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File metadata and controls

310 lines (245 loc) · 20.8 KB



The mirror node uses PostgreSQL to persist the data it receives from consensus nodes. Specifically, Hedera uses Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL for its managed mirror nodes, but operators are welcome to use any PostgreSQL compatible cloud or self-managed service. The exact hardware configuration will vary based upon the operator's intended use for the mirror node. Below is the hardware requirements that the Hedera managed mirror node uses. This is for a database with a full history and intended for use by many external clients. If operators store less data or only have a few internal clients then potentially some of these requirements can be relaxed.

  • PostgreSQL 16+
  • 10 vCPUs
  • 40 GiB memory
  • 1-55 TiB

Note that the disk size highly depends on how much historical data is needed and what transaction filters are configured. Below are the recommended settings for postgresql.conf:

checkpoint_timeout = 30min
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 30s
log_checkpoints = on
log_connections = on
log_disconnections = on
log_lock_waits = on
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
max_connections = 600
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 8
max_wal_size = 24GB
password_encryption = scram-sha-256
random_page_cost = 1.1
work_mem = 50MB


The table below documents the database indexes with the usage in APIs / services.

Table Indexed Columns Component Service Description
contract_result consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/contracts/results Used to query contract results with timestamp filter
contract_result contract_id, sender_id, consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/contracts/:idOrAddress/results?from=:from Used to query a specific contract's results with from filter
contract_result contract_id, consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/contracts/:idOrAddress/results Used to query a specific contract's results with optional timestamp filter
contract_result sender_id, consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/contracts/results?from=:from Used to query contract results with from address filter
entity id Java REST API /api/v1/topics/:id Used to query for topic details
nft account_id, spender, token_id, serial_number REST API /api/v1/accounts/:accountIdOrAlias/nfts Used to query nft allowance granted by the owner account, optionally filtered by spender, token ID and/or serial number
nft_allowance owner, spender, token_id Java REST API /api/v1/accounts/:idOrAliasOrAddress/allowances/nfts Used to query non-fungible token allowances for an account when query parameter owner=true
nft_allowance spender, owner, token_id Java REST API /api/v1/accounts/:idOrAliasOrAddress/allowances/nfts Used to query non-fungible token allowances for an account when query parameter owner=false
nft_transfer consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/transactions/:id Used to join nft_transfer and the tlist CTE on consensus_timestamp equality
token name REST API /api/v1/tokens?name=bar Used to query for token details by name substring match
token token_id REST API /api/v1/tokens? Used to query for token details by token id
nft_transfer token_id, serial_number, consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/tokens/:id/nfts/:serialNumber/transactions Used to query the transfer consensus timestamps of a NFT (token_id, serial_number) with optional timestamp filter
nft_transfer consensus_timestamp Rosetta API /account/balance Used to calculate an account's nft token balance including serial numbers at a block
nft_transfer consensus_timestamp Rosetta API /block Used to join nft_transfer and transaction on consensus_timestamp equality
nft_transfer consensus_timestamp Rosetta API /block/transaction Used to join nft_transfer and transaction on consensus_timestamp equality
transaction type, consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/transactions?type=:type&order=:order Used to retrieve transactions filtered by type and sorted by consensus_timestamp to facilitate faster by-type transaction requests
transaction consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/transactions?timestamp=:timestamp&order=:order Used to retrieve transactions filtered by consensus_timestamp and sorted by consensus_timestamp to facilitate faster by-timestamp transaction requests
transaction payer_account_id, consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/account/:id Used to retrieve transactions filtered by payer_account_id and sorted by consensus_timestamp to facilitate faster transactions by-account-id requests
transaction consensus_timestamp REST API /api/v1/account/:id?timestamp=:timestamp&order=:order Used to retrieve transactions filtered by consensus_timestamp and sorted by consensus_timestamp to facilitate faster by-timestamp transactions for account-by-id requests


Some Hedera environments get reset periodically and mirror nodes connected to those environments will need to be reset to remain functional.

  1. Stop the Importer process.

  2. Run cleanup.sql as the database owner to truncate the tables.

    psql -h ${DB_HOST} -d mirror_node -U mirror_node -f cleanup.sql
  3. Update the Importer configuration to set it to the new bucket name and adjust its start date appropriately. For testnet, the bucket name will be in the format hedera-testnet-streams-YYYY-MM where YYYY-MM will change depending upon the month in which it is reset. Since testnet will be reset quarterly with a new bucket, the importer start date can be set to 1970 to ensure no data is missed.

