('LibraryChart', () => {
- let component;
- let instance;
- let props;
- const render = () => {
- component = shallow();
- instance = component.instance();
- };
- describe('render()', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- props = {
- options: [],
- label: 'chartLabel',
- };
- });
- it('should include label', () => {
- render();
- expect(component.find('p').text()).toBe('chartLabel');
- });
- describe('type toggle buttons', () => {
- it('should switch between Pie and Bar', () => {
- render();
- const toPieButton = component.find('button').at(0);
- const toBarButton = component.find('button').at(1);
- expect(instance.state.type).toBe('pie');
- toBarButton.simulate('click');
- expect(instance.state.type).toBe('bar');
- toPieButton.simulate('click');
- expect(instance.state.type).toBe('pie');
- });
- });
- it('should render a Pie by default', () => {
- render();
- expect(component.find(Pie).length).toBe(1);
- expect(component.find(Bar).length).toBe(0);
- expect(component.find(Pie).props().data).toEqual(props.options);
- });
- it('should render a Bar if set in type', () => {
- render();
- component.setState({ type: 'chart' });
- expect(component.find(Pie).length).toBe(0);
- expect(component.find(Bar).length).toBe(1);
- expect(component.find(Bar).props().data).toEqual(props.options);
- expect(component.find(Bar).props().chartLabel).toEqual('chartLabel');
- });
- describe('result clustering', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- props.options = [
- { label: 'a', results: 1 },
- { label: 'b', results: 1 },
- { label: 'c', results: 3 },
- { label: 'd', results: 1 },
- { label: 'e', results: 1 },
- { label: 'f', results: 7 },
- { label: 'g', results: 1 },
- { label: 'h', results: 1 },
- { label: 'i', results: 1 },
- { label: 'j', results: 1 },
- { label: 'k', results: 1 },
- { label: 'l', results: 1 },
- { label: 'm', results: 1 },
- { label: 'n', results: 1 },
- { label: 'o', results: 1 },
- { label: 'p', results: 1 },
- { label: 'q', results: 1 },
- { label: 'r', results: 2 },
- { label: 's', results: 3 },
- ];
- });
- it('should cluster the options for the Pie chart', () => {
- render();
- expect(component.find(Pie).props().data).not.toEqual(props.options);
- expect(component.find(Pie).props().data[0]).toEqual(props.options[0]);
- expect(component.find(Pie).props().data[2]).toEqual(props.options[2]);
- expect(component.find(Pie).props().data[5]).toEqual(props.options[5]);
- expect(component.find(Pie).props().data[instance.maxPieItems]).toEqual({
- label: 'Other',
- results: 8,
- });
- });
- it('should not cluster the options for the Bar chart', () => {
- render();
- component.setState({ type: 'chart' });
- expect(component.find(Bar).props().data).toEqual(props.options);
- expect(component.find(Bar).props().data[instance.maxPieItems]).not.toEqual({
- label: 'Other',
- results: 8,
- });
- });
- });
- });
diff --git a/app/react/Charts/components/specs/LibraryCharts.spec.js b/app/react/Charts/components/specs/LibraryCharts.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b469b20f4..0000000000
--- a/app/react/Charts/components/specs/LibraryCharts.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react';
-import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
-import { fromJS } from 'immutable';
-import { store } from 'app/store';
-import { t } from 'app/I18N';
-import { LibraryCharts, mapStateToProps } from '../LibraryCharts';
-import LibraryChart from '../LibraryChart';
-describe('LibraryCharts', () => {
- let component;
- let props;
- let state;
- const render = () => {
- component = shallow();
- };
- beforeEach(() => {
- t.resetCachedTranslation();
- state = {
- locale: 'es',
- translations: fromJS([
- {
- locale: 'es',
- contexts: [
- {
- id: 'tcontext',
- values: { 'Document and entity types': 'Document and entity types translated' },
- },
- {
- id: 't2',
- values: { t2name: 't2nameTranslated' },
- },
- {
- id: 'cid',
- values: { n: 'nTranslated' },
- },
- ],
- },
- ]),
- };
- spyOn(store, 'getState').and.returnValue(state);
- });
- describe('When no fields found', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- props = {
- aggregations: fromJS({
- all: {
- types: {
- buckets: [
- { key: 't1', label: 't1', filtered: { doc_count: 5 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 't2', label: 't2', filtered: { doc_count: 1 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 't3', label: 't3', filtered: { doc_count: 10 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'missing', label: 'No value', filtered: { doc_count: 13 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- ],
- },
- },
- }),
- fields: fromJS([]),
- collection: fromJS({ filters: [] }),
- templates: fromJS([
- { _id: 't1', name: 't1name' },
- { _id: 't2', name: 't2name' },
- { _id: 't3', name: 't3name' },
- ]),
- translationContext: 'tcontext',
- };
- });
- it('should render templates types on LibraryChart', () => {
- render();
- expect(component.find(LibraryChart).length).toBe(1);
- const LibraryChartElement = component.find(LibraryChart);
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().label).toBe('Document and entity types translated');
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[0]).toEqual({ label: 't1name', results: 5 });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[1]).toEqual({
- label: 't2nameTranslated',
- results: 1,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[2]).toEqual({ label: 't3name', results: 10 });
- });
- it('should also include no-type when on uploads', () => {
- props.storeKey = 'uploads';
- render();
- expect(component.find(LibraryChart).length).toBe(1);
- const LibraryChartElement = component.find(LibraryChart);
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[0]).toEqual({ label: 'No type', results: 13 });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[1]).toEqual({ label: 't1name', results: 5 });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[2]).toEqual({
- label: 't2nameTranslated',
- results: 1,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[3]).toEqual({ label: 't3name', results: 10 });
- });
- it('should add the results of sub-items in filters', () => {
- props.collection = fromJS({
- filters: [
- {
- id: 'g1',
- name: 'group1',
- items: [
- { id: 't1', filtered: { doc_count: 5 } },
- { id: 't2', filtered: { doc_count: 1 } },
- ],
- }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase, max-len
- { id: 't3', name: 't3name', filtered: { doc_count: 10 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- ],
- });
- render();
- expect(component.find(LibraryChart).length).toBe(1);
- const LibraryChartElement = component.find(LibraryChart);
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[0]).toEqual({ label: 'group1', results: 6 });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[1]).toEqual({ label: 't3name', results: 10 });
- });
- });
- describe('When no valid fields found', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- props = {
- aggregations: fromJS({
- all: {
- types: {
- buckets: [
- { key: 't1', filtered: { doc_count: 5 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 't2', filtered: { doc_count: 1 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 't3', filtered: { doc_count: 10 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'missing', filtered: { doc_count: 13 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- ],
- },
- },
- }),
- fields: fromJS([{ type: 'not-valid' }]),
- collection: fromJS({ filters: [] }),
- templates: fromJS([
- { _id: 't1', name: 't1name' },
- { _id: 't2', name: 't2name' },
- { _id: 't3', name: 't3name' },
- ]),
- translationContext: 'tcontext',
- };
- });
- it('should render templates types on LibraryChart', () => {
- render();
- expect(component.find(LibraryChart).length).toBe(1);
- const LibraryChartElement = component.find(LibraryChart);
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[0]).toEqual({ label: 't1name', results: 5 });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[1]).toEqual({
- label: 't2nameTranslated',
- results: 1,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement.props().options[2]).toEqual({ label: 't3name', results: 10 });
- });
- });
- describe('When fields found', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- props = {
- aggregations: fromJS({
- all: {
- types: {
- buckets: [
- { key: 'f1', label: 'f1', filtered: { doc_count: 5 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'f2', label: 'f2', filtered: { doc_count: 1 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'f3', label: 'f3', filtered: { doc_count: 10 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- ],
- },
- pname: {
- buckets: [
