The cozy-desktop requires node.js (6 recommended, but it is tested on 4 and 7 too) and build tools.
For example, you can install them on debian with:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs build-essential
Then you can install cozy-desktop via NPM:
sudo npm install cozy-desktop -g
Note: if you see a warning about fsevents
and you are not on OSX, you can
safely ignore it. fsevents
is an optional dependency that is only used on
Configure it with your remote Cozy and your local directory:
cozy-desktop add-remote-cozy ~/cozy
It will synchronize your local directory ~/cozy
with your remote cozy.
Then start synchronization daemon:
cozy-desktop sync
Other commands can be listed with
cozy-desktop -h