xrydbh 2022-02-04
# Get all cytokines with AnnotationDB
# Set path
# If script is running separately move up one step with setwd(".."). Only needed once (for first script run separately).
head(keys(GO.db, keytype="DEFINITION"))
## [1] "The distribution of mitochondria, including the mitochondrial genome, into daughter cells after mitosis or meiosis, mediated by interactions between mitochondria and the cytoskeleton."
## [2] "The maintenance of the structure and integrity of the mitochondrial genome; includes replication and segregation of the mitochondrial chromosome."
## [3] "The production of new individuals that contain some portion of genetic material inherited from one or more parent organisms."
## [4] "Enables the transfer of zinc ions (Zn2+) from one side of a membrane to the other, probably powered by proton motive force. In high-affinity transport the transporter is able to bind the solute even if it is only present at very low concentrations."
## [5] "Enables the transfer of a solute or solutes from one side of a membrane to the other according to the reaction: Zn2+ = Zn2+, probably powered by proton motive force. In low-affinity transport the transporter is able to bind the solute only if it is present at very high concentrations."
## [6] "Catalysis of the transfer of a mannose residue to an oligosaccharide, forming an alpha-(1->6) linkage."
head(keys(GO.db, keytype="GOID"))
## [1] "GO:0000001" "GO:0000002" "GO:0000003" "GO:0000006" "GO:0000007"
## [6] "GO:0000009"
head(keys(GO.db, keytype="ONTOLOGY"))
## [1] "BP" "CC" "MF" "universal"
# Get all terms
all_go_terms <- keys(GO.db, keytype="TERM")
# Get my terms with regular expression
my_cytokine_go_terms <- grep("^cytokine activity", all_go_terms, value = TRUE)
my_cytokine_receptor_go_terms <- grep("cytokine receptor", all_go_terms, value = TRUE)
my_chemokine_go_terms <- grep("^chemokine activity", all_go_terms, value = TRUE)
my_chemokine_receptor_go_terms <- grep("^chemokine receptor", all_go_terms, value = TRUE)
my_hematopoietic_cell_lineage_go_terms <- grep("hematopo", all_go_terms, value = TRUE)
my_go_terms <- c(my_cytokine_go_terms,
# get go id of my terms (definition, and ontology)
my_go_ids <- AnnotationDbi::select(Homo.sapiens,
columns = c("GOID"),#,"ONTOLOGY","DEFINITION"
keytype = "TERM") %>%
## 'select()' returned 1:1 mapping between keys and columns
## [26] "GO" "GOALL" "GOID" "IPI" "MAP"
head(keys(Homo.sapiens, keytype="TERM"))
## [1] "mitochondrion inheritance"
## [2] "mitochondrial genome maintenance"
## [3] "reproduction"
## [4] "high-affinity zinc transmembrane transporter activity"
## [5] "low-affinity zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity"
## [6] "alpha-1,6-mannosyltransferase activity"
# Get my genes symbols
annoDb.cytokine.chemokine.Gene.symb <- AnnotationDbi::select(Homo.sapiens,
columns = c('SYMBOL'),
keytype = "GOID") %>%
filter(GOID%in%c(my_go_ids)) %>% #"GO:0005125","GO:0008009"
pluck("SYMBOL") %>%
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
# get my uniprot ids
annoDb.cytokine.chemokine.unipID <- AnnotationDbi::select(Homo.sapiens,
columns = c('UNIPROT'),
keytype = "GOID") %>%
filter(GOID%in%c("GO:0005125","GO:0008009")) %>%
pluck("UNIPROT") %>%
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
# Get my genes symbols and uniprot
annoDb.cytokine.chemokine <- AnnotationDbi::select(Homo.sapiens,
columns = c('SYMBOL','UNIPROT','TERM'),
keytype = "GOID") %>%
filter(GOID%in%c(my_go_ids)) %>% #"GO:0005125","GO:0008009"
dplyr::select(Gene.symbol="SYMBOL",UniprotID='UNIPROT',GO_term='TERM') %>%
