#HAProxyHQ HAProxyHQ is the headquarter for all your HAProxy instances. It allows you to configure and manage different HAProxy instances, while keeping track of they're health status. The project consists of three different repositories:
- HAProxyHQ/Backend - This is the backend, which takes care of managing HAProxy instances and rolling out configs. Implemented in Java Spring.
- HAProxyHQ/Frontend - This is the frontend, which provides a simple user interface. Implemented in Angular 2.
- HAProxyHQ/Agent - This is the agent, which runs on every HAProxy instance and takes care of communication between the instance and the HAProxyHQ/Backend and applies settings, made by the user. Implemented in Python 2.7.
##HAProxyHQ/Backend/Introduction This is the HAProxyHQ/Backend. It takes care of managing all the HAProxyHQ/Agent instances by rolling out configs and monitoring their health, also it provides an REST API which is used by the HAProxyHQ/Frontend to retrieve the displayed information.
##HAProxyHQ/Backend/Requirements You'll need to have a Postgres Database, MongoDB and some kind of MQTT broker like Mosquitto running.
##HAProxyHQ/Backend/Setup Before you can get started, you'll need to add some information to the property files. The backend will initially create the database schema and insert some needed information to it.
Setup Postgres in:
Setup MongoDB in:
Setup MQTT in:
The HAProxyHQ/Backend sends out emails to new users, therefore you'll also need to setup mail in: