- Symfony 5.4 support
- Removed SamlPassport class in favor of use of SamlAttributesBadge.
- Fixed invalid target_path for non-main firewall.
- Added ability to specify administrative contact person info into config.
- Added events for user creation and modification.
- Reverted BC break (persistence SamlUser after calling setSamlAttributes).
- Added persistence SamlUser after calling setSamlAttributes while authentication.
- Use TokenInterface:getUserIdentifier() method instead of deprecated getUsername().
- Re-implement UserProviderInterface::loadUserByUsername (see symfony/symfony#41493).
- v2.3 dependencies upped to Symfony 5.3 with resolve deprecations.
- Use UserBadge in SamlPassport instead of deprecated UserInterface.
- v2.2 held on Symfony 5.2.
- Added "security.allowRepeatAttributeName" config option.
- v2.2 dependencies upped to Symfony 5.2.
- EntryPointFactoryInterface was removed in Symfony 5.2.
- SamlAuthenticator implements AuthenticationEntryPointInterface.
- v2.1 held on Symfony 5.1.
- "saml_acs" route allow POST request only.
- Fixed SamlLogoutListener and introduced SamlPassport.
- Added "idp.singleLogoutService.responseUrl" config option.
- Configuration format changed from yaml to php.
- Services "legacy" aliases deprecated. Use classnames as service ids.
- "Legacy" security listener/provider deprecated. Set "security.enable_authenticator_manager" to true to use SamlAuthenticator.
- "hslavich_onelogin_saml.security.entityManagerName" option deprecated. Use "hslavich_onelogin_saml.entityManagerName" instead.
- SamlAuthenticationSuccessHandler namespace standardized, old namespace deprecated.
- Throw \RuntimeException instead of \Exception when username attribute not found in SAML response.