filter(GO_term!="chemokine receptor transport within lipid bilayer") %>% # this term had no genes in it
filter(GO_term!="regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration") %>%
## 'select()' returned 1:many mapping between keys and columns
annoDb.cytokine.chemokine %>%
filter(GO_term=="regulation of hematopoietic stem cell migration")
## [1] Gene.symbol UniprotID GO_term
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
# Format data for rank plot
setwd("/Users/xrydbh/OneDrive - University of Gothenburg/Neored")
# read ms file
ms.raw.0.0 <- readxl::read_excel("./data/001_ms_raw.xlsx")
# make longer
mass_spec.0.3.3 <- ms.raw.0.0 %>%
pivot_longer(cols=contains("_"),names_to="SC_Donor",values_to = "Norm_abundance") %>%
# Count numb of NAs in High and Low
# group by proteins
# Separate column SC_Donor into "High low Group" and "Unit 1-8"
mass_spec.0.3.4 <- mass_spec.0.3.3 %>%
into = c("Group","Unit"),
sep = "_")
# Get missing values per gene and group
missing_values_per_gene.0.0 <- mass_spec.0.3.4 %>%
group_by(UniprotID,Group) %>% # group by gene symbol and High/Low
summarise(Missing_ab_val = sum(is.na(Norm_abundance))) %>% # get number of NAs per gene and High/Low groups
pivot_wider(names_from = Group,values_from =Missing_ab_val) %>%
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'UniprotID'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
mass_spec.0.3.5 <- full_join(mass_spec.0.3.3,missing_values_per_gene.0.0,by="UniprotID")
# summarize and arrange by Norm_abundance
mass_spec.for.rankplot.0.0 <- mass_spec.0.3.5 %>%
group_by(UniprotID) %>% # group by gene symbol
summarize(sum_norm_ab=sum(Norm_abundance,na.rm = T)) %>% # summarize into sum per genes across samples
filter(sum_norm_ab!=0) %>% # remove sums that are zero
mass_spec.for.rankplot <- mass_spec.for.rankplot.0.0 %>% # sort
mutate(rank=seq(1:nrow(mass_spec.for.rankplot.0.0))) # crate rank variable
mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs.0.0 <- mass_spec.0.3.5 %>%
group_by(Gene.symbol) %>% # group by gene symbol
summarize(sum_norm_ab=sum(Norm_abundance,na.rm = T)) %>% # summarize into sum per genes across samples
filter(sum_norm_ab!=0) %>% # remove sums that are zero
mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs <- mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs.0.0 %>% # sort
mutate(rank=seq(1:nrow(mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs.0.0))) # crate rank variable
mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs2 <- mass_spec.for.rankplot %>% inner_join(mass_spec.0.3.5,by=c("UniprotID"="UniprotID")) %>%
dplyr::select(Gene.symbol,sum_norm_ab,rank) %>%
# Get 5 topranked
mass_spec.for.rankplot %>% head(10)
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
## UniprotID sum_norm_ab rank
## <chr> <dbl> <int>
## 1 P01024 1796145. 1
## 2 P04264 1327933. 2
## 3 P04114 644345. 3
## 4 P02768 426476. 4
## 5 P02774 384893. 5
## 6 P19823 378130. 6
## 7 P02765 335847. 7
## 8 P02647 304873. 8
## 9 P00751 296499. 9
## 10 P01042 290370. 10
# check overlap with Cytokines and chemokines
# Get cytokines as unip not in ms
cyts_in_ms.uni <- mass_spec.for.rankplot %>%
filter(UniprotID%in% annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$UniprotID,)
# Get cytokines as gs in ms via uniprot
cyts_in_ms.gs <- mass_spec.for.rankplot %>%
filter(UniprotID %in% annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$UniprotID,) %>% # Filter ms data to only include cytokines and chemokines (Using uniportid as key)
inner_join(mass_spec.0.3.5,by=c("UniprotID"="UniprotID")) %>% # replace uniprotID with Gene symbol
dplyr::select(Gene.symbol,sum_norm_ab,rank,Numb_NA_High,Numb_NA_Low) %>% #also keep NA counts