  4. Start the Importer process and ensure it prints the new bucket on startup and successfully starts syncing.

  5. Update the REST API to the new bucket name if state proofs are enabled.

  6. If any of the mirror node monitoring tools is used, ensure any hardcoded entity IDs in their configuration is updated with new entities created after the reset.

  7. Restart the remaining mirror node components to clear any cached information.


On public networks, mirror nodes can generate tens of gigabytes worth of data every day and this rate is only projected to increase. Mirror nodes support an optional data retention period that is disabled by default. When enabled, the retention job purges historical data beyond a configured time period. By reducing the overall amount of data in the database it will reduce operational costs and improve read/write performance. Only data associated with balance or transaction data is deleted. Cumulative entity information like accounts, contracts, etc. are not deleted.

To enable retention, set the hedera.mirror.importer.retention.enabled=true property on the importer. A job will run every hedera.mirror.importer.retention.frequency with a default of one day to prune older data. To control how far back to remove data set the hedera.mirror.importer.retention.period appropriately. Keep in mind this retention period is relative to the timestamp of the last transaction in the database and not to the current wall-clock time. Data is deleted atomically one or more blocks at a time starting from the earliest block and increasing, so data should be consistent even when querying the earliest data. There are also hedera.mirror.importer.retention.exclude/include properties that can be used to filter which tables are included or excluded from retention, defaulting to include all.

The first time the job is run it may take a long time to complete due to the potentially terabytes worth of data to purge. Subsequent runs should be much faster as it will only have to purge the data accumulated between the last run. The importer database user denoted by the hedera.mirror.importer.db.username property will need to be altered to have delete permission if it does not already have it.


Data needs to be migrated for PostgreSQL major release upgrade. This section documents the steps to dump the existing data, configure the new PostgreSQL instance, and restore the data.


  • Importer for the old PostgreSQL database instance is stopped
  • The new PostgreSQL database instance
  • An ubuntu virtual machine with fast network speed connections to both PostgreSQL database instances. The instance should also have enough free disk space for the database dump


To dump data from the old PostgreSQL database instance, run the following commands:

mkdir -p data_dump
pg_dump -h $OLD_POSTGRESQL_DB_IP -U mirror_node \
  --format=directory \
  --no-owner \
  --no-acl \
  -j 6 \
  -f data_dump \

The flag -j sets the number of parallel dumping jobs. The value should be at least the number of cpu cores of the PostgreSQL server and the recommended value is 1.5 times of that.

The time to dump the whole database usually depends on the size of the largest table.

New PostgreSQL Database Instance Configuration

Run or the equivalent SQL statements to create required database objects including the mirror_node database, the roles, the schema, and access privileges.

The following configuration needs to be applied to the database instance to improve the write speed.

checkpoint_timeout = 30min
maintenance_work_mem = 2GB
max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 4
max_wal_size = 512GB
temp_file_limit = 2147483647kB


  • Not all flags are available in managed database services. For example, max_parallel_maintenance_workers is not available in Google Cloud SQL.
  • Once the data is restored, revert the values back for normal operation.


Before restoring the data, take a database snapshot.

Use the following command to restore the data dump to the new PostgreSQL database instance:

pg_restore -h $NEW_POSTGRESQL_DB_IP -U mirror_node \
  --exit-on-error \
  --format=directory \
  --no-owner \
  --no-acl \
  -j 6 \
  -d mirror_node \

Note: -j works the same way as for pg_dump. The single transaction mode can't be used together with the parallel mode. As a result, if the command is interrupted, the database will have partial data, and it needs to be restored using the saved snapshot before retry.


Some tables may contain errata information to workaround known issues with the stream files. The state of the consensus nodes was never impacted, only the externalization of these changes to the stream files that the mirror node consumes. There were three instances of bugs in the node software that misrepresented the side-effects of certain user transactions in the balance and record streams. These issues should only appear in mainnet.

Account Balance File Skew

  • Period: 2019-09-13 to 2020-09-08
  • Scope: 6949 account balance files
  • Problem: Early account balances file did not respect the invariant that all transfers less than or equal to the timestamp of the file are reflected within that file.
  • Solution: Fixed in Hedera Services in Sept 2020. Fixed in Mirror Node v0.53.0 by adding a account_balance_file.time_offset field with a value of -1 that is used as an adjustment to the balance file's consensus timestamp for use when querying transfers.

Failed Transfers in Record

  • Period: 2019-09-14 to 2019-10-03
  • Scope: Affected the records of 1177 transactions.
  • Problem: When a crypto transfer failed due to an insufficient account balance, the attempted transfers were nonetheless listed in the record.
  • Solution: Fixed in Hedera Services v0.4.0 late 2019. Fixed in Mirror Node in v0.53.0 by adding an errata field to the crypto_transfer table and setting the spurious transfers' errata field to DELETE to indicate they should be omitted.

Record Missing for Insufficient Fee Funding

  • Period: 2019-09-14 to 2019-09-18
  • Scope: Affected the records of 31 transactions
  • Problem: When a transaction over-bid the balance of its payer account as a fee payment, its record was omitted from the stream. When a transaction’s payer account could not afford the network fee, its record was omitted.
  • Solution: Fixed in Hedera Services v0.4.0 late 2019. Fixed in Mirror Node in v0.53.0 by adding an errata field to crypto_transfer and transaction tables and inserting the missing rows with the errata field set to INSERT.

Record Missing for FAIL_INVALID NFT transfers

  • Period: 2022-07-31 to 2022-08-09
  • Scope: Affected the records of 70 transactions.
  • Problem: Any ledger that will grow to billions of entities must have an efficient way to remove expired entities. In the Hedera network, this means keeping a list of NFTs owned by an account, so that when an account expires, we can return its NFTs to their respective treasury accounts. Under certain conditions in the 0.27.5 release, a bug in the logic maintaining these lists could cause NFT transfers to fail, without refunding fees. This would manifest itself as a FAIL_INVALID transaction that does not get written to the record stream.
  • Solution: Fixed in Hedera Services v0.27.7 on August 9th 2022. Fixed in Mirror Node in v0.64.0 by a migration that adds the missing transactions and transfers.

Record Missing for FAIL_INVALID NFT transfers

  • Period: 2023-02-10 to 2023-02-14
  • Scope: Affected the records of 12 transactions.
  • Problem: Fixes a bug in bookkeeping for NFT TokenWipe and TokenBurn operations with redundant serial numbers. The bug makes an account appear to own fewer NFTs than it actually does. This can subsequently prevent an NFT owner from being changed as part of an atomic operation. When the atomic operation fails, an errata record is required for the missing transactions.
  • Solution: Fixed in Hedera Services v0.34.2 on February 17, 2023. Fixed in Mirror Node in v0.74.3 by a migration that adds the missing transactions.

Breaking Schema Changes Introduced in 0.96.0

In version 0.96.0, a new database schema was introduced to handle the processing of upsertable entities. This change doesn't require any manual steps for new operators that use one of our initialization scripts or helm charts to configure the database. However, existing operators upgrading to 0.96.0 or later are required to create the schema by configuring and executing the script here before the upgrade.


Database migration from V1 to V2

Citus is the database engine to use with the V2 schema. The following table is the recommended configuration for a production Citus cluster. Note the storage size is an estimation for all mainnet data since open access until April 2023.

Node Type Count vCPU Memory Disk Storage
Coordinator 2 8 24 GB 256 GB
Worker 3 10 34 GB 3 TB

Following are the prerequisites and steps for migrating V1 data to V2. As of mirror node v0.103.0, the migration script is expected to migrate full mainnet data in 10 days.

  1. Make sure bc and csvkit are installed on the machine where the migration script will be run. For Ubuntu, you can install them using the following command:
    sudo apt-get install -y bc csvkit
  2. Create a Citus cluster with enough resources (Disk, CPU and memory). For GKE, use n2-custom-10-32768 for coordinators, and n2-custom-12-40960 for workers.
  3. Ensure the source and target schemas are compatible by deploying the same version to both. Be sure to leave importer disabled for the target deployment.
  4. Get the correct version of flyway based on your OS and update it in the FLYWAY_URL field in the migration.config file. The default is set to the linux version.
  5. Stop the Importer process on the source.
  6. Create a clone of the source database to use as the source for the migration (you may skip this step if you wish to keep the importer down on the source for the length of the migration)
  7. If you created a clone in step 6, you may now restart the importer on the source.
  8. Populate correct values for the source and target configuration in the migration.config. The source should be the source from step 5.
  9. Run the script. Due to the time it will take to complete the migration, it is recommended to run the script in a way that doesn't require your terminal session to remain open (e.g. ./ > migration.log 2> migration-error.log & disown)
  10. Update the mirror node configuration to point to the new Citus DB and enable the importer. If you have modified the configuration of any checksums for repeatable migrations under hedera.mirror.importer.migration, you must make sure this configuration remains the same in the new cluster.
  11. If you did not create a clone in step 6, you may now restart the importer process on the source.

Citus Backup and Restore

Please refer to this document for the steps.

Bootstrap a DB from exported data

Please refer to this document for instructions.