A small python+exiftool script tool to disguise your RAW files, enabling different Camera Matching Profiles in Adobe Camera Raw or Lightroom.
- Python 3
- Grep: for Windows users, see the installation guide here: https://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/grep.htm
- Exiftool: see the installation guide here: https://exiftool.org/install.html
- A DNG Converter to convert the RAW file to DNG: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/using/adobe-dng-converter.html
- You can also use the Lightroom to convert your files in library to DNG, see guide here: https://fstoptraining.com/convert-raw-files-to-dng/
In the commandline / terminal: to get help: python camera_disguise.py
typical usage:
python camera_disguise.py "path to your dng files" "your camera model" "disguise model"
e.g. Windows:
python camera_disguise.py "C:\Photos To Edit\" A7R4 A7R5
python camera_disguise.py "C:\Photos\" A7S3 A7R5
python camera_disguise.py "/Volumes/MyBigSSD/Photos/" A7S3 A7R5