- { key: 'o1', label: 'a', filtered: { doc_count: 10 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'o2', label: 'z', filtered: { doc_count: 8 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'o3', label: 'c', filtered: { doc_count: 8 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'o4', label: 'n', filtered: { doc_count: 8 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- { key: 'o5', label: 'a', filtered: { doc_count: 2 } }, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
- ],
- },
- },
- }),
- fields: fromJS([
- {
- type: 'select',
- content: 'cid',
- name: 'pname',
- },
- { type: 'not-valid' },
- {
- type: 'multiselect',
- },
- { type: 'multiselect', options: [] },
- ]),
- collection: fromJS({ filters: [] }),
- translationContext: 'tcontext',
- };
- });
- it('should render one LibraryChart for each supported field with sorted options', () => {
- render();
- expect(component.find(LibraryChart).length).toBe(1);
- const LibraryChartElement1 = component.find(LibraryChart).at(0);
- expect(LibraryChartElement1.props().options[0]).toEqual({
- id: 'o1',
- value: 'o1',
- label: 'a',
- results: 10,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement1.props().options[1]).toEqual({
- id: 'o3',
- value: 'o3',
- label: 'c',
- results: 8,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement1.props().options[2]).toEqual({
- id: 'o4',
- value: 'o4',
- label: 'nTranslated',
- results: 8,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement1.props().options[3]).toEqual({
- id: 'o2',
- value: 'o2',
- label: 'z',
- results: 8,
- });
- expect(LibraryChartElement1.props().options[4]).toEqual({
- id: 'o5',
- value: 'o5',
- label: 'a',
- results: 2,
- });
- });
- });
- describe('mapStateToProps', () => {
- beforeEach(() => {
- state = {
- a: { aggregations: 'a', filters: fromJS({ properties: 'a', documentTypes: ['dt1'] }) },
- b: { aggregations: 'b', filters: fromJS({ properties: 'b', documentTypes: ['dt2'] }) },
- settings: { collection: 'collection' },
- templates: 'templates',
- };
- });
- it('should return aggregations, fields and translation context according to store key', () => {
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, { storeKey: 'a' }).aggregations).toBe('a');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, { storeKey: 'b' }).aggregations).toBe('b');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, {}).aggregations).toBe(null);
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, { storeKey: 'a' }).fields).toBe('a');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, { storeKey: 'b' }).fields).toBe('b');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, {}).fields).toBe(null);
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, { storeKey: 'a' }).translationContext).toBe('dt1');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, { storeKey: 'b' }).translationContext).toBe('dt2');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, {}).translationContext).toBe(null);
- });
- it('should return collection and templates', () => {
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, {}).collection).toBe('collection');
- expect(mapStateToProps(state, {}).templates).toBe('templates');
- });
- });
diff --git a/app/react/Charts/index.js b/app/react/Charts/index.js
index 7a67e2dd22..5a3bd3fb37 100644
--- a/app/react/Charts/index.js
+++ b/app/react/Charts/index.js
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ import loadable from '@loadable/component';
import colorScheme from './utils/colorScheme';
import arrayUtils from './utils/arrayUtils';
-import LibraryChart from './components/LibraryChart';
-import LibraryCharts from './components/LibraryCharts';
import ExtendedTooltip from './components/ExtendedTooltip';
const Bar = loadable(
@@ -25,14 +23,4 @@ const StackedDualBarChart = loadable(
-export {
- Bar,
- ColoredBar,
- ExtendedTooltip,
- LibraryChart,
- LibraryCharts,
- Pie,
- StackedDualBarChart,
- colorScheme,
- arrayUtils,
+export { Bar, ColoredBar, ExtendedTooltip, Pie, StackedDualBarChart, colorScheme, arrayUtils };
diff --git a/app/react/Markdown/utils.js b/app/react/Markdown/utils.js
index 8773c39a13..682ae8182f 100644
--- a/app/react/Markdown/utils.js
+++ b/app/react/Markdown/utils.js
@@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ const customExtendedTags = [
- 'librarychart',
- 'librarycharts',
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