A library that provides a base for common machine code monitor functionality for the Highbyte.DotNet6502.
The library need to be implemented for a specific UI technology, see the different host applications .
Specific emulated "Systems" (computers) can also implement additional commands that are specific for that System, see here.
Type ?|help|-?|--help
to list commands.
> ?
Usage: [command]
b Breakpoints
d Disassembles 6502 code from emulator memory.
f Fill memory at specified address with a list of bytes.
Example: f 1000 20 ff ab 30
g Change the PC (Program Counter) to the specified address continue execution.
l Load 6502 binary file from file pick dialog into emulator memory.
ll Load specified 6502 binary file into emulator memory.
m Show contents of emulator memory in bytes.
q Quit monitor.
r Show processor status and registers. CY = #cycles executed.
reset Resets the computer (soft, memory intact).
s Save a binary from 6502 emulator memory to host file system.
z Single step through instructions. Optionally execute a specified number of instructions.
Type [command] -?|--help
to list help on specific command.
Example on help for d
(disassemble) command:
> d -?
Usage: d [options] <start> <end>
start Start address (hex). If not specified, the current PC address is used.
end End address (hex). If not specified, a default number of addresses will be shown from start.
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
Example how to load binary with l
The machine code binary simple.prg adds two number from memory, divides by 2, stores it in another memory location
> l C:\Source\dotnet-6502\samples\Assembler\Generic\Build\simple.prg
File loaded at 0xC000
Example how to disassemble with d
Shows what the code in simple.prg does
> d c000 c010
c000 ad 00 d0 LDA $D000
c003 18 CLC
c004 6d 01 d0 ADC $D001
c007 6a ROR A
c008 8d 02 d0 STA $D002
c00b 00 BRK
c00c 00 BRK
c00d 00 BRK
c00e 00 BRK
c00f 00 BRK
c010 00 BRK
Example how to fill bytes in memory with f
Sets value A and B in memory locations (d000 and d001) that simple.prg uses
> f d000 12 30
Example how to set PC (Program Counter) with r pc
Sets PC at load address of simple.prg
> r pc c000
SP=00 PC=C000
Example how to execute g
Executes simple.prg, stops on BRK instruction. Note that PC has been changed to IRQ vector, which in this example is at 0000.
> g c000
BRK instruction at c00b triggered stop.
0000 00 BRK
Example how to show contents of bytes in memory with m
Inspects values A (d000), B (d001), and result (d002)
> m d000 d002
d000 12 30 21