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Ubuntu 14.04
Install Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Written and tested against Haraka 2.6.0.
- download an Ubuntu Server ISO
- install as appropriate for your [virtual] machine.
- (I accepted all the defaults, assuming the Ubuntu packagers know better than I do what reasonable defaults are.)
- Software selection:
- OpenSSH server
apt-get update
Get rid of that awful nano default editor:
sudo update-alternatives --config editor
Mail servers need a fast and reliable DNS server. Unbound is all that and more.
apt-get install -y unbound
apt-get install -y nodejs npm redis-server
ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
npm install -g Haraka
haraka -i /etc/haraka
export HARAKA_CONF=/etc/haraka/config
sed -i.bak -e 's/;nodes=cpus/nodes=cpus/' $HARAKA_CONF/smtp.ini
This is not required, but if you don't switch to syslog, make sure to set up proper log rotation for haraka.log, before it consumes all your disk.
sed -i.bak -e 's/# log.syslog/log.syslog/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
sed -i.bak -e 's/always_ok=false/always_ok=true/' $HARAKA_CONF/log.syslog.ini
The upstart config expects Haraka to have the daemonize plugin enabled. If you choose not to enable daemonize, then be sure to edit haraka.conf and comment out the export fork
sed -i.bak -e 's/;daemonize=true/daemonize=true/' $HARAKA_CONF/smtp.ini
export HARAKA_INSTALL=/usr/local/lib/node_modules/Haraka
cp $HARAKA_INSTALL/contrib/ubuntu-upstart/haraka.conf /etc/init/
initctl start haraka
If you have a $igned TLS certificate, install it here instead. See also this note on CA certificates.
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 2190 -newkey rsa:2048 \
-keyout $HARAKA_CONF/tls_key.pem -out $HARAKA_CONF/tls_cert.pem
sed -i.bak -e 's/# tls/tls/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
ClamAV is a virus scanner. Haraka will use it via the clamd plugin.
apt-get install -y clamav-daemon
dpkg-reconfigure clamav-base
- Socket type: TCP
- System logger: Yes
service clamav-daemon start
perl -pi -e 's/^rcpt_to.in_host_list$/rcpt_to.in_host_list\n\clamd' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
SpamAssassin is a spam scanning engine. It's written in perl, needs lots of resources, but is still very helpful. It is called via the spamassassin plugin.
apt-get install -y spamassassin
sed -i.bak -e 's/ENABLED=0/ENABLED=1/' /etc/default/spamassassin
sed -i.bak -e 's/CRON=0/CRON=1/' /etc/default/spamassassin
update-rc.d spamassassin enable
service spamassassin start
perl -pi -e 's/^rcpt_to.in_host_list$/rcpt_to.in_host_list\n\nspamassassin' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
Enable FCrDNS, SPF, bounce, data.headers, URIBL, and karma plugins.
perl -pi -e 's/^access$/access\nconnect.geoip\nconnect.fcrdns/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
perl -pi -e 's/^mail_from.is_resolvable$/mail_from.is_resolvable\nspf/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
perl -pi -e 's/^rcpt_to.in_host_list$/rcpt_to.in_host_list\n\n# DATA\nbounce\ndata.headers\ndata.uribl\nclamd\nkarma/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
Ubuntu installs p0f 2 and the Haraka plugin only supports version 3. You'll have to manually install p0f v3 to use it.
apt-get install -y p0f libpcap-dev
mkdir ~/p0f && cd ~/p0f
curl -O http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/p0f3/releases/p0f-3.08b.tgz
tar -xzf p0f-3.08b.tgz
cd p0f-3.08b/
cp p0f /usr/sbin/p0f
cp p0f.fp /etc/p0f/p0f.fp
perl -pi -e 's/^access$/access\nconnect.p0f/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
Enable GeoIP location lookups for mail connections.
npm install -g maxmind-geolite-mirror
mkdir -p /usr/local/share/GeoIP
ln -s /usr/local/bin/maxmind-geolite-mirror /etc/cron.weekly/
perl -pi -e 's/^access$/access\nconnect.geoip/' $HARAKA_CONF/plugins
apt-get install -y git
npm install -g ws express bower grunt-cli
mkdir -p /etc/haraka/http/html
cd /etc/haraka/http
export GITHUB_HTTP="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msimerson/Haraka/http-server"
curl -o html/index.html $GITHUB_HTTP/http/html/index.html
curl -O $GITHUB_HTTP/http/package.json
curl -O $GITHUB_HTTP/http/bower.json
curl -O $GITHUB_HTTP/http/Gruntfile.js
npm install
curl -o /usr/local/lib/node_modules/Haraka/server.js $GITHUB_HTTP/server.js
curl -o $HARAKA_CONF/http.ini https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msimerson/Haraka/http-server/config/http.ini
sed -i.bak -e 's/; listen=/listen=/' $HARAKA_CONF/http.ini
mv html ../
Watch depends on the http-server being installed.
Haraka needs to know who is accepts mail for. There are a variety of plugins (flat file, qmail-deliverabled, LDAP) that check recipient users and/or hosts against data sources to determine if Haraka should accept mail for them. The default plugin is rcpt_to.in_host_list and matches on domain names.
echo 'my-domain-name.tld' > $HARAKA_CONF/host_list
Now Haraka will accept messages for [email protected].
Haraka does not include a mail store, which means you need to configure one. The default queue plugin is smtp_forward, which forwards the messages on to a mail store.
$EDITOR $HARAKA_CONF/smtp_forward.ini
From another host, send test messages:
swaks -server my.haraka.host -to [email protected] -from [email protected]
Install Guides
How To
- Upgrade Haraka
- Google Safe Browsing
- Require TLS
- Configure my Editor
- Contribute
- Roll a Release
- Test Email
- Write a Plugin
Future Plans / TODO
Additional Resources