# Get cytokines as gs in ms
cyts_in_ms.gs <- mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs %>%
filter(Gene.symbol %in% annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$Gene.symbol,)
# Get cytokines as gs in ms
cyts_in_ms.gs3 <- mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs %>%
inner_join(annoDb.cytokine.chemokine,by=c("Gene.symbol"="Gene.symbol")) %>%
dplyr::select(-UniprotID) %>%
distinct() %>%
mutate(GO_term=replace(GO_term, GO_term=="chemokine receptor antagonist activity", "chemokine receptor binding"))
cyts_in_ms.gs3$GO_term %>% as.factor() %>% levels()
## [1] "chemokine activity"
## [2] "chemokine receptor binding"
## [3] "cytokine activity"
## [4] "cytokine receptor activity"
## [5] "hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation"
## [6] "hematopoietic stem cell differentiation"
## [7] "hematopoietic stem cell migration"
## [8] "hematopoietic stem cell migration to bone marrow"
## [9] "hematopoietic stem cell proliferation"
## [10] "negative regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation"
## [11] "regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation"
## [12] "regulation of hematopoietic stem cell proliferation"
# filter(Gene.symbol %in% annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$Gene.symbol,)
# get number of genes per go terms
numbGenesInGO <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine %>%
pluck("Gene.symbol") %>%
unique() %>%
# get number of genes per go terms
goTermCounts <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine %>%
dplyr::select(-UniprotID) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(GO_term) %>%
# get number of gene matching in ms data
numbMSGenesInGO <- cyts_in_ms.gs3 %>%
pluck("Gene.symbol") %>%
unique() %>%
percCytsInMS <- (numbMSGenesInGO/numbGenesInGO)*100
# get number of gene per go term matching in ms data
goTerminMsCounts <-cyts_in_ms.gs3 %>%
distinct %>%
group_by(GO_term) %>%
# join
cytokine_summary_table.0.0 <- goTermCounts %>%
# replace NA with 0
cytokine_summary_table.0.0$n.y <- cytokine_summary_table.0.0$n.y %>%
# get percenttge
cytokine_summary_table.0.1 <- cytokine_summary_table.0.0 %>%
dplyr::rename(nInAnnoDB=n.x,nInMS=n.y) %>%
mutate(perc_in=(nInMS/nInAnnoDB)*100) %>%
# listGO_term gene members not in MS
GO_term_gene_members_not_in_ms <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine %>%
dplyr::filter(!(Gene.symbol%in%cyts_in_ms.gs3$Gene.symbol)) %>%
dplyr::select(-UniprotID) %>%
distinct() %>%
dplyr::group_by(GO_term) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Gene.symbol = paste(Gene.symbol, collapse = ","))
# list GO_term MS gene members
GO_term_ms_gene_members <- cyts_in_ms.gs3 %>%
dplyr::group_by(GO_term) %>%
dplyr::summarise(Gene.symbol = paste(Gene.symbol, collapse = ","))
cytokine_summary_table.0.2 <- cytokine_summary_table.0.1 %>%
full_join(GO_term_ms_gene_members,by=c("GO_term"="GO_term")) %>%
dplyr::rename(In_ms=Gene.symbol) %>%
full_join(GO_term_gene_members_not_in_ms,by=c("GO_term"="GO_term")) %>%
# Get cytokines as gs not in ms
cyts_not_in_ms.gs <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine %>%
filter(!c(UniprotID %in% mass_spec.for.rankplot$UniprotID)) %>%
pluck("Gene.symbol") %>%
# Get cytokines as unip not in ms
cyts_not_in_ms.uni <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine %>%
filter(!c(UniprotID %in% mass_spec.for.rankplot$UniprotID)) %>%
pluck("UniprotID") %>%
numb_chemk_unip <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$UniprotID %>%
unique() %>%
numb_chemk_gs <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$Gene.symbol %>%
