Don't Bump Your Head(er) Go to the given site and inspect it. Get the user-agent from the HTML comments. Make a GET request: Using Postman, Thunder Client, or similar; setting HTTP Header User-Agent: <user-agent> Use the following curl command: curl -H "User-Agent: <user-agent>" <given site> Use the following curl command: curl --user-agent <user-agent> <given site> Note the referer from the above response and send another request with that in header: Using Postman, Thunder Client, or similar; setting HTTP Header User-Agent: <user-agent> Referer: <referer> Use the following curl command: curl -H "User-Agent: <user-agent>" -H "Referer: <referer>" <given site> Use the following curl command: curl --user-agent <user-agent> --referer <referer> <given site>