Quick notes for future reference
From AB6D - Brian
Yes, you can easily integrate with SOTAMAT’s mobile app by using a “Deep Link”. For example, this is the link that the SOTACAT hardware module for Elecraft radios uses: sotamat://api/v1?app=sotacat&appversion=2.1&returnpath=http%3A%2F%2Fsotacat.local%2F So you can follow that form and replace “sotacat” with “Ham2KLogger”, and replace the “returnpath” with the Deep-Link URL back into your application. There are other deep-link settings you can use but that API was designed for talking to a radio hardware module and not another application on the phone. SOTAMAT has built-in GPS and auto-selection of SOTA Peak and POTA Park based on GPS so no big need to pass it a Peak ID or Park ID. You might want to integrate your Logging app with the SOTACAT / MAX-3B REST API and not just SOTAMAT. Your logger can read the radio’s current VFO frequency and mode from the SOTACAT, and you can QSY the radio too. The documentation is on: https://sotamat.com/sotacat ß Overview https://github.com/SOTAmat/SOTAcat ß source code showing how to talk with both SOTAMAT and SOTACAT https://www.ki6syd.com/max-3b-qrp-radio ß Overview of Max Praglin’s radio that set the standard to which SOTACAT and SOTAMAT work with https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/KI6SYD_1/MAX-3B/1.0.2 ß Swagger REST API documentation. The SOTACAT implements a portion of these API’s. The page might be slow to load.
Locale settings https://github.com/zoontek/react-native-localize
https://github.com/react-native-masked-view/masked-view To add a gradient on the secondary exchange scroll area
https://github.com/ArturKalach/react-native-external-keyboard#readme For better external keyboard support