unique() %>%
## [1] 792
## [1] 470
cyts_in_ms.gs %>% nrow()
## [1] 38
cyts_in_ms.uni %>% nrow()
## [1] 38
cyts_not_in_ms.gs %>% length()
## [1] 452
cyts_not_in_ms.uni %>% length()
## [1] 754
cyts_in_ms.uni %>% nrow()+cyts_not_in_ms.uni %>% length()
## [1] 792
cyts_in_ms.gs %>% nrow()+cyts_not_in_ms.gs %>% length()
## [1] 490
mass_spec.for.rankplot %>%
filter(UniprotID %in% annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$UniprotID,) %>% # Filter ms data to only include cytokines and chemokines (Using uniportid as key)
inner_join(mass_spec.0.3.5,by=c("UniprotID"="UniprotID")) %>% # replace uniprotID with Gene symbol
dplyr::select(Gene.symbol,sum_norm_ab,rank,Numb_NA_High,Numb_NA_Low) %>% #also keep NA counts
## # A tibble: 38 × 5
## Gene.symbol sum_norm_ab rank Numb_NA_High Numb_NA_Low
## <chr> <dbl> <int> <int> <int>
## 1 C5 223635. 13 0 0
## 2 PPBP 31815. 72 0 0
## 3 GPLD1 26815. 81 0 0
## 4 CD44 13389. 150 0 0
## 5 ADIPOQ 12606. 163 0 0
## 6 PSMB7 9926. 183 0 0
## 7 EEF2 6762 225 0 0
## 8 FAM3C 6447. 232 0 0
## 9 KIT 4334. 288 0 0
## 10 FLT4 3717 308 0 0
## # … with 28 more rows
# Get missing cytokines in ms data (Gene symbol)
# # Have to figure outwhat is happening here
# wtf_these_are_also_cytokines <- annoDb.cytokine.chemokine.unipID[!c(annoDb.cytokine.chemokine$UniprotID %in% mass_spec.for.rankplot$UniprotID)] %>% # subset annoDB list, by uniprots not in ms
# as_tibble() %>% # make tibble
# rename("UniprotID"="value") %>% # rename variable
# inner_join(mass_spec.0.3.5,by=c("UniprotID"="UniprotID")) %>%
# dplyr::select(Gene.symbol,sum_norm_ab,rank) %>%
# distinct()
# mssaadfs <- mass_spec.0.3.3 %>%
# dplyr::select(UniprotID,Gene.synonyms)
# inner_join(ms_only_cyts, mssaadfs, by=c("UniprotID"="UniprotID")) %>%
# dplyr::select(Gene.synonyms) %>%
# unique()
# library(viridis)
nb.cols <- 12
mycolors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(12, "Paired"))(nb.cols)
mycolors[11] <- "darkgrey"
# plot with some names
rankplot.ms <- mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs %>%
ggplot(aes(x=rank, y=log2(sum_norm_ab))) +
geom_point(color="grey",alpha=0.5) +
#geom_point(data=cyts_in_ms.gs,color="red") +
ggrepel::geom_text_repel(aes(x = rank,
y = log2(sum_norm_ab),
label = Gene.symbol,
fontface = "bold"),
) +
scale_color_manual(values = mycolors)+
# scale_color_brewer(values = "Paired") + # scale_color_manual(values = rainbow(13)) + #
#geom_text(aes(label=Gene.symbol,color=as.factor(GO_term)),data=cyts_in_ms.gs3) + #, check_overlap = TRUE, nudge_x = 70
geom_text(aes(label=Gene.symbol), nudge_x = -90,data=head(mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs,n=20L),check_overlap = TRUE,alpha=0.5)+ #, nudge_x = -90,,position=position_jitter(width=1,height=1)
geom_text(aes(label=Gene.symbol),data=tail(mass_spec.for.rankplot.gs,n=20L),check_overlap = TRUE, nudge_x = -90,alpha=0.5)+
labs(title = paste("Plot of norm_ab sum and rank of ",numbGenesInGO," MS proteins",sep=""),
subtitle = paste("Demarkating ",numbMSGenesInGO,"(",round(percCytsInMS,2),"%) cytokines",sep=""),
caption = "")
# ggtitle(paste("Plot of norm_ab sum and rank of ",numbGenesInGO," MS proteins",sep="") )
# ggsubtitle(paste("Demarkating ",numbMSGenesInGO,"(",percCytsInMS,") MS proteins",sep="") )
#percCytsInMS <- (numbMSGenesInGO/numbGenesInGO)*100
## Warning: ggrepel: 20 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps
pdf(file = "./out_r/15_a_rankplot_concentrations_ms.pdf", # The directory you want to save the file in
width = 15, # The width of the plot in inches
height = 15) # The height of the plot in inches
## quartz_off_screen
## 2